Dear parents..

Saya mau menawarkan seri DVD Baby Einstein.. (bagi parents yg udah pernah 
mesen, saya mau kasih tau kalo ada judul2 baru dari seri baby Einstein ini)
Seri DVD khusus utk bayi s/d usia 3 tahun an.
Dvd baby Einstein ini menggunakan real object utk memperkenalkan dunia luar ke 
bayi kita.
Misalnya baby Einstein Animal : di video nya akan menampilkan berbagai binatang 
di habitat aslinya dgn berbagai contoh kegiatan mereka.
Cth binatangnya : cat,dog,horse,pig,bird,duck,dll..
Dan video tsb dilatar belakangi dgn music classic spt karya Bach,Mozart,dll..
Spt kita ketahui bahwa music classic amat baik utk menstimulasi otak bayi kita..
Dan seri baby Einstein sangat cocok utk tontonan bayi di bawah 1 tahun karna 
gerakan gambarnya yg lambat, tdk secepat film2 kartun utk anak di atas 3 tahun.
Pokoknya dvd baby Einstein ini bener2 ok deh utk sistim pengajaran bayi kita.
Selain itu ada juga seri DVD Barney & Dora 
Dan yg TERBARU, ada seri SESAME STREET  dan  DVD Baby & Parent Nursery

Berikut judul2 nya :  
1.      World animals : An amazing musical safari of wonderful creatures in 
natural habitats (1+ years)
2.      Neighborhood animals : Baby 1st introduction to familiar furry and 
feathered friend (1+ years)
3.      Baby Newton : A visual playful, musically pleasing exploration of 
shapes in our world (1+ years)
4.      Baby Van Gogh : Exploring colors through art, music and video (1+ years)
5.      Language nursery : Visual and multilingual experiences to stimulate and 
delight your baby (1+ years)
6.      Baby Bach  : A whimsical-award-winning introduction to classical music 
for your little one (1+ years)
7.      Baby Naptune (discovering water) : From beach to bath - a musical 
voyage (9 month up)
8.      Baby Shakespeare(world of poetry):enriching a child's vocabulary 
through the beauty of poetry, music & nature (1+ years)
9.      Baby Beethoven : Visual treats & musical masterpieces to stimulate & 
delight your baby (1+ years)
10.Baby Mozart : Visual, musical and language experiences to stimulate & 
delight your baby (0-3 years)
Berikut judul2 baru dari seri Baby Einstein : 
1. Baby Galileo : twinkling stars & colorful planets-a musical odyssey (9month 
2. Baby Monet : a playful introduction to the 4 seasons through art & music 
(6month up)
3. Bab Noah : two by two.. a musical introduction to animals around the globe 
4. Baby Macdonald : a fun filled introduction to the sights & sounds of a farm 
5. Numbers nursery : a playful & interactive introduction to numbers (1+)
6. Baby da Vinci : eyes, ears, hands & feet - a whimsical introduction to the 
7. Baby Santa's : a joyous celebration of holiday magic through the eyes & ears 
of a child 

ada juga seri DVD BARNEY (6DVD)
1.Read and Dance with me
2.Marvellous Manners
3. Movin and Groovin
4. Outdoor fun
5. . Lets Pretend 
6.Just Imagine
7. Party on the beach
(kalau ada yg terbaru dari seri dvd barney akan saya update ke parents.)

1 .Pirate adventure
2.   Egg hunt
3.      City of lost toys
4.      Meet Diego
5.      Rhymes & Riddles
6.   Dora big sister
7.   It's a party
8.Super silly fiesta


-       Cinder Elmo
-       Count it higher
-       Family, mail & bath time
-       Happy holiday
-       Dll

DVD Baby & Parent Nursary : 

Perbedaan dvd dgn vcd adl gambarnya yg jauh lebih bagus & jernih..
Dan dvd saya menggunakan box/kotaknya,bukan hanya dibungkus plastik saja.
Dan dijamin gambarnya pasti bagus..
Semua DVD dalam bhs inggris
Harga per DVD 10 ribu, minimal pemesanan 5 Dvd, barang diantar via TIKI

Kalau tertarik, pesan via email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
ok parents, ditunggu pesanannya..


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