May 4, 2000
Web posted at: 11:15 p.m. EDT (0315 GMT)

(CNN) -- Hours after the self-propagating and destructive "ILOVEYOU" virus
destroyed critical files and jammed countless electronic mail systems,
computer network administrators battled at least one copycat virus dubbed
"very funny." 

The new variants can elude anti-virus software designed to block the
"ILOVEYOU" bug and could potentially cause the same damage. 

"We predict at least a dozen copycats within the next 24 hours," said
computer security expert Peter Tibbett, who works for of Reston,
Virginia, which measures the frequency and cost of viruses on 1 million
machines per year. 

"There'll be hundreds of these" in the coming days, he said, "maybe

He said he didn't expect the copycats to cause the widespread damage that
Thursday's "ILOVEYOU" virus did -- which is estimated at tens of millions of
dollars in damage worldwide and could reach $1 billion by Monday. 

However, Tibbett said the copycats should not be underestimated. 
The latest copycat virus comes via e-mail with "fwd:joke" on the subject
line and an attachment "very funny.vbs." The copycat first appeared Thursday

It is believed to have been re-sent from the earlier "ILOVEYOU" virus,
rather than that virus written to rename itself. 

Tibbett urges computers users and companies to block all e-mails that have
attachments as a precaution, or if they can, simply block attachments with
.vbs files. 

"Quarantine or block anything coming into your organization with an
attachment," he said. 

Experts estimated that 60 percent to 80 percent of U.S. companies were
infected by the "ILOVEYOU" virus. Additionally, several U.S. government
agencies and the Senate were hit, as well as more than 100,000 servers in

FBI on trail of virus author
The "ILOVEYOU" virus was first reported in Hong Kong and spread gradually
west as Thursday dawned, infecting government and business computers.
Anti-virus companies in the United States fielded thousands of calls from
corporate customers reporting widespread infections. 

Several anti-virus companies have developed "virus definition" files for the
"ILOVEYOU" virus, which is currently known to spread through the Microsoft
Outlook e-mail program and through a popular Internet Relay Chat program.
Those files have so-called "fingerprints" for the virus, allowing those
programs to detect and eliminate it. 

The malicious code is a hybrid virus and worm. Like the Melissa and
Explore.Zip worms, it propagates itself through networks -- in this case,
e-mail. But unlike those two, it also destroys and replicates itself by
manipulating files, in this case JPEG and MP3 files on a user's hard drive,
like a traditional virus. 

"This is fairly big time," Tibbett said of the "ILOVEYOU" virus. 

The FBI has begun investigating the "ILOVEYOU" virus. Officials at the
National Infrastructure Protection Center were meeting Thursday to discuss
the attack's impact. Two clues within the virus code indicate that it may
have originated in the Philippines. 

The beginning of the virus code states, in comments, the alias "spyder," and
contains an anonymous e-mail address and a company name. It is also signed
"Manila, Philippines," and with the comment, "i hate go to school." 

Additionally, the virus tries to set the user's Internet Explorer start page
to a Web site registered in Quezon, Philippines. It attempts to trigger a
program called "WIN-BUGSFIX.exe" on one of four user accounts through the
same site. The site belongs to one of the largest Internet Service Providers
in the Philippines. 

'LOVE' already costing much
Tibbett estimated $100 million in software damage and lost commerce had been
caused by 9 a.m. Thursday in North America alone and predicted the price tag
would exceed $1 billion by Monday morning. has 200,000 clients, among them financial institutions, government
agencies and corporations, Tibbett said. The Department of Justice used the
company's estimates for damage caused by last year's Melissa virus, he said.

"This beats Melissa hands down," Tibbett said. 

According to, the Melissa virus infected 20 percent of North
American companies' computer systems. "We anticipate this'll exceed 50
percent of North American companies by Monday," Tibbett said. 

 Tips on containing the "Love Bug" virus:  
  * If you see "ILOVEYOU" in the subject line of your e-mail, do not open
the attachment, "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs." Instead, delete the message. 
  * Install anti-virus software, if you haven't already done so, and check
with manufacturers' Web sites for any updates they may post to kill the
  * Network administrators should filter and delete incoming mail with
"ILOVEYOU" in the subject line and "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs" as an
attachment name. 

Senate has no love for 'LOVE'

The "ILOVEYOU" virus is "widespread" at the U.S. Senate computer system,
according to Elizabeth McAlhany of the Senate Sergeant At Arms office. Every
Senate office has been paged to alert them to the virus. The Senate's
internal e-mail system was shut down. 

Effects were minimal at the U.S. House of Representatives, although
"hundreds of thousands" of copies of the virus were deleted, according to
the Committee on House Administration, which is overseeing the defense

"By all looks, it doesn't appear to be too bad," committee spokesman Jason
Poblete told CNN. "No one knew it was coming. But we won't know about
permanent technical damage until it's over," he said. The House e-mail
system is still operating, Poblete said. 

The White House and federal agencies reported minimal effects. 

Britain's House of Commons was also hobbled by the virus. 

"I have to tell you that, sadly, this affectionate greeting contains a virus
which has immobilized the House's internal communication system," said House
leader Margaret Beckett. 

In Hong Kong the "ILOVEYOU" virus appeared late in the afternoon, and is
reported to have hit public relations firms and investment firms
particularly hard. Dow Jones Newswires and the Asian Wall Street Journal
were among the victims. 

In Europe, the "ILOVEYOU" virus reached European parliaments, big companies
and financial traders early Thursday. Officials at the Norwegian anti-virus
company Norman said they first heard of the virus around 10 p.m. Central
Europe Time (CET) Wednesday. 

"The virus first showed up on my desk one hour ago", virus analyst Snorre
Fagerland at Norman told CNN Norway. "Usually we get a few days notice until
the virus reaches us, thus this virus seems to be very aggressive." 

In Denmark, the TV2 channel, the telecom company Tele Danmark and the Danish
parliament were all victims. 

"More than 100,000 mail servers in Europe have been taken down or stuck out
by the virus," virus specialist Stein Mollerhaug in Compaq Norway told CNN
Norway. "And the servers with anti-virus programs have huge problems.
Millions of people are trying to get the latest anti-virus programs," he

Compaq first noticed the "ILOVEYOU" virus Thursday at 7:30 a.m. CET. "One of
our employees then received the virus from one of our partners in Malaysia.
We knew we had a problem when he received 200 more copies of the same mail
within minutes," Mollerhaug said. 

Mollerhaug fears copycats will start a new wave of the virus in Asia and

History nearly lost

The Norwegian photo agency ScanPix lost some 4,500 photos. Had the
"ILOVEYOU" virus struck three days earlier, photos from the Norwegian war
archives would have been lost. 

"Between 6,000 and 6,500 photos was deleted by the virus, and we only
managed to rescue 1,500 of them. The rest seem to be lost," ScanPix managing
editor Tore Sannum told CNN Norway. 

The agency has between 700,000 and 800,000 photos in their archives, but
good backup routines saved most of the photos. The deleted photos were in a
transit database for the latest incoming photos to the agency. 

The war archive was gathered by Norway's exile government in London during
World War II. ScanPix has been working on the archive -- which is a part of
the Norwegian national archives -- for more than two years. 

"Just a few days ago, we burnt the latest photos from this archive on CD's.
Otherwise, they would have been lost forever", Sannum said. 

Among the deleted photos, Sannum feared wedding photos from Norway's native
Lapp population might be lost. One of the agency's photographers had been
working with the photos for several weeks. 

"She took some fantastic photos," Sannum said. "Now I fear they might be
gone. We are trying to reach her to see if she had any copies." 
The virus is activated by opening the 'LOVELETTER' attachment    

How it works

Security experts at F-Secure have analyzed the "ILOVEYOU" virus thoroughly.
Users usually get an e-mail, sometimes from someone they know, asking them
to check the attached "Love Letter." That file is a VisualBasic script,
which contains the virus payload. As long as the user deletes the e-mail
without opening the attachment, their computer is safe from harm. Once a
computer is infected, the virus transmit itself through e-mail using
Outlook's address book. 

"What makes this virus so much more aggressive than Melissa is that this
virus sends copies to all the addresses, whilst Melissa only sent copies to
the first 50 addresses," Fagerland said. 

The virus can also travel through the Internet Relay Chat client mIRC,
according to F-Secure, which has analyzed the malicious code. 

Unlike the "Melissa" virus, which traveled in a similar fashion, "ILOVEYOU,"
also known as the Love Letter worm, is more destructive. First, it copies
itself to two critical system directories and adds triggers in the Windows
registry. This ensures that it's running every time the computer reboots. 

The virus then starts affecting data files. Files associated with Web
development, including ".js" and ".css" files, will be overwritten with a
file in the VisualBasic programming language. The original file is deleted.
It also goes after multimedia files, affecting JPEGs and MP3s. Again, it
deletes the original file and overwrites it with a VisualBasic file with a
similar name. 

'It's very clever'

Since it affects popular file types, there is a chance that re-infection
could occur by overlooking those replaced files. 

"If you don't do a full scan," said Carey Nachenberg, chief researcher at
the Symantec Anti-Virus Research Center, "you'll click on one of those
things, and whammo! You'll infect everybody again. It's very clever." 

Nachenberg called the "ILOVEYOU" virus a "corporate-flavored" worm, because
it affects scripting files common to company networks. It also only affects
Windows 98 and NT operating systems. Windows 95 users are susceptible if
Windows Scripting Host is installed. Researchers are also checking whether
it affects Outlook Express, the consumer version of Microsoft Outlook, to
see how vulnerable end users could be. 

Richard M. Smith, the Internet consultant who tracked down the author of the
"Melissa" virus, said the best hope in tracking down the "ILOVEYOU" author
is through the e-mail address left on the virus code. 

"Even if the person gave false information, if (the free, Web-based mail
company) recorded the IP address, then they'd know if it came from the
Philippines," he said. Smith also predicts some copycats, since the virus
code is so easily found and manipulated. 

A spokesperson for the mail company,, refused to divulge account
information, or even whether the account ever existed. 

"We have investigated the matter thoroughly, and we have determined that
there's no evidence that the virus originated from any of's e-mail
accounts," company spokesperson Kathy Holms Robb said. Robb would not
comment on if the company was working with the FBI. 

Taking a lighter view of the "ILOVEYOU" virus, British Commons leader
Beckett said she did not know whether to be "sorry or pleased that as far as
I'm aware, I have not received an e-mail saying 'I love you.'" 

Technology Editor D. Ian Hopper, Morton Overbye of CNN Norway, CNN producer
Ted Barrett and Congressional Correspondent Frank Black contributed to this

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