Mbak Angky,

Berita buruknya, biasanya dermatitis ini akan berlangsung sampai dewasa.
Berita baiknya, penangannya gampang saja, ganti shamponya dg yg mild (sprt
Sebamed) sehari sekali saja. Jika keluar rumah biasakan pakai topi supaya
tidak kena matahari langsung. Jangan digosok karena merahnya bakal tambah

Enggak usah pakai obat atau salep apapun, karena kondisi ini akan terus
berulang, tidak ada obat yg mampu mengatasinya secara total. Obat2an atau
salep itu hanya meringankan kondisinya sementara. Karena Danis masih kecil,
usahakan hindari salep dan obat2an dg steroid yg tidak perlu. Cukup dijaga
agar kulit kepalanya tidak kering.

Kalau merah2nya melebar dan membengkak, baru dikasih salep Hydrocortisone
0.5% untuk mengurangi bengkaknya (Hydrocortisone paling ringan diantara
semua salep corticosteroid). Hati2 jangan terlalu lama pemakaiannya.

Saya sendiri dari bayi sampai sekarang menderita Seborrheic Dermatitis.
Mengganggu banget dan sedihnya menurun ke anak saya berupa atopic dermatitis
(eczema). Treatment diatas enggak bisa instan kelihatan hasilnya ya Mbak.
Tapi buat anak kecil yg penting kita perhatikan safety nya dulu. Selama
pertumbuhan anak baik dan anak sehat2 aja, sedikit ketombean atau merah2
dikulit saya rasa bukan masalah besar.

Mengenai tumbuh gigi, anak saya pertama tumbuh gigi usia 10 bulan, sekarang
19 bulan giginya juga masih 7 ;-)

Soal duduk sendiri, keponakan saya (laki-laki) juga usia segitu belum bisa
merangkak dan duduk sendiri. Berjalannya juga lambat, usia 15 bulan baru
bisa jalan 1-2 langkah. Ototnya juga lembek, karena anaknya enggak terlalu
suka bergerak, lebih hobby menyanyi sambil tidur-tiduran ;-). Tapi setelah
usia 15 bulan itu, perkembangan motoriknya normal-normal saja. Enggak
terlalu lincah tapi cerewetnya luar biasa. Jadi jangan terlalu khawatir,
terus di stimulasi aja. Dirangsang supaya mau duduk sendiri.


====================== (American Academy of Dermatology)

      Seborrheic Dermatitis

      What is seborrheic dermatitis?
      Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin disorder that can be easily
treated. This condition is a red, scaly, itchy rash most commonly seen on
the scalp, sides of the nose, eyebrows, eyelids, skin behind the ears, and
middle of the chest. Other areas, such as the navel (belly button),
buttocks, skin folds under the arms, axillary regions, breasts, and groin,
may also be involved.

      Are dandruff, seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis the same?

      Dandruff appears as scaling on the scalp without redness. Seborrhea is
excessive oiliness of the skin, especially of the scalp and face, without
redness or scaling. Patients with seborrhea may later develop seborrheic
dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis has both redness and scaling.

      Who gets seborrheic dermatitis?

      This condition is most common in three age groups - infancy when it's
called "cradle cap," middle age, and the elderly. Cradle cap usually clears
without treatment by age 8 to 12 months. In some infants, seborrheic
dermatitis may develop only in the diaper area where it could be confused
with other forms of diaper rash. When seborrheic dermatitis develops at
other ages it can come and go. Seborrheic dermatitis may be seasonally
aggravated particularly in northern climates; it is common in people with
oily skin or hair, and may be seen with acne or psoriasis. A yeast-like
organism may be involved in causing seborrheic dermatitis.

      Is this condition associated with other diseases?

      Seborrheic dermatitis may occur in patients with diseases of the
nervous system, such as Parkinson's disease. Patients recovering from
stressful medical conditions, such as a heart attack, may also develop this
problem. People in hospitals or nursing homes and those with immune system
disorders appear to be more prone to this disorder as well.

      How long does this disease last?

      Seborrheic dermatitis may get better on its own, but with regular
treatments, the condition improves quickly.

      Can it be prevented or cured?

      There is no way to prevent or cure seborrheic dermatitis. However, it
can be controlled with treatment.

      Are laboratory tests useful in diagnosing this disease?

      For most patients, there is no need to perform blood, urine, or
allergy tests. In rare cases of chronic seborrheic dermatitis that do not
respond to treatment, a skin biopsy or other laboratory testing may be done
to eliminate the possibility of another disease.

      How is this condition treated?

      Gentle shampooing with a mild shampoo is helpful for infants with
cradle cap. Mild corticosteroid creams and lotions, or anti-fungal topicals
such as ciclopirox or ketoconazole, may also be applied to the affected
areas of skin. Adult patients may need to use a medicated shampoo and a
stronger corticosteroid preparation. Non-prescription shampoos containing
tar, zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, ketoconazole, and/or salicylic acid
may be recommended by a dermatologist, or a prescription shampoo, cream gel,
or foam may be given. As excessive use of stronger preparations can cause
side effects, patients should follow their dermatologist's advice.

----- Original Message -----
From: "angky astari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 9:17 PM
Subject: [balita-anda] kulit kepala bayi & enzim pencernaan

> dear parents,
> mau minta tolong dong untuk anakku, danis (9 bulan).
> tiba2 kulit kepalanya ketombean (putih bersisik) di
> satu tempat. trus sebelum mandi, aku gosokin perlahan
> baby oil.. hilang sih keraknya. tapi besok timbul lagi
> dan lebih lebar. sampe sekarang udah nyebar sampe
> setngah kepala. kasian banget. aku tau itu gatel
> sekali, karena aku juga kena ngalami sendiri bertahun2
> sampe sekarang. kata dokter sih seborrhea dermatitis.
> aku takut banget kalo itu turunan. karena, seperti
> kata dokter, belum ada obatnya. aku sekarang ini lebih
> parah lagi... udah merambat ke dahi. sempet diduga
> lupus.. karena memerah dan melebar. untung kayaknya
> ngga deh...
> tolong yaa kalo ada yang tau obatnya...
> oya, ada problem satu lagi nih. berat danis ngga
> kunjung naik. stuck di 7.5 kg dengan tinggi 76 cm
> (yang nambah tinggi terus). waktu lahir 2.7 kg dengan
> panjang 42 cm. aku bingung banget, karena kalo makan,
> bisa dibilang banyak. suster yan gbaru juga cukup
> telaten dan kreatif untuk bikin makanan. aku juga udah
> ngasih dia gerber dan bubur penambah berat tapi juga
> ga naik:( kata dokter, ada kemungkinan ada enzim yang
> rusak. makanya ototnya lembek.
> karena sampe sekarang anakku belum bisa duduk sendiri.
> harus dibantu, tapi setelah itu bisa sih duduk tegak.
> belum tumbuh gigi pula.
> tolong masukannya yaa...
> angky,
> mamanya daniswara rajendra

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