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Children And Depression

Clinical depression is one of the mental, emotional and
behavior disorders that can appear during childhood and
adolescence.  Depression in children can lead to school
failure, alcohol or other drug use, and even suicide.

Basic Facts about Clinical Depression and Children/

* As many as one in every 33 children may have depression.[1]

* Up to 2.5% of children and up to 8.3% of adolescents in
  the U.S. suffer from depression.[2]

* Once a young person has experienced an episode of major
  depression, he or she is at risk of experiencing another
  episode of depression within the next five years.

* Children under stress, who experience loss, or who have
  attention, learning or conduct disorders are at a higher
  risk for depression.[3]

* The rate of depression among adolescents is similar to
  that of depression in adults, and may be as high as one in

* Two-thirds of children with mental health problems do not
  get the help they need.

Symptoms of Depression in Children/Adolescents

Symptoms of child and adolescent depression vary in severity
and duration and may be different from those in adults.
Diagnosing depression in these age groups can be difficult
because early symptoms can be hard to detect or may be
attributed to other causes.  Child and adolescent
psychiatrists3 advise parents and other adults in a young
person's life to be aware of signs of depression, such as:

* Missed school or poor school performance
* Changes in eating and sleeping habits
* Withdrawal from friends and activities once enjoyed
* Persistent sadness and hopelessness
* Problems with authority
* Indecision, lack of concentration or forgetfulness
* Poor self-esteem or guilt
* Overreaction to criticism
* Frequent physical complaints, such as headaches and
* Anger and rage
* Lack of enthusiasm, low energy or motivation
* Drug and/or alcohol abuse
* Thoughts of death or suicide

Young people who are depressed and exhibit additional
symptoms, such as insomnia, panic attacks and delusions or
hallucinations, are at particular risk for suicide. Child
and adolescent psychiatrists recommend that if one or more
of these symptoms persist, professional evaluation should be

Possible Causes of Depression in Children/Adolescents

* The loss of love or attention, either by death or 
  prolonged absence, from someone on whom a child is 
  dependent for care and nurturing.

* Deprecation and rejection of the child by a caretaker.

* Genetic vulnerability

* An increased rate of depression is found in children of 
  parents with bipolar disorder or who have been 
  hospitalized for chronic physical illness.

* Hospitalization, especially for a chronic illness.

What Parents/Adults Can Do

If parents and adults in a young person's life suspect a 
problem with depression, they should:

* Be aware of the behaviors that concern them, note how long
  and how often the behaviors have been occurring, and how 
  severe they seem.

* See a child and adolescent psychiatrist or other mental 
  health professional or the child's doctor for evaluation 
  and diagnosis.

* Get accurate information about depression from libraries, 
  hotlines and other sources.

* Learn more about available treatments and resources from a
  doctor or mental health professional.

* Talk to other families in their community that may be able
  to offer advice and support.

* Identify and participate in family network organizations.

Information compiled from:

[1] Center for Mental Health Services, U.S. Department of 
    Health and Human Services, (1996).

[2] National Institute of Mental Health, "Depression 
    Research at the National Institute of Mental Health,
    "Updated April 13, 1999.

[3] American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: 
    "The Depressed Child." Facts for Families Fact Sheet 
    Series. Accessed Sept. 1999.

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