Otto Sihite wrote:
> Hallo Bundanya Yasmin,
> Apakah Yasmin suka music juga?????kalo bisa sangat mudah untuk
> mengalihkan-nya...
> Coba putar kaset "Build Your Babys Brain" Kaset-nya ada di
> toko-toko....Versi 1-5
> Lagu-nya sich semua klaik ringan....seprti:
> Build your Babys Brain :
> 1. Throught the power of Music
> 2. Throught the power of Baroque
> 3. Throught the power of Bach
> 4. Thought the power of Mozart
> 5. Throught the power of Bethoven.
> Lagu-nya semua enak...saya yakin Yasmin akan suka sekali...
> Ini pengalaman saya lho...dan pengalaman ponakan saya....
> Mudah-mudah-an berhasil...

Dari saya ikut nambahin share :

"Kenapa musik orchestra" yang juga penting. Jenis musik
tersebut memiliki "harmoni vertikal maupun horisontal yang sangat
tinggi" (maaf ini istilah teknis). Perbaduan antara instrumen yang satu
dengan yang lain, baik secara vertikal maupun horisontal sehingga "enak
di didengar" gampangya disebut harmoni (ini penjelasan untuk awam).
Harmoni bisa terbentuk karena frequensi instrument yang satu dengan yang
lainnya berseimbang (menurut ukuran telinga manusia). Harmoni di dalam
musik sangat berpengaruh pada pendengaran  manusia, dan  yang lebih
penting lagi juga "psychoakustik" manusia, yang insyaAlloh berpengaruh
kepada kepribadian manusia, kiro-kiro ngono kuwilah! Makanya tidak heran
kalau hal itu bisa menseimbangkan otak kiri dan kanan (lihat literatur
dibawah ini).
Coba simak Litaratur yang berikut ini, berbagai landasan teori yang
lainnya yang canggih saya punya cukup banyak:

1. Musik membentuk kepribadian

There are a number of models linking the development of a more positive
personality with music education. First and foremost is the
neuro-biological approach, mainly the theories for lateralisation of the
human brain. These theories state that subject knowledge, logical and
grammatical contents (these being the normal educational requirements)
are mainly processed in the left hemisphere. Structures, clours, shapes
and music mainly in the right hemisphere of the brain. However, as music
is also partly processed in the left hamisphere (reading of music,
Rhythm), positive effects are expected because both parts of  the brain
are not only used similarly, but also because they have to communicate
with each other better, which causes a levelling of balance in the brain
activity. thus the base for an overall harmonisation of personality is

2. Berdasarkan (theory of identical elements  dari Thorndike) Kemampuan
di dalam musik bisa ditransfer ke bidang yang lain:

To establish a global comparison in a psychological sense, Thorndike's
theory of transfer (theory of identical elements) is often quoted, to
establish the reasons as to why abilities acquired in music lessons are
transferred into external non-musical areas.
3. Hasil penelitian di Ungarn, Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland
This last estimate is implicitly the base of the relationships are
postulated in Hungary regarding the Kodaly method and the elementary
schools. In this a whole range of abilities (e.g. memory and capacity to
concentrate) and capabilities are enumerated, which are acquired by the
child during music lessons and which are required in other school
subjects and situations. Effects on mathematical abilities are to be
expected, as the child has to divide as well as add throughout
rhythm exercises; training of hearing facilitates the acquisition of
foreign language skills; rendering more sensitive to the varying types
and colours of sound is comparavle with those in the visual area and
will positivly influence capabilities in areas such as drawing etc..
Reports were made regarding the male and female pupils in the hungarian
music grade schools as to their ability to be more flexible in
mathematics, to use a  more lively array of terminology in language
studies, to extract the core of supplied literary material more readily,
to participate considerably more actively  and to masters foreign
languages more easily. Similar finding had been made in Germany and in


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