Dear All,

Aku boleh bantu ya ?!
Permen karet terbuat dari gum resin, hmm ayaknya bukan latex, jeng intan.
Yg jelas kalo tanpa sengaja (atau sengaja ==> biasanya anak2 neh) menelan
permen karet, maka tubuh akan mengeluarkannya melalui tinja.
Prinsipnya sesuatu yg tidak dapat diserap oleh tubuh akan dikeluarkan oleh
tubuh. Nah si gum resin ini gak bsia dicerna oleh tubuh. Makanya dia akan
dibuang oleh tubuh melalui tinja.
Jadi gak akan stay di sistem pencernaan kita.
Memang ada beberapa kasus ada yg sangat jarang terjadi yaitu org yg
menelan permen karet dalam jumlah banyak sehingga saluran pencernaannya

OK ini ada artikelnya. Tapi sorry belum sempet translate.

Btw anak < 5th kan gak disarankan di kasih permen karet ya ?! tapi aku gak
tau regulasinya gimana.
Ya play safe aja deh kalo urusan ini.

moga membantu

What happens if you swallow gum? Does it cause intestinal problems?
-- Dave

Almost everyone has swallowed a piece of gum. But only a very few people
ever need to see a doctor because of it.

Chewing gum is made up of the gum itself (called gum resin),
preservatives, flavorings, and sweeteners. The human body is unable to
digest the gum resin. But swallowed gum does not stay in the stomach or
cause intestinal problems. That's because our bodies move most materials
that can't be digested (like gum) through the digestive system and out of
our bodies in a bowel movement.

In very rare cases, swallowing a large mass of gum, or many small pieces
of gum over a short period of time, can block the digestive tract.
Blockages in the digestive system are most likely to happen when gum is
swallowed along with other non-digestible things (like sunflower seed

Although people cannot digest gum resin, we can digest the things that
have been added to chewing gum, such as sweeteners or even medications
(think of the nicotine gum used by people trying to quit smoking). The
body absorbs these just through the act of chewing. This is where chewing
gum can affect a person's health: When a person chews a lot of sugary gum,
the calories can really add up.

Sugary gum also can lead to tooth decay and may damage dental work, like
fillings. That's why dentists recommend people chew sugar-free gum, and
then only one or two pieces a day. But even this has its downside: Chewing
too much sugar-free gum that's been sweetened with an ingredient called
sorbitol can give a person diarrhea. And too much cinnamon-flavored gum
can irritate the lining of the mouth.

For more information on how the digestive system works, read this article:

Digestive System

Reviewed by: David E. Milov, MD
Date reviewed: June 2005

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