Mbak Niken

Saya rasa mereka bukan sengaja memforward virus tsb, virus itu kirim
sendiri. Dibawah ini saya ada lampirkan penjelasannya.


Fenny Halim

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Warning! Virus! Worm!  Those are ominous, lethal-sounding words that perhaps
not coincidentally help sell newspapers.

Should we be panicking about Worm.Explore.Zip?  It is the latest computer
attack program, the third major bug to sweep across the Internet since
March, when the Melissa virus spread through e-mail.

The short answer is no, don't panic, but please DO be cautious about opening
attachments to e-mails, especially if you work on a corporate network.

Home users are less likely to be infected by this latest bug. 

Here's what we know so far about it.

1) Worm.Explore.Zip is far more dangerous than Melissa was, because it
actually destroys valuable files in such common Microsoft programs as Word,
Powerpoint, and Excel.
2) It shows up as an E-mail attachment--ostensibly from someone you know.
3) It will not spread as quickly as Melissa, which mailed itself to 50
computer users at a time.
4) Technically speaking, this attack program is called a "worm" rather than
a "virus" because it spreads from computer to computer through networks. It
generates a response to each incoming e-mail. By contrast, a virus spreads
by inserting itself into files on a computer system that are then passed
5) Worm.Explore.Zip is (so far) known to attack only computers using the
Microsoft operating systems Windows 95, 98, and NT. Macintosh and Unix
systems apparently are not affected.
6) What it does:
a) When you open an e-mail attachment labeled zipfiles.exe (see detailed
description below) it creates another program named explore.exe.
b) That program-explore.exe-embeds itself on your hard drive, and launches
every time an infected computer is restarted.
c) The program hunts through the hard drive and wipes out the contents of
documents, spreadsheets, and files created by Word, Excel, and Powerpoint.
It erases the files, reduces them to "0" bytes.
d) It uses e-mail software to send a copy of itself to the address of any
e-mail that arrives.

How to protect your computer:
a) The program arrives in an e-mail with this text:  
"Hi (your name)!
I received your email and I shall you a reply ASAP.  Till then, take a look
at the attached zipped docs. Bye."
b) Do not open this attachment!
c) Delete the e-mail.
d) Update your anti-virus software.
e) As a general rule, scan all e-mail attachments carefully.

From:   Padmorini, Niken AIS[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, June 21, 1999 1:38 PM
Subject:        RE: [balita-anda] Korban Virus ZippedFiles

Tapi mengapa Endang Wartiningsing juga mengirim file yang berisi Virus
tersebut ke alamat saya ??
Kalau dia menjadi korban, mengapa semua nya jadi ikut-ikutan dia kirim
Begitu juga dengan yang lainnya .. Saya dapat kiriman Virus tersebut
dari : 
1. Herman ?
2. Endang Wartiningsih
3. Rina Budiastuti 
Tidak tanggung-tanggung mereka mengirim sekaligus 3 atau 4 kali ke
alamat saya.
Apa sebenarnya maksud mereka ? ingin mencari korban atau teman juga ?

Kasihan donk yang tidak tahu ikutan jadi korban juga.


> ----------
> From:         Yuana Susilawati[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Reply To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent:         Monday, June 21, 1999 11:57 AM
> Subject:      [balita-anda] Korban Virus ZippedFiles
> Setelah salah satu anggota anggota milis balita-anda tertular
> virus ZippedFiles hari Sabtu kemarin, sampai dengan hari ini
> sudah ada lagi 2 orang rekan kita jadi korban virus ini, yaitu :
>    Alvi Maghfiratul  Laila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    Endang Wartiningsih <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Keduanya saya lihat pakai software email dari Microsoft...
> Akankah korban terus bertambah lagi????
> -yuana-


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