Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat untuk dijadikan bahan renungan

Remember, We're Raising Children, Not Flowers!

     David, my next-door neighbor, has two young kids ages five and
seven. One day he was teaching his seven-year-old son Kelly how to push the 
gas-powered lawn mower around the yard. As he was teaching him how to turn 
the mower around at the end of the lawn, his wife, Jan, called to him to ask 
a question. As David turned to answer the question, Kelly pushed the lawn 
mower right through the flower bed at the edge of the lawn - leaving a 
two-foot wide path leveled to the ground!

     When David turned back around and saw what had happened, he began to 
lose control. David had put a lot of time and effort into making those 
flower beds the envy of the neighborhood. As he began to raise his voice to 
his son, Jan walked quickly over to him, put her hand on his shoulder and 
said, "David, please remember...we're raising children, not flowers!"

     Jan reminded me how important it is as a parent to remember our
priorities. Kids and their self-esteem are more important than any physical 
object they might break or destroy. The window pane shattered by a baseball, 
a lamp knocked over by a careless child, or a plate dropped in the kitchen 
are already broken. The flowers are already
dead. I must remember not to add to the destruction by breaking a
child's spirit and deadening his sense of liveliness.

                               By Jack Canfield

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