Menurut buku kesehatan anak saya (ada grafiknya, jadi bisa dideteksi apakah
berat badannya sesuai pertumbuhan atau malah menurun), berat badan putri
Wulansari berada di grafik average (tengah2), sehingga kalo usianya 11
bulan berarti berat seharusnya 9.25 kg. (sampilngnya orang kulit putih /
bule, nasional seluruh UK). Untuk orang Asia beratnya kurangin dikit dan
untuk Africa tambahin dikit. Artinya putri beratnya lebih (sedikit), malah
bagus kan.
Untuk tingginya sesuai grafik = 73 cm. Wah, berarti putri anda termasuk
tinggi (sekali) untuk anak seusianya.
     Saya tuliskan tentang sore throat dari buku Children's Symptoms :
Most sore throats in children are caused by minor viral infections that
clear up quickly without treatment. Occasionally, however, a sore throat
may indicate a more serious problem, such as tonsillitis. In very young
children, reluctance to eat or drink may be a sign of a sore throat.
Pastikan : Does your child have any of the following symptoms?:
1. fever, 2. seems unwell, 3.sneezing, 4.runny nose, 5. coughing, 6. none
of the above.
A. Kalo ada gejala 1 dan 2, maka Is your child suffering from any of the
following symptoms?:
     a.vomiting, b. rash, c. red mouth, d. pain on, swallowing or refusal
to eat solids.
     Kalo a, b dan c, maka possible cause : scarlet fever (is caused by
toxins produced by
     bacteria. A prominent feature is a widespread rash, which gives the
child a scarlet
     appearance). Action needed: Medical Help (Get medical advise within 24
     Self-help (Bringing down a high temperature).
     Kalo d, maka possible cause: Tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils,
often occur with
     pharyngitis (inflammation of the throat) in children aged up to 8
years. Action needed:
     Medical help (If your child is no better after 24 hours, consult your
     Self-help (Bringing down the temperature).

B. Kalo ada gejala 2, 3 dan 4, maka possible cause: A common cold (A viral
infectionof the nose
     & throat) or Allergic Rhinitis (Inflammation of hte lining of the nose
due to an allergic reaction).
     Action needed: Medical help (If the symptoms persist for more than a
week, make an
     appointment to see your doctor), Self-help (Relieving a cough).

C. Kalo 6, maka possible cause: Inflammation of the throat caused by a
minor infection or
     irritation. Action needed: Medical help (If your child's throat is
still sore after 48 hours, make an
     appointment to see your doctor).

Self-help: Relieving a sore throat:
- Give your child as many cold, non-acidic drinks, and as much ice cream
and jelly to eat, as he
   or she wants.
- Give regular doses of liquid paracetamol
- Offer throat lozenges if your child is old enough to suck rather than
chew them
- If your child is over 8 years old, he or she can gargle with a diluted

Ada tulisan satu lagi tentang sore throat ini dari buku Birth to Five (saya
rasa lebih simple):
     Many sore throats are caused by virus illnesses like colds or flu.
Your child's throat may be dry and sore for a day or so before the cold
Sometimes a sore throat is caused by tonsilitis. Your child may find it
hard and painful to swallow, have a high temperature, and swollen glands at
the front of the neck, high up under the jaw.
If your child has a sore throat and a high temperature, or is generally
unwell, check with your GP. If the sore throat is caused by a virus,
antibiotics won't be needed. But if a bacteria is the cause, antibiotics
usually help.
25/11/98 09:30 GMT

Hai, saya mau tanya tentang berat badan normal anak.
Putri saya berusia 11 bln, berat waktu lahir 3,4 kg dan panjang 51 cm,
sekarang ini mempunyai berat badan 9,5 kg dan tinggi 83 cm, apakah untuk
anak seusia dia beratnya normal? karena selama ini tidak ada masalah dengan
makannya dan susunya, makannya banyak setiap makan semangkok dan pasti
habis tetapi badannya tidak kelihatan gemuk.
Saya juga mau tanya, apakah anak seusia putri saya bisa terkena radang
tenggorokan? karena pernah dia panas dan saya bawa ke dokter anak di bilang
putri saya terkena radang tenggorokan, saya heran karena anak saya tidak
pernah makan makanan selain jadwal petunjuk dari

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