Dear Netters,
Artikel mengenai Vitamin C ini saya kutipkan dari Mayo Foundation.
Di US, dosis Vit C untuk ibu hamil 70 mg/hari, di Canada, malah lebih rendah
lagi hanya 30 - 40 mg/hari.
Vit C dosis tinggi (500 mg) untuk mengobati kekurangan Vit C.
Di artikel ini dikatakan juga bahwa Vit C dosis tinggi dapat mempengaruhi
janin, seperti yang saya baca juga di textbook Williams Obstetrics. Memang
pengaruh Vit C terhadap janin tidak terlalu jelas, dibandingkan dengan
infeksi TORCH, tetapi seandainya kita tahu hal ini bisa mempengaruhi janin,
lebih baik kita hindari.



Vitamins (VYE-ta-mins) are compounds that you must have for growth and
health. They are needed in small amounts only and are usually available in
the foods that you eat. Ascorbic (a-SKOR-bik) acid, also known as vitamin C,
is necessary for wound healing. It is needed for many functions in the body,
including helping the body use carbohydrates, fats, and protein.
Vitamin C also strengthens blood vessel walls.
Lack of vitamin C can lead to a condition called scurvy, which causes muscle
weakness, swollen and bleeding gums, loss of teeth, and bleeding under the
skin, as well as tiredness and depression. Wounds also do not heal easily.
Your health care professional may treat scurvy by prescribing vitamin C for

Some conditions may increase your need for vitamin C.
These include: AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), Alcoholism,
Burns, Cancer, Diarrhea,  Fever, Infection.Vitamin C may be used for other
conditions as determined by your health care professional.
Claims that vitamin C is effective for preventing senility and the common
cold, and for treating asthma, some mental problems, cancer, hardening of
the arteries, allergies, eye ulcers, blood clots, gum disease, and pressure
sores have not been proven. Although vitamin C is being used to reduce the
risk of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer, there is not
enough information to show that these uses are effective

Importance of Diet
Vitamin C is found in various foods, including citrus fruits (oranges,
lemons, grapefruit), green vegetables (peppers, broccoli, cabbage),
tomatoes, and potatoes. It is best to eat fresh fruits and vegetables
whenever possible since they contain the most vitamins. Food processing may
destroy some of the vitamins. For example, exposure to air, drying, salting,
or cooking (especially in copper pots), mincing of fresh vegetables, or
mashing potatoes may reduce the amount of vitamin C in       foods. Freezing
does not usually cause loss of vitamin C unless foods are stored for a very
long time. Vitamins alone will not take the place of a good diet and will
not provide energy. Your body also needs other substances found in food such
protein, minerals, carbohydrates, and fat. Vitamins themselves often cannot
work without the presence of other foods. For Normal daily recommended
intakes for vitamin C are generally defined as follows:
 Persons                           U.S. (mg)  Canada (mg)
Birth to 3 years of age       30-40        20
4 to 6 years of age              45            25
7 to 10 years of age            45            25
Adolescent, adult males    50-60      25-40
Adolescent, adult females 50-60      25-30
Pregnant females                70         30-40
Breast-feeding females     90-95         55
Smokers                          100         45-60

Before Using This Dietary Supplement
Pregnancy-It is especially important that you are receiving enough vitamins
when you become pregnant and that you continue to receive the right amount
of vitamins throughout your pregnancy. Healthy fetal growth and development
depend on a steady supply of nutrients from mother to fetus.
"However, taking too much vitamin C daily throughout pregnancy may harm the
Breast-feeding-It is especially important that you receive the right amounts
of vitamins so that your baby will also get the vitamins needed to grow
properly. You should also check with your doctor if you are giving your baby
an unfortified formula. In that case, the baby must get the vitamins needed
some other way. However, taking large amounts of a dietary      supplement
while breast-feeding may be harmful to the mother and/or baby and should be
Children-Problems in children have not been reported with intake of normal
daily recommended amounts.
 Older adults-Problems in older adults have not been reported with intake of
normal daily recommended amounts.
Blood problems-High doses of vitamin C may cause certain blood problems
Diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes)-Very high doses of vitamin C may
interfere with tests for sugar in the urine
 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency-High doses of vitamin C
may cause hemolytic anemia
Kidney stones (history of)-High doses of vitamin C may increase risk of
kidney stones in the urinary tract

Proper Use of This Dietary Supplement
Dosing-The amount of vitamin C needed to meet normal daily recommended
intakes will be different for different individuals. The following
information includes only the average amounts of vitamin C.
For oral dosage form (capsules, tablets, oral solution, syrup):
To prevent deficiency, the amount taken by mouth is based on normal daily
recommended intakes:
For the U.S.
            Adult and teenage males-50 to 60 milligrams (mg) per day.
            Adult and teenage females-50 to 60 mg per day.
            Pregnant females-70 mg per day.
            Breast-feeding females-90 to 95 mg per day.
            Smokers-100 mg per day.
            Children 4 to 10 years of age-45 mg per day.
            Children birth to 3 years of age-30 to 40 mg per day.
            For Canada
            Adult and teenage males-25 to 40 mg per day.
            Adult and teenage females-25 to 30 mg per day.
            Pregnant females-30 to 40 mg per day.
            Breast-feeding females-55 mg per day.
            Smokers-45 to 60 mg per day.
            Children 4 to 10 years of age-25 mg per day.
            Children birth to 3 years of age-20 mg per day.
 To treat deficiency:
            Adults and teenagers-Treatment dose is determined by prescriber
            each individual based on the severity of deficiency. The
            dose has been determined for scurvy: 500 mg a day for at least 2
            Children-Treatment dose is determined by prescriber for each
            individual based on the severity of deficiency. The following
            has been determined for scurvy: 100 to 300 mg a day for at least

© 1995-2000, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

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