Thanks yach Mama Kavin atas infonya tentang cacar Monyet.
Emang BA TOP dech

Bunda Farhan-S

----- Original Message -----
From: "Uci Wiriasastra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: RE: Re: [balita-anda] Q:Artikel cacar monyet

Iya Ruk.. coba deh baca lagi jawabannya dr Wati.. beliau gak yakin tuh klo
anaknya Mbak mirna kena cacar monyet/ impetigo.. menurut bliau krn erupsi
cacar air yg gak keluar semua karena dirasa tu anak sudah punya daya
tahan tubuh.. so gak perlu AB

Uci mamaKavin

RE: Re: [balita-anda] Q:Artikel cacar monyet
Rukmi Candrasari
Mon, 21 Nov 2005 18:21:28 -0800

Dear Uci,

Di artikel katanya perlu antibiotik, kata dr wati ga perlu?? Apa krn beliau
ga yakin yang ditanyain ke beliau itu impetigo???

-----Original Message-----
 From: Uci Wiriasastra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 8:56 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [balita-anda] Q:Artikel cacar monyet

Bunda Farhan n mamanya Rara,
Ini aku ada Q-A n artikel ttg cacar monyet/ impetigo dr milis sehat..

Uci mamaKavin
 From: "Mirna S. Muska"

 Tentang anak saya, Dok, kemarin dsa nya curiga anak saya kena IMPETIGO
dan  bukan cacar air karena meskipun rashnya sekujur tubuh tetapi yg
melenting  kumpul hanya di bagian tertentu saja (di bagian paha). Di
bagian lain ada sedikit-sedikit, malah di badan hampir tidak ada. Rash
tubuh muncul krn tertular dari sumbernya di bagian paha itu, itu
dari bagian punggung yang tidak ada rash dan bagian perut yg cukup ada
rash (krn dia
 pastinya lebih sering garuk2x perut dibanding punggung).

 Pengobatannya dikasih Antibiotika (anak saya 3 th 2 bulan, berat 22
 Lincomycin 250gr
 CTM 1.5 mg
 ==> dijadikan puyer sebanyak 15 bungkus, diminum sehari 3 x dan

 Dsa saya itu bilang bhw penyakitnya sangat menular dan wajar terjadi
balita yg sudah bergaul dg dunia luar. Tetapi penyakitnya tidak
berbahaya, dg AB bisa sembuh dalam 1 hr. Sekarang (2 hari sth dikasih
AB)melentingnya sudah tidak menyebar lagi dan yg sebelumnya sudah
(saya juga kasih
 obat merah Teh Ta Yao Gin untuk mengeringkan melentingnya). Dsa nya
bilang  dia juga sudah boleh sekolah.

 Bagaimana Dok pendapat Dokter mengenai pengobatan ini ?
 Respon Dr Wati :

Dear Mirna
Maaf baru sempat balas sekarang dan inipun saya mesti pergi hiks hiks

Kalau cacar monyet atau impetigo itu biasanya lebar2 dan seperti gosong
alias merah bahkan tepinya merah tua lalu setelah 1 -2 hari seperti
terbakar gosong.

Diameternya kira2 1 cm atau sedikit lebih besar dari itu. Biasanya
bergerombol terbatas di area kecil tubuh jumlah nya biasanya 1 atau 2.

Nah kalau deskripsinya Mirna kok menurut saya tdk cocok dengan impetigo
Saya tdk lihat sih memang tapi impetigo itu benar2 seperti luka

Saya rasanya lebih memilih erupsi cacar air yg gak keluar semua karena
anakmu sudah punya daya tahan tubuh

jadi kalau saya, paling mandi airnya pakai dettol sedikiit, dan gak


Semoga membantu ya. Mohon maaf gak bisa banyak inputan.
Saya juga posting artikel dari AAP ttg impetigo ini.



Impetigo is a contagious bacterial skin infection that often appears
around the nose, mouth and ears. Most commonly, it is caused by either
streptococcus, which also is responsible for "strep" throat and scarlet
fever, or the staphylococcus, or "staph," bacteria.

If staph bacteria are to blame, the infection may cause blisters filled
with clear fluid. These can break easily, leaving a raw glistening area
that soon forms a scab with a honey-colored crust. By contrast, the
bacteria usually are not associated with blisters, but they do cause
crusts over larger sores and ulcers.

Treatment of Impetigo

Until your child can see the doctor, clean the rash well with soap and
water. You may use a mild medicated soap, but don't rely on
over-the-counter medications without consulting your pediatrician.

Impetigo needs to be treated with antibiotics, but your pediatrician
wish to first determine which bacteria are causing the rash in order to
know what specific medication to prescribe. To identify the bacteria,
doctor may break a blister or lift the crust and take a sample of the
material there. If this shows the cause is strep bacteria, some form of
penicillin probably will be prescribed, but if the rash is due to a
infection, a different antibiotic may be used. In either case, make
your child takes the medication for the full prescribed course or the
impetigo could return.

One other important point to keep in mind: Impetigo is contagious until
the rash clears or until at least two days of antibiotics have been
and there is evidence of improvement. Therefore, your child should
close contact with other children during this period and you should
touching the rash. If you or other family members do come in contact
it, wash the exposed site thoroughly with soap and water. Also, keep
infected child's washcloths and towels separate from those of other

Preventing Impetigo

The bacteria that cause impetigo thrive in breaks in the skin, so the
ways to prevent this rash are to keep your child's fingernails clipped
clean, and teach him not to scratch minor skin irritations. When he
have a scrape, cleanse it with soap and water and apply an antibiotic
cream or ointment. Also, be careful not to use washcloths or towels
have been used by someone else who has an active skin infection.

When impetigo is caused by strep bacteria, a rare but serious
called glomerulonephritis can develop. This disease injures the kidney
may cause passage of blood in the urine and high blood pressure.

Excerpted from Caring for Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5, Bantam

© Copyright 2000 American Academy of Pediatrics

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