halo, kebetulan suamiku pharmacist dan cukup tau ttg obat2an.. kalo
kalnex tuh punya kalbe ya, indikasinya utk anti pendarahan, trus regumen
(punya sanbe) utk disfunsi pendarahan kandung kemih, pendarahan
endometriosis, sindrom premens, maupun pendarahan lainnya. Utk movicox
(kebetulan ditempat kerja suamiku produksi obat sejenis namanya Atrilox)
itu utk antiradang jg bisa utk rematik. Semoga bermanfaat ya.

  ----- Original Message ----- From: sudarini To: balita Subject:
  [balita-anda] tanya obat ? Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 11:21:28 +0700
  mams, mau tanya nih, kemarin aku ada sedikit pendarahan selama 3 hari
  (tp tdk hamil) waktu ke dokter aku di kasih obat kalnex, regumen ,
  movi-cox kira kira ini obat apa ? soalnya kemarin aku tdk sempat
  nanya sama apotiknya, please kalau ada tahu The information
  transmitted is intended only for the person or the entity to which it
  is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material.
  If you have received it by mistake please notify the sender by return
  e-mail and delete this message including any of its attachments from
  your system. Any use, review, reliance or dissemination of this
  message in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Please note that
  e-mails are susceptible to change. The views expressed herein do not
  necessarily represent those of PT Astra International Tbk and should
  not be construed as the views, offers or acceptances of PT Astra
  International Tbk.

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