Mbak, ini saya forwardkan dari milis SEHAT...

Saya juga masih dalam tahap belajar, jadi saya gak comment apa2...:)

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 3:44 PM
Subject: Fw: [sehat] Re-Send FAQs (frequently asked questions) about MMR
Vaccine & Autism

P'Harry dan para SPs yg baru bergabung,
ini saya repost soal tidak adanya kaitan antara MMR dan Autis.. semoga
menghapus keraguan para SPs.

-henny silviana-
bundanya alghifari & attar

----- Forwarded by Henny Silviana/DEV/PIN on 07/15/05 03:41 PM -----
             "Reyna Miranda"                                               
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             >                                                          To 
                                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             
             04/13/05 09:58 AM                                          cc 
             Please respond to         [sehat] Re-Send FAQs (frequently    
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]         asked questions) about MMR Vaccine  
                   .com                & Autism                            

mods dan dokterku..


ini artikel yang dimaksud.. sebetulnya banyakan kumpulan jawaban dari
member sehat.. dibawah ini sudah saya tambahkan artikel dalam bahasa
indonesia yang memperkuat statement dokter wati pada tgl 4 maret 2005, di
kiriman saya yang sebelumnya, memang belum saya sertakan. artikel itu dari
republika.. mungkin ada smart parents yang membutuhkan, kalau-kalau pusing
baca yang dalam bahasa inggris

mudah-mudahan bermanfaat..

much love,


----- Original Message -----
From: Reyna Miranda
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [berbadan-dua] FAQs (frequently asked questions) about MMR V
accine & Autism

dear mom...

apanya ya yang berhati-hati? :))
WHO itu bukannya internasional punya dan kiblat medis dunia? saya lebih
berpegang pada situs2 yang bisa di ambil kebenarannya daripada ambil dari
situs2 lain yang ngga genah.. :))

setau saya, saya kirim selalu menyertakan situs-situs yang berhubungan dan
memperkuat statement2 tersebut.. statement dari dokter wati hanya satu dari
banyak suara yang berkepentingan di indonesia yang menyerukan hal yang

kan mbak bisa liat sendiri di :

1. : coba liat disini :  Based on the
extensive review presented, GACVS concluded that no evidence exists of a
causal association between MMR vaccine and autism or autistic disorders.

kalo masih blom puas, mo ubek-ubek lagi silahkan klik disini :

2. (centers for disease control and prevention) : :  A follow-up
analysis of the data published in 2001 showed that there is no association
between autism rates in California and the proportions of young children in
this state who have received Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine. di CDC ini
ada situs Autis nya :  Current scientific evidence does not support the
hypothesis that measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, or any combination of
vaccines, causes the development of autism, including regressive forms of

kalo masih belum puas, mo ubek-ubek juga silahkan klik disini :

3. yang menganjurkan vaksinasi MMR.. IDAI itu singkatan dari
IKATAN DOKTER ANAK INDONESIA.. :)) jadi bukan dokter wati aja kan ya.. :)
soalnya pasti ada ribuan dokter anak di indonesia.. dan sebagian sayangnya
masih terjebak dalam issue autis dan MMR padahal sumber terpercaya
internasional yaitu WHO dan UNICEF sendiri telah memberikan statement bahwa
autis tidak berhubungan dengan MMR or HIB


jadi sebetulnya kalo mo kilah-kilah.. ato debat-debat.. ya silahkan aja
klaim/ sue WHO, CDC, UNICEF dan badan-badan kesehatan dunia lainnya

Beberapa kumpulan jawaban dari ortu yang anak2 mereka telah di imunisasi
MMR dan tentu saja.. pendapat dokter purnamawati :)) Mudah-mudahan dibaca
soale ini kan dalam bahasa indonesia.. jadi moms/ dads dan moms/ dads to
be.. bisa pertimbangkan lagi.. hmmm... mbak nensi minta satu pendapat
dokter selain dokter wati di indo yang dipublish? coba baca kiriman nya ibu
ade dibawah ini ya.. ada pendapat dari dokter erawan

Hanya mau nambahin and memperkuat komentarnya mbak Efi aja nih... Memang
benar,gak perlu khawatir deh untuk kasih imunisasi ke anak.  Kayaknya cuma
di Indo aja deh banyak sekali orangtua yang "paranoid"  buat kasih anaknya
imunisasi, apalagi dengan cerita2 serem vaksinasi  bisa bikin autis,etc..
sedihnya lagi autis malah dijadikan "lahan  usaha" cari duit, cepat sekali
memvonis anak mengidap autis. Kalau memang benar, wah anak2 di negara maju
bisa dibilang hampir semuanya menderita autis dong karena vaksinasi adalah
wajib (dan  biaya 100% ditanggung oleh pemerintah)kalau imunisasi gak
lengkap yah  gak bisa sekolah or ditipin di TPA. Imunisasi salah satu wujud
kita sayang sama anak... mending terlambat  daripada tidak sama sekali.

Semoga kekhawatiran memberikan imunisasi ke anak segera sirna and  yakin
dengan imunisasi kita telah memberikan yang terbaik buat buah  hati kita.



--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Efi_Andra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Postingan udah pernah dibahas bahkan berulang kali, mba bisa lihat di
posting beberapa bulan kebelakang. Hanya ingin mengutip pernyataan Dr. Wati
(walau ga sama persis ya   dok!) bahwa dunia medis ga menciptakan vaksin
yang risknya lebih  besar daripada benefitnya.

 Lebih baik kita terlambat daripada tidak sama sekali. Alhamdulillah
hingga hari ini anak saya sehat2 saja baik dari segi pertumbuhan  maupun
perkembangannya walaupun telah mendapatkan semua vaksin  termasuk Hib
sebanyak 3x, hep B 3x, mmr dan tgl 11 nanti mau booster.  Ga usah ragu mba.
Yakin saja bahwa Tuhan ga mungkin menciptakan  vaksin melalui tangan
manusia yaitu para ahlinya yang bisa  menyengsarakan umatnya.

Semoga membantu & berkenan
Efi_Andra's mom

Mba shereen - 1 Maret 2005

Dear Bapaknya Lula, Pak gak usah khawatir... informasi yang dokternya kasih
tuh ngaco besarrrrrrrrrrrrr.... lah yang katanya untuk pertumbuhan
otak aja itu udah salah loh.... (hehehe.. jangan2 ijazah beli nehh) MMR itu
immunisasi untuk penyakit mumps, measles and rubella... Imunisasi MMR sudah
menyelamatkan jutaan anak di dunia.. Kalau untuk kecerdasan otak mah cukup
dengan stimulasi dan asupan gizi yang seimbang gak perlu pake immunisasi...
(cmmiiw yaaaaaaaaaaaaa dok, sps) Sekadar sharing pak, kebetulan saya
tinggal di Aust, di sini  and dinegara maju lainnya, MMR adalah salah satu
wajib, dimana kalau anak gak lengkap imunisasinya anak gak bisa dititipkan
di childcare or masuk sekolah. Kalau memang imunisasi MMR dapat menimbulkan
autis wahhh kalau gitu hampir semua anak disini dan dinegara yang
mewajibkan imunisasi MMR kena autis semua donggg....

Untuk menentukan seorang anak terkena autis atau tidak juga gak gampang
processnya... tidak hanya anak terlambat bicara langsung di cap autis...
tragis sekaliii...... COba deh bapak buka files di milis sehat mengenai
imunisasi.. kalau gak bisa kabari saya nanti saya japri.

Semoga bisa membantu


Dr Wati Br 27 D (10 Okt 2004)

Sudah sering lho dibahas; coba deh buka pasyin gan terdahulu Wah kalau
brenar imunisasi bikin autis, kalian bisa "sue" WHO, Unicef, DepKes, Satgas
imunisasi, pabrik vaksin, dokternya. kalau benar bikin autis, pasti sudah
dilarang sama seperti dulu thalidomide dilarang dipasarkan setelah timbul
efek samping

kalau benar bikin autis, bera[a ratus juta anak di seluruh dunia yg setiap
tahunnya jadi autis? TK, SD, Playgroup di jakarta penuh anak autis dong.

Nah, itu misconception yg amat sangat keliru yg sedihnya.... justru
dimanfaatkan ooleh pihak2 tertentu buat "melakukan" suplemen, latihan
bicara lah , sekolah khusus lah dll dll
So, be smart, vaccination is an act of love
Itu kata ketua AAP

Ok sudah dulu ya, agak lelah
Dr Wati BR 19A (16 Agustus 2004)

Terimakasih atas asupan2 tentang ensefalitis. Ada yang tanya gejalanya apa,
sebetulnya awalnya tdk ada gejala yg khas, tetapi selanjutnya terjadi
penurunan kesadaran, ubun2 besar membonjol dan kejang2 (kejangnya berulang
dan lama, dan setelah kejang tidak sadar). Bisanya lalu dikerjakan
pengambilan cairan otak untuk menentukan diagnosisnya

Penyebabnya banyak; salah satunya memang virus campak; nah inilah sebabnya
mengapa seluruh dunia dan badan kesehatan dunia sangat concern perihal
imunisasi campak dan MMR Penyebab lainnya adalah virus herpes simplex
seprti yg sudah dibahas para SP. Semoga membantu ya Tapi kalau kurang
jelas, browse aja encephalitis

kalau HiB atau kuman Hemophylus Influenza B itu kuman - ia menyebabkan
infeksi di saluran napas atas termasuk pita suara dan sekitarnya, salah
satu komplikasinya ya meningitis Badan kesehatan internasional
merekomendasikan imunisasi HiB pada bayi mulai usia 2 bulan (bareng dengan
DPT) jadi kasihnya 3 kali yaitu 2, 4, 6 bulan. Malaysia sudah jadi
imunisasi wajib dan di cover pemerintah. Indonesia belum, jadi kalian minta
sama DSAnya

Dr Wati BR 42 B (1 maret 2005)

6. MMR DAN AUTIS - JAMET - 280205
Thanks buat SP yang sudah menanggapi (Mariska ya?)
Baca deh Horizon perihal misconception ... Saya cuma mau mengomentari
statementmu: imuniasi MMR (katanya untuk pertumbuhan kecerdasan otak)
Imunisasi MMR (M=Measles; M=Mumps; R=Rubella) bukan untuk kecerdasan otak
... dan kamu bisa browse ketiga penyakit ini dan bahanya bagi anak yang
trerkena penyakit ini (bisa juga kamu cari postingan terdahulu) Saat ini
... akibat misconception perihal ini ... cakupan imunisasi MMR menurun
campak pun meningkat dan angka kematian akibat campak pun meningkat Anak
ertamu ... alhamdullillaah sudah di MMR ... sehingga dia terselamat dari
ptensi terkena penyakit yang fatal...

Dr Wati BR 42D (4 maret 2005)

tolong baca
Ada 2 statement penting.

1. Profesor Michel Rutter - Institute of Psychiatry
"Sebetulnya temuan kami secara jelas telah mengungkap tidak ada kaitan
antara autisme dan vaksinasi MMR.

2. Yokohama Rehabilitation Center & Institute of Psychiatry
Sebelum isu autis ... vaksinasi MMR tahun 1988 69.8%. Tahun 1990 merosot
menjadi 33.6%; tahun 1992 1.8%.
Peneliti dari institusi ini meneliti sekitar 31 ribu anak berusia 7 tahun
meskipun/SETELAH VAKSIN MMR DIHENTIKAN. Dari 10 ribu anak yang lahir tahun
1988, ditemukan 48 anak autis Angka ini
terus meningkat menjadi 117.2 per 10 ribu anak yang lahir tahun 1996.


ini artikelnya :

Vaksinasi MMR tidak Menyebabkan Autisme

LONDON -- Vaksinasi MMR (measles, mumps, dan rubella) untuk penyakit
campak, gondongan, dan rubella tidak terbukti menyebabkan autisme. Temuan
Institute of Psychiatry ini sejalan dengan fakta tetap meningkatnya jumlah
penderita autisme meski vaksinasi campak, gondong, dan rubella itu tidak
lagi diberikan.

Meski didukung dengan bukti yang kuat, temuan terbaru ini tidak serta merta
dipercayai para pengkampanye autisme. Mereka ingin melihat lebih banyak
bukti sebelum meyakini keamanan suntikan MMR. ''Sebetulnya, temuan kami
secara jelas telah mengungkap tidak adanya kaitan antara autisme dengan
vaksinasi MMR,'' jelas Profesor Michael Rutter dari Institute of Psychiatry
kepada BBC.

Kekhawatiran akan adanya hubungan antara autisme dengan vaksinasi MMR
mencuat di tahun 1998. Itu terjadi setelah hasil penelitian Dr Andrew
Wakefield diterbitkan di Lancet. Wakefield menyimpulkan MMR dapat memicu
terjadinya autisme. Kendati demikian, sejauh ini belum ada satu pun
penelitian yang pernah membuktikan keterkaitan tersebut. Umumnya, para
pakar yakin vaksin MMR aman. Keyakinan itu rupanya tidak membuat warga
Inggris merasa lebih aman. Hingga kini, masih banyak yang menolak untuk
divaksinasi MMR.

Sementara itu, untuk membuktikan tidak adanya hubungan antara vaksin MMR
dan autisme, Rutter dan rekan memantau tingkat autisme pascapenarikan
vaksin MMR. Jepang menarik pasokan vaksin MMR setelah mempertimbangkan
kemungkinan turunan vaksin gondong yang terkandung dalam vaksin MMR terkait
dengan kasus meningitis. Jepang pun akhirnya memilih memberikan vaksin
terpisah bagi warganya.

Sejak pasokannya ditarik, pemberian vaksin MMR turun drastis. Program
vaksinasi yang ditujukan untuk anak berusia satu tahun itu di tahun 1988
diikuti oleh 69,8 persen anak. Persentasenya merosot menjadi 33,6 persen di
tahun 1990. Dua tahun kemudian, 1992, anak yang menerima vaksinasi MMR
hanya 1,8 persen. Peneliti dari Yokohama Rehabilitation Center dan
Institute of Psychiatry kemudian mempelajari spektrum autisme pada 31.426
anak yang usianya maksimal tujuh tahun dengan tahun kelahiran 1988 hingga

Penelitian yang dipublikasikan pula di Journal of Child Psychology and
Psychiatry ini membuktikan jumlah kasus autisme terus meningkat setelah
program vaksinasi MMR dihentikan. Dari 10 ribu anak yang lahir tahun 1988
ada 48 kasus autisme yang ditemukan. Angka itu tetap meningkat menjadi
117,2 per 10 ribu anak yang lahir tahun 1996.

Menurut Rutter, kalau vaksin MMR benar-benar menyebabkan autisme,
semestinya jumlah penderita autisme akan merosot begitu vaksinnya ditarik.
Karena tidak terbukti menyebabkan autisme, vaksin MMR patut dikatakan aman.
''Namun, kami tidak meneliti kemungkinan yang bisa saja dialami oleh
sekelompok kecil anak yang rentan terhadap vaksin MMR,'' kata Rutter.

Profesor Jean Golding dari Department of Clinical Medicine, University of
Bristol, mengatakan temuan Rutter sejalan dengan temuan lain yang lebih
dulu dirampungkan. Dia pernah melakukan penelitian yang mencoba mengungkap
penyebab autisme. Golding pun sepakat vaksin MMR tidak memicu autisme.

Menanggapi luasnya kalangan yang menerima hasil penelitian Rutter, Jackie
Fletcher selaku pengkampanye autisme menyarankan agar pemerintah Inggris
melakukan uji klinis terhadap vaksin MMR. Pasalnya, sekitar 1.700 anak
Inggris diyakini telah menderita akibat dampak negatif suntik MMR. ''Kami
ingin mencegah anak-anak merasakan efek negatif vaksinasi MMR,'' ujarnya.


Thanks buat yg sudahmembantu
Rika ... kamu juga bisa buka horizon ... lupa nomor berapa ... disitu ada
misconception perihal imunisasi Tolong diingat ... imnisasi sedikitnya
telah menyelamatkan 3 juta kematian per tahun ...  Sesungguhnyalah ..
vaccine is a miracle in medicine ...  Proses penemuan dan pembuatan dan
launching suatu vaksin merupakan proses yang panjaaaang, hard labor,
mahalll ... dan mengapa semua pihak mesti bersusah payah seperti itu kalau
memang imunisasi merugikan? Padahal ... implementasi program imunisasi itu
merupakan kerjasama dankeputusan bersama dari banyak pihak seperti:
1. Organisasi internasional (WHO, Unicef)
2. Organisasi kemanusiaan (GAVI, PATH, dll)
3. Kebijakan nasional masing2 negara
4. Para peneliti dan institusi besarnya
5. Para pembuat vaksin

Yang ditakutkan kalau KITA MEMUSUHI VAKSIN ... maraknya kembali penyakit
infeksi yg semula sudah bisa "DIJINAKKAN"  Mau kemana kita bersembunyi dan
menyelamatkan anak cucu kita?


MMR dan imunisasi lainnya penyebab autis ?????
ini cuplikan jawaban spesialis anak (purnamawati) yg sekarang mengisi di
rubrik konsultasi cyberwoman ya..

bosan juga nih maaaf maaaf
kalau ada efek samping sedahsyat itu, berapa ratus juta anak sdh autis?
lalu Unicef, WHO, IDAI (dan satgas imunisasi) MESTI DITUNTUT DONG - kok
gak ada yg berani nuntut?

Seluruh dunia sangat khawatir dengen meningkatnya wabah penyakit menuluar
yg menyebabkan meningkatnya angka kematian bayi dan anak
Imunisasi merupakan upaya yg sangat cost-effective, aman, murah, mudah, dan

gak pernah lihat anak tuli akibat mumps/gondongan?
Gak pernah lihat anak CP - vegetatif (hidup - tetapi seperti tanaman)
akibat otaknya rusak - setelah terkena campak?
Gak pernah lihat bayi baru lahir cacat (katarak, kelainan jantung, otaknya
rusak dan kecil) akibat ibunya kena rubella?
dll dll dll

Biaya pembuatan vaksin itu sangat besar. Hard labor., makan waktu
bertahun-tahun sebelum suatu vaksin di nyatakan aman (bukan sekedar
bagi konsumennya Nah mengapa harus bersusah payah seperti itu? Berarti,
dampak kemanuasiaannya sangat besar.

Please be smart, for the sake of your children

Pilihan terletak di tangan anda semua
Pergunakanlah nalar - please please - for the sake of your children


liat juga pendapat dr erawan

Ibu Hanifa yang baik,
Ada beberapa pandangan saya mengenai hal ini :
1. Bahwa autisme sudah ada sejak jaman dulu sebelum ditemukannya vaksin MMR
hanya saja alat/sarana untuk mendiagnosanya tidak secanggih sekarang
sehingga dulu kadangkala dianggap anak dengan kelainan mental, dll.
2. Kandungan yang ada dalam vaksin yang selama ini dipermasalahkan adalah
turunan merkuri (thimerosal) tetapi perlu ibu ketahui bahwa keracunan
merkuri gejalanya sangat berbeda dengan autisme, ibu tentu masih ingat
kasus minamata atau yang masih hangat kasus teluk buyat, mereka yang
dampak kasus tersebut tidak ada satupun dengan gejala autisme. Dari situ
mungkin bisa kita ambil kesimpulan tidak adanya hubungan antara merkuri
dengan autisme. Dan perlu ibu ketahui juga untuk vaksin MMR adalah
free-thimerosal. Dan thimerosal-pun bukan turunan merkuri yang berbahaya
(etil merkuri).
3. Hal paling penting yang perlu diperhatikan adalah sangat berbahaya jika
kita sampai tidak memberikan vaksin kepada anak kita hanya karena isu-isu
tidak jelas tersebut. Bagaimana dengan nasib anak-anak kita yang tidak
terimunisasi? Akan lebih fatal akibatnya, sebagai contoh penyakit
hepatitis-B dimana angka kejadian baru tiap tahunnya di Indonesia adalah 1
: 10 orang artinya setiap 1 orang dapat terinfeksi penyakit hepatitis-B
diantara 10 orang di Indonesia. Apakah kita akan membiarkan hal tersebut
terjadi pada anak kita? sedangkan kita sebetulnya bisa mencegahnya. Setuju
tidak moms and dads ??



Dear Friends,

Setelah dapat email dari mba shanti, saya jadi mau sharing pengalaman saya
sendiri ttg. vaksin...dulu saya juga termasuk parents yang takut memberi
vaksin, terutama mmr ke anak pertama saya, yah kurang lebih karena saya
juga banyak dapet email serupa seperti yang dikirim mba shanti, saking
paranoidnya, saya sempat tunda vaksin mmr. But itu dulu sebelum saya tahu
ttg. kesehatan, terutama seputar kesehatan anak...setelah banyak baca
artikel2 dari web site yang terpercaya, akhirnya membuka mata saya bahwa
semua email2 yang dulu saya terima itu salah...sangat salah dan
menyesatkan saya dan parents2 lainnya diseluruh dunia

Pertama saya ingin menjelaskan ttg. thimerosal, zat merkuri yg terdapat
didalam vaksin yg berguna sebagai bahan pengawet...berbeda dengan merkuri
yang mencemarkan teluk jakarta, ethil merkuri adalah merkuri pasif yg.
berarti non toksik, tidak berbahaya. Dari seorang dokter anak saya pernah
mendengar bahwa proses penciptaan vaksin itu sangat mahal dan memakan
waktu research yang tidak sebentar. Setiap vaksin itu harus teruji aman
dan efektif, hal itu sudah merupakan prasyarat utama. Jadi secara logika
aja, ngga mungkin thimerosal itu digunakan kalau membahayakan pengguna.
Saya pikir malah ikan yang kita makan dari teluk jakarta lebih berbahaya,
merkurinya bo...bacakan kompas?!

Kedua, kenapa anak jadi autis tidak lama setelah vaksin MMR?! Pada umumnya
orang tua baru melihat gejala autis pada anaknya ketika berumur diatas 1
tahun, dimana gejalanya adalah si anak mengalami speech delay/terlambat
berbicara. Dan MMR adalah vaksin pertama yang diberikan ketika si anak
berumur 12-15 bulan. Jadi tidak heran apabila dalam beberapa kasus ada
anak terdeteksi autis tidak lama setelah diberikan vaksin MMR. Tapi ini
bukanlah hubungan cause-effect tapi hanyalah kebetulan belaka. Kalau hal
ini hubungan cause-effect, secara logika pasti puluhan jutaan anak didunia
terkena autis, kalau memang demikian pasha seharusnya kena autis dong
skrg. Tapi yang terjadi sekarang kasus anak terkena autis sangat2 sedikit
bila dibandingkan dengan jumlah anak penerima vaksin MMR atau vaksin2

Saya pernah baca artikel yang berjudul "Evidence does not support
Thimerosal-Autism link", dimana bukti2nya diambil dari laporan demografi
di denmark dari tahun 1971-2000. Sebelum tahun 1992, vaksin di denmark
masih menggunakan thimerosal sebagai pengawet dan data menunjukkan jumlah
kasus autis di denmark stabil. Namun mulai tahun 1990 kasus autis mulai
menanjak dan mencapai puncaknya pada tahun 1999, yaitu beberapa tahun
setelah penggunaan vaksin tanpa thimerosal di denmark. Berdasarkan data2
tsb. berarti tidak ada hubungan antara penggunaan thimerosal dengan autis.

Ketiga, bahaya yang anak anda hadapkan dengan tidak/menunda pemberian
vaksin bisa sangat fatal!! Tahukah anda akibat yang bisa disebabkan oleh
virus MMR (measle, mumps & rubella)??!! virus measle dan rubella bisa
menimubulkan radang otak atau viral encephalitis, dan bila terinfeksi bisa
menyebabkan kerusakan pada otak atau bahkan kematian. beberapa kali saya
terima email yg menceritakan anaknya atau anak temannya terkena radang
otak ini, dan hal ini bukan tidak mungkin timbul krn. si anak tidak
diberikan vaksin mmr...jadi jangan karena bahaya yg. tidak terbukti
(mmr-autis), anak kita malah dihadapkan ke bahaya yang nyata2 dapat
terjadi (bila tidak vaksin)

Vaksin adalah tindakan yang sangat efektif karena itu merupakan tindakan
preventive...mencegah sebelum terjadi jauh lebih baik daripada mengobati.
Memang vaksin tidak memberikan proteksi 100%, tapi setidaknya bila si anak
terkena penyakit yg sudah dpt. vaksinnya...kerugian yang ditimbulkan akan
sangat berkurang. Ingat, Vaksin diciptakan untuk penyakit2 yang sering
timbul dan gampang menular.  Last but not least, vaccine is an act of love
to your child (words taken  from dr. purnamawati)

Gendi Jatikusumah (father of pasha & sasi)


FAQs (frequently asked questions) about MMR Vaccine & Autism (Measles,
Mumps, and Rubella)

 At a glance: The weight of currently available scientific evidence does
not support the hypothesis that MMR vaccine causes autism. CDC recognizes
there is considerable public interest in this issue, and therefore supports
additional research regarding this hypothesis. CDC is committed to
maintaining the safest, most effective vaccine supply in history.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is autism?

Autism is a term that refers to a collection of neurologically-based
developmental disorders in which individuals have impairments in social
interaction and communication skills, along with a tendency to have
repetitive behaviors or interests. The severity of autism varies greatly,
from individuals with little speech and poor daily living skills, to others
who function well in most settings. Autism is typically diagnosed during
the toddler or preschool years, although some children are diagnosed at
older ages. It has been reported that approximately 20 percent of children
with autism experience a "regression;" that is, they have apparently normal
development followed by a loss of communication and social skills. Boys are
three-to-four times more likely to have autism than girls. Autism occurs in
all racial, ethnic, and social groups. A variety of factors could be
associated with some forms of autism, including infectious, metabolic,
genetic, neurological, and environmental factors. Genetic factors and brain
abnormalities at birth are considered to be some of the most recognized
causes of autism. For more information, see CDC's autism site

Does the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine cause autism?

Current scientific evidence does not support the hypothesis that
measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, or any combination of vaccines, causes
the development of autism, including regressive forms of autism. The
question about a possible link between MMR vaccine and autism has been
extensively reviewed by independent groups of experts in the U.S. including
the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine. These reviews have
concluded that the available epidemiologic evidence does not support a
causal link between MMR vaccine and autism.

What have studies found regarding MMR vaccine and autism?

Epidemiologic studies have shown no relationship between MMR vaccination in
children and development of autism:

In 1997, the National Childhood Encephalopathy Study (NCES) was examined to
see if there was any link between measles vaccine and neurological events.
The researchers found no indication that measles vaccine contributes to the
development of long-term neurological damage, including educational and
behavioral deficits (Miller et al., 1997).

A study by Gillberg and Heijbel (1998) examined the prevalence of autism in
children born in Sweden from 1975-1984. There was no difference in the
prevalence of autism among children born before the introduction of the MMR
vaccine in Sweden and those born after the vaccine was introduced.

In 1999, the British Committee on Safety of Medicines convened a "Working
Party on MMR Vaccine" to conduct a systematic review of reports of autism,
gastrointestinal disease, and similar disorders after receipt of MMR or
measles/rubella vaccine. It was concluded that the available information
did not support the posited associations between MMR and autism and other

Taylor and colleagues (1999) studied 498 children with autism in the UK and
found the age at which they were diagnosed was the same regardless of
whether they received the MMR vaccine before or after 18 months of age or
whether they were never vaccinated. Importantly, the first signs or
diagnoses of autism were not more likely to occur within time periods
following MMR vaccination than during other time periods. Also, there was
no sudden increase in cases of autism after the introduction of MMR vaccine
in the UK. Such a jump would have been expected if MMR vaccine was causing
a substantial increase in autism.

Kaye and colleagues (2001) assessed the relationship between the risk of
autism among children in the UK and MMR vaccine. Among a subgroup of boys
aged 2-5 years, the risk of autism increased almost 4 fold from 1988 to
1993, while MMR vaccination coverage remained constant at approximately 95%
over these same years.

Researchers in the U.S. found that among children born between 1980 and
1994 and enrolled in California kindergartens, there was a 373% relative
increase in autism cases, though the relative increase in MMR vaccine
coverage by the age of 24 months was only 14% (Dales et al., 2001). For
more on this study, see California Data on Theory of Autism and MMR

Researchers in the UK (Frombonne & Chakrabarti, 2001) conducted a study to
test the idea that a new form, or "new variant," of Inflammatory Bowel
Disease (IBD) exists. This new variant IBD has been described as a
combination of developmental regression and gastrointestinal symptoms
occurring shortly after MMR immunization. Information on 96 children (95
immunized with MMR) who were born between 1992 and 1995 and were diagnosed
with pervasive developmental disorder were compared with data from 2 groups
of autistic patients (one group of 98 born before MMR was ever used and one
group of 68 who were likely to have received MMR vaccine). No evidence was
found to support a new syndrome of MMR-induced IBD/autism. For instance,
the researchers found that there were no differences between vaccinated and
unvaccinated groups with regard to when their parents first became
concerned about their child's development. Similarly, the rate of
developmental regression reported in the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups
was not different; therefore, there was no suggestion that developmental
regression had increased in frequency since MMR was introduced. Of the 96
children in the first group, no inflammatory bowel disorder was reported.
Furthermore, there was no association found between developmental
regression and gastrointestinal symptoms.

Another group of researchers in the UK (Taylor et al., 2002) also examined
whether MMR vaccination is associated with bowel problems and developmental
regression in children with autism, looking for evidence of a "new variant"
form of IBD/autism. The study included 278 cases of children with autism
and 195 with atypical autism (cases with many of the features of childhood
autism but not quite meeting the required criteria for that diagnosis, or
with atypical features such as onset of symptoms after the age of 3 years).
The cases included in this study were born between 1979 and 1998. The
proportion of children with developmental regression or bowel symptoms did
not change significantly from 1979 to 1988, a period which included the
introduction of MMR vaccination in the UK in 1988. No significant
difference was found in rates of bowel problems or regression in children
who received the MMR vaccine before their parents became concerned about
their development, compared with those who received it only after such
concern and those who had not received the MMR vaccine. The findings
provide no support for an MMR associated "new variant" form of autism and
further evidence against involvement of MMR vaccine in autism.

Madsen et al. (2002) conducted a study of all children born in Denmark from
January 1991 through December 1998. There were a total of 537,303 children
in the study; 440,655 of the children were vaccinated with MMR and 96,648
were not. The researchers did not find a higher risk of autism in the
vaccinated than in the unvaccinated group of children. Furthermore, there
was no association between the age at time of vaccination, the amount of
time that had passed since vaccination, or the date of vaccination and the
development of any autistic disorder. Though there were many more
vaccinated than unvaccinated children in the study group, the sample was
large enough to contain more statistical power than other MMR and autism
studies. Therefore, this study provides strong evidence against the
hypothesis that MMR vaccination causes autism.

DeStefano et al. (2004) conducted a study to see if there was a difference
in the age at which children with autism and without autism received their
first MMR vaccination. The study's findings showed that children with
autism received their first MMR vaccination at similar ages as children
without autism. More information about this study can be found on the CDC's
research on vaccines and autism web page.

Are there studies that suggest there might be a connection between autism
and MMR vaccine?

The existing studies that suggest a causal relationship between MMR vaccine
and autism have generated media attention. However, these studies have
significant weaknesses and are far outweighed by the epidemiologic studies
described above that have consistently failed to show a causal relationship
between MMR vaccine and autism.

The MMR-autism theory is based on the idea that intestinal problems, like
Crohn's disease, are the result of viral infection and can contribute to
the development of autism. The theory has its origins in research by
Wakefield and colleagues (1989; 1990) which suggested that inflammatory
bowel disease (IBD) is linked to persistent viral infection.

In 1993, Wakefield and colleagues reported isolating measles virus in the
intestinal tissue of persons with IBD. However, the validity of this
finding was later called into question when it could not be reproduced by
other researchers (Afzal, 1998; Iizuka et al., 2000).

Thompson and colleagues (1995) suggested in a retrospective cohort study
that MMR vaccine might be a risk factor for Crohn's disease. However, the
selection and recall biases and the differences in data collection in this
study were so substantial as to cast doubt on the validity of the findings.

Two studies out of Sweden linked measles infection in utero to the
development of IBD (Ekbom et al., 1994; Ekbom et al., 1996). However, these
studies involved a very small number of cases and when researchers
identified the persons to be included in the 1996 study, they had prior
knowledge that cases of Crohn's disease had occurred in the offspring of
two women who were infected with measles during pregnancy. This is called
"selection bias" and limits the strength of the study.

The MMR-autism theory came to the forefront when, in 1998, Wakefield and
colleagues reviewed reports of children with bowel disease and regressive
developmental disorders, mostly autism. The researchers suggested that MMR
vaccination led to intestinal abnormalities, resulting in impaired
intestinal function and developmental regression within 24 hours to a few
weeks of vaccination. This hypothesis was based on 12 children. In 9 of the
cases, the child's parents or pediatrician speculated that the MMR vaccine
had contributed to the behavioral problems of the children in the study.
There are a number of limitations in the Wakefield et al. (1998) study: The
study used too few cases to make any generalizations about the causes of
autism; only 12 children were included in the study. Further, the cases
were referred to the researchers and may not be a representative sample of
cases of autism.

There were no healthy control children for comparison. As a result, it is
difficult to determine whether the bowel changes seen in the 12 children
included in the study were similar to changes in normal children, or to
determine if the rate of vaccination in autistic children was higher than
in the general population. The study did not identify the time period
during which the cases were identified. In at least 4 of the 12 cases,
behavioral problems appeared before the onset of symptoms of bowel disease;
that is, the effect preceded the proposed cause. It is unlikely, therefore,
that bowel disease or the MMR vaccine triggered the autism. In 2004, 10 of
the 13 authors of the study
retracted the paper's interpretation, stating that the data were
insufficient to establish a causal link between MMR vaccine and autism
(Murch et al., 2004)

In another study that generated media attention and raised public concern
in the UK (Uhlmann et al, 2002), researchers found measles virus fragments
in the intestines of children with "new variant" IBD (children with both
IBD and developmental disorder). Scientists looked for the presence of
measles virus in the intestinal tissue of 91 children with new variant IBD
and 70 "controls" (children without this type of IBD). The researchers
found measles virus fragments in 75 out of the 91 children with "new
variant" IBD, and in only 5 of the 70 controls. While this provides
evidence for an association between the presence of measles virus and IBD
in children with developmental disorder, it does not mean that the measles
component of the MMR vaccine causes IBD or developmental disorder. As a
commentary published with the article asserts, the data could just as
easily be interpreted as indicating that the IBD or the developmental
disorder cause the persistence of measles in the intestines (Morris &
Aldulaimi, 2002). In addition, the researchers did not compare the virus
found in the intestines of patients with the virus used in the MMR vaccine;
nor did they
provide information regarding whether or not the children in the study had
been previously vaccinated with MMR or had previously contracted measles
disease. The limitations of this study are further discussed in a letter
written by the Director of CDC's National Immunization Program to the UK's
Chief Medical Officer.

What about the claim that the number of children with autism has been
increasing ever since the MMR vaccine has been in use?

Data from California (Department. of Developmental Services, 1999) have
been used to illustrate an increase in cases of autism since the
introduction of MMR vaccine. However, the data have been presented
inaccurately (Fombonne, 2001). Fombonne (2001) lists several reasons why
the data are misrepresented, for instance:
the figures presented are based on numbers, not rates and do not account
for population growth and changes in the composition of the population,
changes in diagnostic definitions were not controlled in the report, and as
in other areas of the country, children with autism are currently being
diagnosed at earlier ages meaning that there will be an increase in the
number of reported cases. A 2001 study (Dales et al.) used the autism case
numbers provided by the California Department of Developmental Services and
compared them with early childhood MMR immunization level estimates for
California children. Results showed that for children born from 1980
1987, there was no major change in MMR immunization levels with the
exception of a small increase in children born in 1988. This small increase
was followed again by steady levels in children born through 1994. On the
other hand, the cases of autism increased markedly, from 44 cases per
100,000 live births in 1980 to 208 cases per 100,000 live births in 1994.
Even if one allows that a true increase in autism has occurred and the
increase is not due to changes in diagnostic methods, diagnostic
categorization, and improved identification of individuals with autism
because of the level of services offered (Fombonne, 2001), this analysis
shows that receipt of the MMR vaccine is not a factor. If it were a factor,
one would expect the shape of the MMR level of immunization curve to be
very similar to the autism case numbers. This is not the case, thus the
analysis in this study argues against a link between MMR vaccination and

Would it be safer to separate the MMR vaccine into its individual
components--in other words, give children three separate shots, at
different times (e.g., six months or one year apart), instead of one
combined shot?

There is no confirmed scientific research or data to indicate that there is
any benefit to separating the MMR vaccine into its individual components. A
publication by Wakefield and Montgomery (2001) suggests that there is an
increased risk of immune-mediated disease when the MMR vaccine is
administered as one vaccine versus when the 3 vaccines are administered
separately. The specific issue of the safety of multiple vaccines given as
one vaccine was addressed by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) (1994, p.63).
They stated that the number of separate antigens in a vaccine would not
likely result in a significant burden on the immune system that would
in immunosuppression. The issue of multiple vaccines and immune dysfunction
was addressed again by the IOM in 2002. An IOM Immunization Safety Review
Committee concluded that a review of the available scientific evidence does
not support the suggestion that the infant immune system is inherently
incapable of handling the number of antigens that children are exposed to
during routine immunizations. The IOM committee also did not suggest any
need to change the current US vaccination schedule for MMR.

Splitting the MMR vaccine into three separate doses given at three
different times would cause more discomfort from additional injections and
would leave children exposed to potentially serious diseases. For instance,
if rubella vaccine were delayed, 4 million children would be susceptible to
rubella for an additional 6 to 12 months. This would potentially allow
otherwise preventable cases of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) to occur
through transmission of rubella from infected children to pregnant women.
Ironically, infection of pregnant woman with "wild" rubella virus is one of
the few known causes of autism. Thus, by preventing rubella infection of
pregnant women, MMR vaccine also prevents autism.

Chess,S. Autism in children with congenital rubella. J Autism Child
Schizophr. 1, 33-47 (1971).

Chess,S. Follow-up report on autism in congenital rubella. J Autism Child
Schizophr. 7, 69-81 (1977).

Should a younger sibling of an autistic child, or a child of someone who
has autism be vaccinated with MMR or other vaccines?

Yes. Current scientific evidence does not show that MMR vaccine, or any
combination of vaccines, causes the development of autism, including
regressive forms of autism.

A younger sibling or the child of someone who suffered a vaccine side
effect usually can, and should, safely receive the same vaccine. This is
especially true since the large majority of side effects after vaccination
are local reactions and fever, which do not represent a contraindication.

Should we delay vaccination until we know more about the negative effects
of vaccines?

No. There is no convincing evidence that vaccines such as MMR cause long
term health effects. On the other hand, we do know that people will become
ill and some will die from the diseases this vaccine prevents. Measles
outbreaks have recently occurred in the UK and Germany following an
increase in the number of parents who chose not to have their children
vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. Discontinuing a vaccine program based on
unproven theories would not be in anyone's best interest. Isolated reports
about these vaccines causing long term health problems may sound alarming
at first. However, careful review of the science reveals that these reports
isolated and not confirmed by scientifically sound research. Detailed
medical reviews of health effects reported after receipt of vaccines have
often proven to be unrelated to vaccines, but rather have been related to
other health factors. Because these vaccines are recommended widely to
protect the health of the public, research on any serious hypotheses about
their safety are important to pursue. Several studies are underway to
investigate still unproven theories about vaccinations and severe side


duh.. kalo diambil semua pernyataan.. bisa pegel juga tangan saya.. yang
jelas.. dari seribu penghuni milis sebelah tersebut, berapa ratus anak yang
udah di imunisasi  MMR..  berapa juta anak di dunia udah di vaksin.. tapi
kok ngga AUTIS ya?  hehehe

much love,


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Suryandini, Nensi /BSN JKT
  Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 3:46 PM
  Subject: RE: [berbadan-dua] FAQs (frequently asked questions) about MMR V
accine & Autism

  Lebih baik berhati2lah... :)

  mbak Reyna, minta pendapat ttg ini dari dokter lain selain dr.Wati boleh?
kalau ada bisa dishare di milis dong, thanks. Misal dari situs autis?
makasih mbak.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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