hello..model to kids bisa gak?
aku punya anak umur 2 tahun dan banyak banget yang
suruh ikutan model gitu..
thanks ya

--- "o.SFD.Fransisca Caroline Baharrizki"

> Bantuin untuk milis teman nich...
> Regards,
> Francisca Caroline Baharrizki
> Structured Finance Dept.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: kusuma a [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 10:54 PM
> To: o.SFD.Fransisca Caroline Baharrizki
> Subject: coming soon new model management
> we are now preparing a new model 
> management 
> and looking for some new fresh look models in all 
> ages who can join the team
> requirement :
> has good attitude
> hard worker
> height min 170 for men
> height min 168 for women
> if u feel like u are born to be a model , we 
> challenge u 
> to send ur new photo and contact number
> to : cream fotokraf
> jl R.S Fatmawati 55E
> 3rd floor 
> cipete , jakarta selatan
> or 
> as soon as possible we will contact for audition
> _created by lp for us_
> __________________________________________________
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