Beriktu artikel pendek mengenai herpes

Mamanya Dafi

I'm 9 weeks pregnant and I just had my first outbreak
of herpes. (I didn't notice it until after my husband
and I had intercourse.) He has a history of herpes,
and, to the best of my knowledge, I do not. How will
this affect my fetus?

Drs. Gottesfeld:   A primary or first herpes outbreak
can affect your developing fetus; however, this is
quite rare. The main concern with herpes in pregnancy
is at the time of delivery. If you have an active
lesion or symptoms of an impending outbreak when you
are in labor, it is important to notify your provider.
It's likely that your doctor or midwife will recommend
that your baby be delivered by Cesarean section to
decrease the risk of transmitting the herpes virus to
your newborn.

Since a primary outbreak during pregnancy does
increase your chances of miscarriage and premature
labor, aquaint yourself with the signs and symptoms of
these problems. Also, notify your midwife or doctor
about this outbreak so she can keep an eye on you and
your baby. Good luck!

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