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Dari artikel ProMOM :
Breastfeeding Myths and Realities
By Leslie Kincaid Burby for ProMoM

Myth #2: Small-breasted women won't have enough milk

The size of your breasts, either large or small, has nothing to do with
the amount of milk they will produce.
Almost all women who are getting plenty of liquid, adequate rest and
relaxation, and lots of physical contact with their
babies will produce enough milk. In fact, many women who believe they are
not producing enough milk are mistaken. It is
surprising how much milk a tiny baby can consume in a short amount of
time. The number of wet and soiled diapers being
produced every day is a fairly accurate indicator of how much milk the
baby is getting. 6-8 wet cloth diapers (5-6 soaked
disposables), and at least 2-5 bowel movements per day indicate that your
baby is getting plenty of milk. Once the newborn
stage is over, the number of bowel movements may decrease.

If your baby seems lethargic, seems to have poor skin tone or is not
wetting and soiling an adequate number of diapers, this
is cause for concern. If you believe you are having trouble with your milk
supply, contact a lactation consultant, or a
supportive physician. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Remember, the more the baby nurses, the more milk your breasts will be
stimulated to produce. If you begin
"supplementing" your supply with artificial milk, your breasts will not
receive adequate stimulation and your milk supply
will decrease.
Artikel dari WHO ( : Infant Feeding in emergencies : A guide
for mothers

What about women with small breasts or flat

Every woman’s breasts are suitable for feeding. They can be large,
small or flat. The areola (the darker area surrounding the nipple)
can be large or small, dark or pale, protrude or not show at all. The
nipples can be long, short or flat. Women with inverted nipples can
breastfeed as long as they get help and encouragement. What
Infant feeding in emergenciesNutrition Unit, WHO Regional Office for
Europe, Copenhagenpage 13 5If drugs have been used late in labour they may
make your baby less alert and he may take longer to be interested in the
breast. Be patient. Your baby does not need other fluids; they will only
delay his interest in the breast.
6He/she, his/her are used alternately from paragraph to paragraph, thus
referring to a balance of male and female babies. The translator can do
what is appropriate in her/his language.
Figure 1

matters in all cases is that the baby takes in a large mouthful of the
breast, and not just the nipple. It is important that every woman feels
confident that she can breastfeed her baby. Family, friends or health
professionals can make or break that confidence.

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