Hi pak Fuan, Saya coba posting artikel tentang pertanyaan bapak dari website Mayo Clinic untuk tambahan info ya, pak.
Kalau dari pengalaman pribadi, setiap kali punya rencana untuk bawa bayi saya dengan pesawat, ada beberapa hal yang saya pertimbangkan dan lakukan: - Seberapa perlu untuk membawa bayi saya. Apa memang acaranya urgent atau lebih baik ditunda beberapa waktu atau bahkan bayi dan saya tidak perlu ikut/berangkat dengan pesawat. - Kondisi kesehatan bayi (juga saya). Saya terbiasa untuk pantau kesehatannya sejak sekitar 1 minggu sebelum berangkat. Baby yang sedang sakit bisa jadi semakin sakit selama perjalanan karena bercampur dengan banyak penumpang lain (yang mungkin juga sedang sakit) di ruang kabin tertutup ber-AC, apalagi kalau rute penerbangan yang panjang. Belum lagi dengan kemungkinan delay pesawat atau transit yang makan waktu lama. - Sebisa mungkin saya pilih pesawat berbadan lebar, juga bulk-head seat yang lebih punya ruang untuk kenyamanan bayi kita. - Waktu anak saya masih bayi, saya prefer penerbangan malam, umumnya sesuai dengan jam tidur bayi, paling tinggal siap sedia ASI jika ia kadang terbangun. Cheers, Sylvia Jovans mum with 26-week-bump ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.mayoclinic.com/invoke.cfm?objectid=1000F12D-92C5-4F7F-8C517677B1204E45 AIRPLANE TRAVEL WITH INFANTS: IS IT SAFE? Q: Is it safe to take a newborn on an airplane? No name / No state given A: There are both medical and safety issues to consider when taking an infant on an airplane. A doctor may advise against unnecessary air travel during the first two weeks of life when a newborn's body is still adjusting to life outside the uterus. Also, evidence of illness in newborns may be subtle. Many parents worry that air travel will hurt their child's ears. But the effects of flying on an infant's ears are the same as for an adult's ears. Changing cabin pressure causes temporary changes in middle ear pressure, which can result in pain. Sucking helps equalize the pressure in the ears. For this reason, feeding the infant during takeoff and landing may help. An infant with a recent ear infection may be very uncomfortable when flying. Check with your child's doctor before leaving if you have concerns. Your doctor may provide you with pain-relieving ear drops, in case your baby experiences ear pain. Some parents may worry that changing altitudes during air travel increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). But there's no evidence that this is true. When you travel on an airplane with a newborn, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you place the child in a rear-facing child safety seat that's properly installed and secured in the seat next to yours. Most child safety seats are certified for air travel. Check the label if you're not sure. According to the Federal Aviation Administration, child safety seats shouldn't exceed 16 inches wide for the best fit in aircraft seats especially in smaller commuter aircraft. If you can, choose a bulkhead seat and avoid being seated in emergency exit rows. ------------------------------------------------------- --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Mau bertanya, kira2 berapakah minimal usia bayi boleh naik pesawat terbang ? Kalau boleh disertakan juga artikel/sumbernya <deleted> __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com AYO GALANG SOLIDARITAS UNTUK MEMBANTU KORBAN MUSIBAH DI ACEH & DAN SUMATERA UTARA !!! ================ Kirim bunga, http://www.indokado.com Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com Stop berlangganan/unsubscribe dari milis ini, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]