Choosing the Best Childcare
Parents' checklist
Jane Kemp

Before you make a final decision about the best childcare to
suit your and your child's needs, go through these lists and
answer all the questions to make sure you haven't forgotten 
anything important.

Your options

    * Have you looked at several local options to get a good
      idea of what's available?
    * Have you worked out exactly how much it will cost you 
      each week?

    * If you can't afford your preferred option, have you 
      found out what Government help may be available?

Your child's main carer

    * Is the carer trained and/or experienced?
    * Have you spoken in person to at least one (preferably 
      two) parents who've used the carer and heard good 
      things about her?

    * Does the carer respond to your child as an individual 
      and communicate well with you? Are you and your child 
      made to feel welcome?

    * Is she willing to help you continue your child's 
      routine with things such as sleep, food or any special

    * Is she willing to fit in with your ideas on discipline,
      toilet teaching, sweets and other issues?

    * Does she like children and enjoy caring for them?

Your child's environment

    * If outside your own home, is the place safe, clean and
      well equipped?

    * Will your child have contact with other children?

    * Is there a safe outside space where she can play?

    * Are there plenty of appropriate toys, and will your 
      child have lots of opportunities to play with them?

    * Is it an environment in which your child will feel 
      happy and confident whatever her ability, race, 
      culture, language or gender?

Your instincts

    * Do you like the person who'll have responsibility for 
      your child?

    * Do you find them easy to talk to and willing to 

    * Do you feel relieved to have found someone you can

Once you're satisfied on most, if not all, these points, 
you're in a great position to go ahead and book your child's
place with the carer of your choice.

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general information only. The information contained on this 
site should not be treated as a substitute for medical, 
legal or other professional advice. The BBC is not 
responsible or liable for the contents of any websites of 
third parties which are listed on this site.

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