bener kata mba Dini  menghadapi anak fase gini, perlu  super sangat sabar
anak saya jg sdg dlm  fase  "baek bgt" ini
kebanyakan nolaknya drpd nurutnya, tp kadang tingkahnya lucu2
dan yg pasti anak seumur gini lg bener2 mengekpresikan dirinya
dan sedang "kreatif2"nya, apa aja yg diliat pasti di jajalin
mba Dini share dong, kl kitanya udah bingung ngebujuk dan dianya tetep
nolak mesti gmn kitanya????? heheheh

BA menu's today : salad cacing, setup cacing dan obat cacing..
seru deh !!

idem kyknya return receipt nambah banyak yakkk

-----Original Message-----
From: Dini Febrina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 03 Agustus 2005 15:36
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Tanya : Kenny lagi suka marah

Selamat !!!
Keny udah masuk fase "terrible two". Katanya sih fase ini akan berakhir saat
anak udah bisa komunikasi dgn baik, jadi udah bisa menyampaikan keinginannya
dgn baik. Nikmati aja mbak :-) Faris jg seperti itu. Kalau sekarang dia lagi
senang pake baju yg itu itu saja :-). Kayak iklan sabun cuci
dulu...Cuci,kering,pake,cuci,kering,pake.....Dibilangin aja pelan-pelan,
jangan malah bersikap kasar sama anak (marah, bentak dll). Anak lagi
menunjukkan egonya.
Saya malah penasaran...setelah fase ini...apalagi ya???


Terrible Twos? NOT!

Everywhere I look in toddler resources, I see talk about the terrible
two's. There are more books on disciplining two year-olds than there are
on all the rest of the ages combined. You'd think at 730 days they
suddenly sprouted horns and went after your mother-in-law with a nail gun
-- though depending on the mother-in-law, this might get them back on the
good list.

That's just the point though. They're 730 days old at two years. Days! And
we expect them to know how to behave politely when suddenly told to give
up that marvelous toy and go eat spinach? It's utterly amazing that
they're walking, talking and interacting with us alone!

So I'm here to speak up for the two year-olds. For one thing, there is a
direct link between how bossy you are and how willful they are back. It's
part of the equation. They're wired to learn how to start being a little
independent, thinking for themselves, and using those adult-sized
Our job is not to be their masters and break their spirits, it's to teach
them. That doesn't mean mother and toddler won't collapse in a sobbing
heap once in a while, but if it weren't for mommy moments like that we'd
all be having 16 children now wouldn't we? Some things are necessary to
balance things out.

The number one aid I've found in raising a toddler is empathy. When
Victoria doesn't want to share, for example, I'll say, "It's hard to
share, isn't it? You want to keep the toy all to yourself. Do you see how
sad Anna is that she can't play with it too though? Do you think you could
both use it so you could both be happy?". Maybe she'll say no anyway, but
she knows that I do understand and validate her feelings, but also that
somebody else's feelings count too. She also knows how to put her feelings
into words for me next time, which is much easier to deal with than the
drop-and-shriek method of communicating injustices that preceded it.

I try to teach Victoria not only to name her emotions but also to
brainstorm on how to deal with them. After all, part of our job as parents
is to give them the basic tools for how they'll deal with their whole
lives. People are disappointed, frustrated, hurt and let down all the
time. Very few know how to deal with it. I guarantee that those whose
toddlerhoods were spent being told "too bad" and just blindly disciplined
don't know how to deal with those emotions as adults either.

When Victoria is upset about something I do not "give in." I dislike the
term, because it assumes there's a battle between us and ideally it's a
partnership. Nonetheless, if my child wants a 6 inch gooey-treat on a
stick at Walmart, I'm going to say no. If she whines, jumps up and down,
and makes screeching noises that alert all the dogs in the county, I'm
still going to say no. I'm just not about to reinforce THAT sort of

However, that's not to say that in my mind the ideal response from me is
to be unsympathetic and harsh, and teach her some sort of dire lesson. I'm
polite. She deserves that from anybody. I'm understanding. I tell her that
it sure does look like a nice treat and I bet she's sad she can't have it.
I also give her a reason, so she doesn't just feel blindly ruled. Then, if
it's a subject that's still causing her angst (most don't), I see what I
can do to help her feel better.

To my mind, this is just as important in discipline as any other part. My
child is sad. I should care about that, and I should do what I can to
help--the same as I would for a friend, my husband or even someone on the
street. This is a lesson for her too. So I get down on her level and I say
that I am sorry she's sad and that it is a shame. I offer up things to
look forward to. I do not offer bribes, because life doesn't work that
way. When you lose your job, no fairy godmother is going to come along and
take you to Disneyland if you take it well. But it is an important tool to
know how to see the opportunity in it and find the bright side.

So I tell Victoria something like "I know that looked like neat candy, but
now we're going to be having supper and do you know what we're having for
dessert? Ice cream!" or "I know you wanted that but we're not going to buy
candy today. I think pretty soon we're going to be passing the fishies
though! Do you want to see the fishies? Yeah?! Which colors are your
favorites?!" or I might even simply say that I'm sorry and ask her if
she'd like a hug. I show her with my face that I truly do feel sorry, and
she usually does think a hug will make her better.

I try to get into my daughter's head, and when I do I realize what a tough
thing it is to be a little one. Someone else makes so many of your
decisions. The world is full of bright, tasty, exciting, fun things, and
yet someone seems to be arbitrarily snatching you away from it at every

It's also just plain confusing. Kids need to be taught how to deal with
their emotions. Many grown ups still don't know what to do when they get
mad. They scream, say mean things, or even hurt people. Yet we get annoyed
that a two year-old doesn't act better? And before we've even showed her
how, no less!

Show your kids how you handle anger, sadness and disappointment. Talk
about your own emotions and what you do to feel better. They don't just
imitate us when they're pretending to cook or drive cars. They are our own
little mini-me's, like it or not.

Victoria is 2 and 3/4 now and the difference between her now and 6 months
ago is unreal. Those trying times are so brief, really. If you make it a
power struggle, it gets stretched way out until somebody breaks, but if
you treat it like a challenge you're going through with your toddler as
her loving guide, it passes so quickly. Victoria tells me sometimes that
she's having a bad day now. I'll tell her I'm sorry and ask what she
thinks we could do to make it better. She's already learning to think how
she can take charge of her own mood and turn it around, and I'm pretty
impressed by that. It's a skill some of my grown friends haven't mastered

Maybe I should have a talk with their moms..... Just kidding.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Juli Muliyanto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Balita Anda (E-mail)" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 12:54 PM
Subject: [balita-anda] Tanya : Kenny lagi suka marah

> Parents,
> Udah 2 minggu nih, Kenny, 1 thn 10bln , tiap hari ngelawan atau ngamuk.
> - Disuruh mandi gk mau, mesti dibujuk dengan berbagai cara, baru mau,
> 2x.
> - Tp selesai mandi, gk mau udahan, marah kalo diminta keluar.
> - Selesai mandi, pake baju gk mau, lari sana sini sambil nangis
> - Malam, pake pampers, juga marah2, gk mau. Padahal biasanya gampang aja.
> - Malam, ganti baju tidur juga spt itu.
> - Kalo terlanjur pup di pampers, gk mau ke kamar mandi utk cuci
> - Malam susah tidur, maunya main terus, lampu kalo dimatiin pasti ngamuk.
> - Kadang bilang mau pup, tp ternyata gk, duduk di pispot lama, saya angkat
> dia ngamuk sambil kakinya lurus kaku.
> - dan lain-lain
> Dalam sehari, saya mesti extra sabar ngadepin, kasihan juga suster ku.
> Kalo boleh sharing, kenapa ya Kenny jadi spt itu, apa memang lagi masanya.
> Sampai kapan masanya akan lewat, & cara2 apa utk menghadapinya ?
> Makasih banyak
> Juli
> mama Kenny

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