Rekans saya punya artikel tentang mengatasi tangis bayi (khususnya untuk yang baru 
lahir). Mohon maaf kalau dalam bahasa Inggris dan cukup panjang. Semoga berguna.

BABIES SOMETIMES cry for no apparent reason. After you've checked to see that your 
baby is not tired, sick, hungry or in pain, you'll want to try some of these common 
soothing strategies. When you do, remember these general guidelines:

1.When your baby cries, go to him as soon as you can. A baby who gets "worked up" or 
hysterical is much harder to soothe.
2. Try one of the following soothing techniques for about 10 minutes. If unsuccessful, 
try another for 10 more minutes. Keep this up until either your baby becomes calm or 
you feel as if you need a break. Then its time to find someone else to calm your baby 
or for you to let the baby cry it out. You must know your breaking point so you can 
avoid acting out your feelings of resentment, frustration and hostility.

While there is no single or sure way to stop a baby from crying, the following 
interventions have been found to have a much higher success rate than do other 

CARRYING: Studies indicate that babies who are carried by a parent in his or her arms 
or in a carrier for at least three hours during the day cry less than infants who 
aren't carried as much. The warmth and close physical proximity during carrying is 
calming to your baby and enables you to respond quickly to his cries.

RHYTHMIC MOTION: Many babies stop crying when in motion. Rocking chairs, infant 
swings, carriage rides, car rides and dancing chest to cheek across the floor are all 
comforting motions. Some experts believe that these repetitive, rhythmic movements 
satisfy a baby's need for predictability. Being able to rely on what comes next--that 
a chair will rock forward after it rocks backward--seems to help a baby feel more 
secure and safe.

SWADDLING: In the womb, babies grow accustomed to the constant feeling of snugness and 
something enclosing them, a sensation they lose at birth when they're thrust into the 
wide-open air. Swaddling--being wrapped very tightly in a lightweight blanket--can 
restore this safe feeling, and it also prevents arms and leg from flailing about, 
which can be startling and upsetting to newborns. To swaddle at home, take one corner 
of a receiving blanket and fold it down six inches. Place the baby on the blanket with 
her head above the fold. Next, take one side of the blanket and draw it across the 
baby's body. Fold the bottom section up over the baby's feet, then fold the last 
section across the body. Finally, turn the swaddled baby onto her stomach. A few weeks 
after birth infants may cry harder after swaddling because they find this confining 
rather than comforting.

SOOTHING SOUND: Babies are comforted by rhythmic, repetitive sounds that remind them 
of things they heard in the womb: sounds of the ocean or a waterfall, the hum of a 
laundry washer or dryer, the sound of a heartbeat or the hum of a vacuum cleaner. 
Babies also like slow, lilting music and the soft sound of a parent's voice crooning a 

COMFORT SUCKING: Babies have a strong sucking urge that is not related to their desire 
for food. Their crying is often controlled by sucking on their fingers or fist or a 
pacifier. Time-tested tips for successful pacifier use include: give your baby a 
pacifier before she reaches a screaming pitch and, to avoid tooth decay, don't sweeten 
the nipple with honey. Try to wean your baby off the pacifier by six months of age--a 
time when the urgent sucking need is diminished. For young babies, up until about six 
months of age, there is no need to worry about bad habits forming from too much 
sucking. On the contrary, providing opportunities for non-nutritive sucking for as 
long as a young baby wants can reduce crying and help the infant settle easier at 

MASSAGE: Touch is one of a baby's most highly developed senses at birth. Stroking your 
infant's skin can calm the baby and help her sleep better. A good habit is to massage 
your baby from head to toe for 15 minutes once daily before bed or at bath time. 
Simply pour a little baby oil into the palms of your hands, rub them together, then 
using your fingertips, draw circles in a rhythmic motion over your baby's body. Don't 
forget his hands, feet, face and head. Next, hold an arm or leg and, gripping softly 
with your open hand, gently move it back and forth using long, slow, gentle strokes. 
Be sure to apply just enough gentle pressure so that you don't tickle, and observe 
your baby for cues about whether he likes being touched. If he doesn't like the 
sensation, he'll fuss, arch his back, breathe harder and turn redder. Chances are, 
though, he'll enjoy the loving massage. Apart from enjoyment, stroking the infant's 
skin sends messages to the brain to increase levels of beneficial hormones and 
chemicals, including those that help the baby absorb food, bear pain, and regulate 
levels of cortisol, a stress hormone.

CUDDLIES: Many babies love nestling with something soft like Mom's nightgown, a soft 
blanket, or a plush toy. Typically, they don't begin to grow attached to an object 
like this and actively seek it out until around 8 months. Prior to this age, keep a 
soft object next your baby when you cuddle with her so she'll associate the object 
with your loving touch.

ROUTINES: A repetitive, predictable pattern of care may be more comforting to your 
baby than any single soothing technique. As soon as you bring your baby home, 
establishing a few simple routines, like bathing at the same time each day or hearing 
the same lullaby before bedtime each night. Being able to count on some things day in 
and day out is consoling to an infant who is exposed to so many new things the first 

RELIEF HELP: Constant crying is bound to make you feel tense and upset. These negative 
feelings are likely to be picked up by your baby who will cry all the more. You may be 
surprised when your spouse, a friend or a grandmother cradles your "inconsolable" baby 
and magically calms the screams. After a break you'll feel calmer, more refreshed and 
better able to respond to your baby.

CRY IT OUT: Babies sometimes need to cry out inner feelings of fatigue or tension at 
sleep time. This can be a self-soothing activity for the infant. So if external 
soothing techniques prove ineffective or overly stimulating, consider if your baby 
just needs to cry for a brief spell by herself to release tension and settle down. 

Riefna Azwita Fahmi
Test System Unit/QRS
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