Makasih banget nich mbak Cici a/ infonya

-----Original Message-----
From: Ci2 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2005 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] cacar air

Mbak Yuni,
saya punya artikel dan file2 ttg Varicella (cacar air) yg diambil dr milis 
BA jadul. Mudah2an bisa menjawab pertanyaannya en berguna buat yg lain. Buat

yg udah punya en dah tau, maap ya?


was Cacar Air/varicella/Chicken Pox:
ngomongin soal cacar air,...
pengobatannya katanya ada yg bisa pake parutan jagung yg di tempel atau di
oleskan ke tubuh balita kita
gunanya untuk mengurangi rasa gatal memberikan efek mendinginkan dan juga
katanya lagi nggak akan membekas
luka2 cacarnya itu (menurut hemat saya sih nggak ada bekas karena rasa gatal
hilang karena pake parutan jagung ini, ;) )

nah kemaren saya baca majalah/novel luar, disana di ceritakan anaknya lagi
kena cacar air dan dianjurkan berendam dengan air perasan havermut 3 kali
sehari, disamping mengurangi gatal dan mendinginkan juga lebih cepat kering
katanya ......

Baru-baru ini juga di mobil saya sempat dengar dari siaran radio tentang 
treatment cacar air dengan oatmeal bath (sayang nggak tuntas dengerinnya 

Kelihatannya, oatmeal bath ini semacam pengobatan tradisional/decoction-nya 
orang bule, sama seperti kita pakai daun jarak, bawang merah, kencur, jeruk 
nipis, minyak kelapa, dll.   Mungkin fungsinya sama dengan parutan jagung 
(refer to kandungan dan komposisi jagung dan cereal sebagai sesama nutrisi 
berkabohidrat tinggi dan mikronutrien-nya yang hampir serupa).

Salah satu khasiat medis oatmeal memang untuk shooting the itchy skin. Dari 
info lain, disebutkan juga bisa sebagai treatment eczema.

After all, ini mungkin bisa semakin mendukung opini bahwa cacar air termasuk

penyakit infeksi virus yang tidak membutuhkan pengobatan antibiotik. 
Ternyata ada yang diciptakan Tuhan dan disediakan alam bisa juga digunakan 
dengan khasiat yang kurang lebih sama sekaligus meminimalkan kontak langsung

tubuh kita dengan zat-zat kimia via pengobatan oral.

Apalagi kalau anak kecil yang umumnya mengalami cacar air yang 'mild', cukup

home-treatment (dengan berbagai alternatif mulai dari mandi  - dengan PK, 
parutan jagung, oatmeal - serta penggunaan bedak) yang membantu mengurangi 
sakit, gatal, tidak nyaman dan menghilangkan bekas cacar. Let time and 
immune system do their job for body recovery :)

Oya, ada cuplikan artikel tentang treatment seperti ini. Saya posting di 
sini untuk jadi tambahan info, mungkin bisa jadi alternatif kalau stok 
jagung di rumah tidak ada :)


(from the book Natural Medicine - by Beth MacEoin)
It is worth noting that for chickenpox it is quite appropriate to give the 
indicated internal remedy while also applying a topical preparation to the 

If there are any signs that you may be getting out of your depth with 
self-help measures, do not hesi­tate to seek advice from a trained 
Lotions, creams or essential oils can he applied to the skin to soothe and 
heal. Choose from any of the following, bearing in mind that none of the 
substances mentioned for application to the skin should he taken by mouth.
 Home remedies. Once the spots have emerged, itchy skin can be effectively 
soothed by letting your child soak in an oatmeal bath. Put a generous 
handful of oats in a bag of fine-textured gauze or muslin and suspend it 
under the hot-water tap while the bath is filling. However, test the 
temperature of the bathwater in order to make sure that it is comfortably 
warm rather than too hot.
. Irritation and itching may be eased by soaking in a very dilute solution 
of' cider vinegar: for the correct proportion add one cup of cider vinegar 
to a generous bathful of warm water.

. Scarring from chickenpox spots can be discouraged by applying vitamin E 
oil to areas that have become scarred or discolored.

. Skin condition in general can also be improved by encouraging your child 
to take foods seasoned by garlic and parsley.
 Aromatherapy oils
. Make an aromatic rub by adding live drops of ravensar (Ravensara 
aromatica) to two teaspoons of carrier oil. Paint the affected areas with 
the balm, avoiding broken skin.

. A warm water bath using five drops of lavender (Lavendula angustilolia), 
well dispersed, is comforting. But do not use for children under three.
 Herbal preparations
. If skin is maddeningly itchy, add Urtica dioica (stinging nettle) tincture

to the bathwater to soothe irritated skin. The diluted tincture may also be 
used to bathe itchy areas as often as required. (One part of tincture should

he diluted in ten parts of boiled, cooled water and applied with soft cotton

wool pads.)

. If the spots are proving painful as well as itchy, child may respond 
better to a mixture of Hypericum and Calendula tincture. This combination 
has the advantage of promoting pain relief, while also encouraging rapid 
healing of the skin and discouraging secondary infection.

. Once the rash has been bathed with the appropriate diluted tincture, your 
child may be made comfortable by the application of marigold cream.

Although this formulation can also be obtained as an ointment, it is 
preferable to choose the cream, since this is less moisturizing and less 
likely to keep the spots moist. This cream is especially useful if' the skin

has been broken by scratching, and it is necessary to take steps to guard 
against infection setting in.

Ada lagi artikel lain yg diposting Mbak Luluk Lely S.

Original Article:



The chickenpox (varicella) vaccine is the best way to prevent chickenpox.
Experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate
that the vaccine provides complete protection from the virus for 80
percent to 90 percent of people who receive it. When the vaccine doesn't
provide complete protection, it significantly lessens the severity of the

The chickenpox vaccine (Varivax) is recommended for:

- Young children. In the United States, children receive one dose of the
varicella vaccine between 12 and 18 months of age, as part of a routine
immunization schedule.

- Unvaccinated older children. Children between 19 months and 13 years of
age who haven't had chickenpox should also receive one dose of the

- Unvaccinated adults who've never had chickenpox but are at high risk of
exposure. This includes health care workers, teachers, child-care
employees, international travelers, adults who live with young children
and all women of childbearing age. Adults and children older than 13
who've never had chickenpox or been vaccinated usually receive two doses
of the vaccine, four to eight weeks apart.

If you don't remember whether you've had chickenpox or the vaccine, a
blood test can determine your immunity.

If you've had chickenpox, you don't need the vaccine. A case of the
chickenpox usually makes a person immune to the virus for life. It's
possible to get chickenpox more than once, but it's not common.

The vaccine isn't approved for:

- Pregnant women
- People with weakened immunity
- People who are allergic to gelatin or the antibiotic neomycin
- Talk to your doctor if you're unsure about your need for the vaccine. If
you're planning on becoming pregnant, consult with your doctor to make
sure you're up-to-date on your vaccinations before conceiving a child.

Is it safe and effective?
Parents typically wonder whether vaccines are safe. Since it became
available, this vaccine has been given to millions of people. Studies
continue to show the vaccine to be safe and effective. Side effects are
generally mild and include redness, soreness, swelling and, rarely, small
bumps at the site of the shot.

Experts believe that protection from the chickenpox vaccine will last at
least 10 to 20 years and perhaps longer, but it's too early to tell
whether a booster shot may be necessary later in life. Some vaccines
require booster doses. Time and study will tell if Varivax is one of them.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Yuni (DAR)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2005 3:23 PM
Subject: [balita-anda] cacar air

> Mau Tanya boleh khan ....?
> Kalau cacar air  boleh mandi/nggak and boleh kena angin/nggak ?
> Ada kiat to ngilanin bekas cacar air ..... mohon infonya,  trim's
> yuni

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