Bagian atas tulisannya bagus, tapi kok pas terakhirnya ada sedikit "anceman", 
bahwa kalo
ndak di forward ke 10 orang (kenapa harus angka 10..?) akan terjadi hal-2 bla 
bla bla ..
Mungkin lebih bagus, kalo bagian "anceman" dibawahnya dihapus aja sebelum di 
Gimana ..?

Enggar Retnoningsih <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

...I'm not messing with the Sex Fairy!


...This message has been sent to you for good luck in sex. ... Now sex has been 
sent to you. The "Hot  Sex Fairy" will visit you within four days of receiving 
message, provided you, in turn, send it on.
If you don't, then you will never receive good sex again for the rest 
of your life. You will eventually become celibate, and your genitals 
will rot and fall off. This is no joke! Send copies to people you
think need sex ...Do not keep this message. This message must leave your e-mail 
in 96
hours. Please send ten copies and see what happens in four days.
Since the copy must tour the world, you must send it. This is true,
even if you are not superstitious. ...

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