Dear Mbak Ika..

Imunisasi simultan itu 2 or bisa sampe 4 vaksin yg
diberikan bersamaan waktunya.. biasanya disuntikkan di
paha kiri n kanan..
Simultan bisa juga diberikan untuk pemberian vaksin2
kombinasi.. 1 vaksin 2 isinya spt tetrachib yg isinya

Ok, smoga Bantu dikit yah..

Ini ada sdikit artikel ttg vaksin simultan

Uci mamaKavin

Is it true that simultaneous vaccination increases the
risk of harmful side effects and can overload the
immune system ? 

Giving a child multiple vaccinations for different
diseases at the same time increases the risk of
harmful side effects and can overload the immune

Children are exposed to many foreign antigens every
day. Eating food introduces new bacteria into the
body, and numerous bacteria live in the mouth and
nose, exposing the immune system to still more
antigens. An upper respiratory viral infection exposes
a child to 4 - 10 antigens, and a case of "strep
throat" to 25 - 50. According to Adverse Events
Associated with Childhood Vaccines, a 1994 report from
the Institute of Medicine, "In the face of these
normal events, it seems unlikely that the number of
separate antigens contained in childhood vaccines . .
. would represent an appreciable added burden on the
immune system that would be immunosuppressive." And,
indeed, available scientific data show that
simultaneous vaccination with multiple vaccines has no
adverse effect on the normal childhood immune system.

A number of studies have been conducted to examine the
effects of giving various combinations of vaccines
simultaneously. In fact, neither the Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) nor the
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) would recommend
the simultaneous administration of any vaccines until
such studies showed the combinations to be both safe
and effective. These studies have shown that the
recommended vaccines are as effective in combination
as they are individually, and that such combinations
carry no greater risk for adverse side effects.
Consequently, both the ACIP and AAP recommend
simultaneous administration of all routine childhood
vaccines when appropriate. Research is under way to
find ways to combine more antigens in a single vaccine
injection (for example, MMR and chickenpox). This will
provide all the advantages of the individual vaccines,
but will require fewer shots.

There are two practical factors in favor of giving a
child several vaccinations during the same visit.
First, we want to immunize children as early as
possible to give them protection during the vulnerable
early months of their lives. This generally means
giving inactivated vaccines beginning at 2 months and
live vaccines at 12 months. The various vaccine doses
thus tend to fall due at the same time. Second, giving
several vaccinations at the same time will mean fewer
office visits for vaccinations, which saves parents
both time and money and may be less traumatic for the

Source : 

--- iKa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dah ikutan banyak milis juga masih bingung...
> Imunisasi Simultan itu apa ya??
> gabungan kah??

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