He..he..he… kok banyak yg DSAnya sama DSA Kavin aku 
yg lama yah.. takut ngasih MMR gara2 isu bikin

Setelah cari info DSA yg ok n mau kasih MMR di tmpku
Semarang…..Puji Tuhan aku udah nemu DSA yg baru... n
sesuai dg hasil konsultasi dg DSA tsb rencananya udah 
mo vaksin MMR buat Kavin alternatifnya:
- ntar skalian pas Kavin 18 bln (bulan Oktober)
simultan bareng ulangan tetrachib  (DPT-HiB) krn di
DSAnya vaksin MMRnya kosong bln ini n bln ini kan
jatahnya polio masal pas Pin  27 Sept.. 
- Kalo vaksin MMRnya udah ada bln ini  mo dikasih
MMRnya bareng ma polio so gak perlu ikutan PIN 27 Sept
Kayanya sih aku pilih yg simultan aja nih bln Oktober
ini… biar sekalian ke DSAnya… polionya pas PIN aja

But sebaiknya sih MMr diberikan 6 bln setelah campak

Kalo about autisme nih.. buat ngeyakinin Mbak Shanon..
autisme itu sampe sekarang blm ditemukan secara pasti
penyebabnya… but sbgan besar tjd krn ada sesuatu hal
yg emang terganggu saat baby di kandungan… or krn
emang ada bawaan aurisme secara genetic…
Kalo MMRnya nunggu bisa ngomong or lancar ngoceh…
standartnya apa nih.. kan perkembangan bicara anak
beda2 ada yg 2 tahun yg udah crewet bgt but ada yg blm
lancar ngomong….

Trus kalo gak dikasih MMR.. ntar kalo anaknya
gondongan gimana??? Ati2 lho ma gondongan.. bisa
berakibat mengganggu hormin reproduksi… kan gawat

Kalo aku sih prinsipmya mencegah… drpd mengobati so,
salah satunya pake imunisasi walo imunasasi itu gak
menjamin 100% anak tertular penyakit tertentu… but
se-nggaknya aku ngerasa uda bisa me-ngamankan anakku
dr penyakit tertentu setelah dapat imunisasi…

Ok, moga2 Mbak Shanon n parents lain bisa lebih yakin
yah…  but kembali lagi ke parents masing2 deh...

Uci mamaKavin

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Shannon Hartono" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 6:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [balita-anda] autisme v MMR TO mbak
> Jadi MMR aja nih ya?
> Cuek?
> Aduh kenapa ya, kok masih rada ngeri... hehehe..
> belum ada yang berhasil
> convince saya nih... :- Gimana dong...
>  On 9/12/05, intan dima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > infonya salah mbak.... jepang buanyakkk kasus
> autis hehehehe
> > coba silahkan dibaca dibawah ini...
> > saya juga ada beberapa artikel ttg tidak ada
> hubungannya antara mmr dan
> > autisme, tapi dalam bhs jepang....
> >
> > http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=74&i=928
> > Autism in the absence of MMR vaccine
> >
> > Clinical bottom line
> > Autism rates in Japan continued to rise after the
> withdrawal of MMR
> > vaccine.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Reference
> > H Honda et al. No effect of MMR withdrawal on the
> incidence of autism: a
> > total population study. Journal of Child
> Psychology and Psychiatry 2005
> > doi:
> > 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2005.01425.x
> > Background
> > A link has been postulated between the specific
> use of the triple MMR
> > vaccine and the rise of childhood autism. Though
> very considerable
> > research
> > has shown there to be no connection, some people
> continue to believe in
> > such
> > a link and they propose use of single vaccines
> instead. In Japan, MMR
> > vaccine was introduced in 1989, but the programme
> was terminated in 1993
> > and
> > only single vaccines used thereafter.
> >
> > The experience of Japan therefore constitutes a
> real-world experiment of
> > replacing triple MMR vaccine with single vaccines
> because of problems with
> > production. If the proponents of a link between
> MMR and autism are
> > correct,
> > the result should be that cases of autism fall
> after withdrawal of MMR.
> >
> > Study
> > The study was conducted in a part of Yokohama with
> a population of about
> > 300,000, and which was stable, or reflected
> changes typical for Japanese
> > society as a whole, over the period of the study.
> The population was
> > served
> > by a special centre (Yokohama Rehabilitation
> Centre) that included a
> > developmental psychiatry unit with early
> intervention services for
> > developmental disorders. There was in place an
> early detection and
> > intervention system that included specific routine
> checkups at four, 18
> > and
> > 36 months, working to defined diagnostic criteria.
> At 18 months, about 90%
> > of children participated in the programme, but
> those who did not, or those
> > who were missed by the programme, could be
> referred by nurseries,
> > paediatric
> > clinics, or other services. These services began
> in 1987, two years before
> > introduction of MMR.
> >
> > Not only did the study have specific diagnostic
> criteria, therefore, but
> > also ensured a complete coverage of a defined
> population, consistently
> > over
> > a period covering the introduction and withdrawal
> of the triple MMR
> > vaccine.
> >
> > Each birth cohort from 1988 to 1996 was followed
> up to age seven years,
> > and
> > results presented for all autistic spectrum
> disorders, for autism, and for
> > autism associated with regression. The cumulative
> incidence per 10,000
> > children for each diagnosis was calculated for
> each year.
> >
> > Results
> > Over the whole period, and with full follow up to
> age seven years in birth
> > cohorts from 1988 to 1996, 278 children developed
> autistic spectrum
> > disorder, 158 autism, and 120 other autistic
> spectrum conditions. Of those
> > with autism, 60 had definite regression and
> another 12 probable regression
> > according to defined tests.
> >
> > In the 1988 birth cohort, 70% of children had the
> MMR triple vaccine,
> > falling to 1.8% in the 1992 birth cohort.
> Thereafter no children had the
> > MMR
> > triple vaccine (Figure 1).
> >
> > Figure 1: Autistic conditions in birth cohorts to
> age seven years, and MMR
> > vaccination rate in Japan: autism, all autistic
> spectrum disorders (ASD),
> > and autism with regression
> >
> > The incidence of all autistic spectrum disorders,
> and of autism, continued
> > to rise after MMR vaccine was discontinued. The
> incidence of autism was
> > higher in children born after 1992 who were not
> vaccinated with MMR than
> > in
> > children born before 1992 who were vaccinated. The
> incidence of autism
> > associated with regression was the same during the
> use of MMR and after it
> > was discontinued.
> >
> > The increase of autistic spectrum disorders was
> evident in children with
> > higher IQ.
> >
> > Comment
> > The increase in autism and autistic spectrum
> disorders in this part of
> > Yokohama displays the same increase over time seen
> in other parts of the
> > world. Here, though, the increase occurred even
> when the MMR vaccine was
> > withdrawn. This destroys any possible causative
> link between use of the
> > vaccine and autism.
> >
> > Perhaps the most important features of the study
> were that it
> > comprehensively covered a population, and that the
> population was served
> > by
> > a special service testing children for
> developmental; disorders and using
> > standard methods over the whole period. The
> quality and validity of the
> > study is superlative, and the size good.
> >
> > Whatever causes autism, it is not the MMR vaccine.
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Shannon Hartono"
> > To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
> > Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2005 12:00 PM
> > Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Fw: [sehat] Re:
> Menyikapi Kontroversi Autisme
> > dan
=== message truncated ===

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