Mama Hana,
Kalau pengalaman saya tidak punya nih, kadang takut
juga sampai sekarang belum pernah kena. Tadi saya
carikan dari baby center karena rasanya dulu pernah
baca dan ketemu. Ini artikelnya, semoga berguna dan
untuk rekans netter lain yang belum pernah kena ada
baiknya minta imunisasi untuk cacar air ini terutama
jika berencana mau hamil, karena efeknya pada bayi
cukup serius dan untuk bayi usahakan diimunisasi
Varicella atau Varilrix untuk meperkecil kemungkinan

Mamanya Dafi

I'm pregnant and was recently around a child who has
chicken pox. Should I worry? 
                   If you had chicken pox as a child,
you probably have no reason to worry. Your
                   body has developed antibodies to
the virus, making you immune to further
                   infection. But if you've never been
exposed to the virus, consult with your
                   doctor or midwife as soon as
possible. One to 2 percent of babies whose
                   mothers contract chicken pox while
pregnant — especially between weeks
                   eight and 20 of pregnancy — are
born with one or more birth defects such as
                   scars, eye problems, poor growth,
and delayed development.

                   Catching the chicken pox virus five
days or less before giving birth, or one to
                   two days after delivery, is even
more worrisome because it can be fatal to the
                   baby. If this condition, called
congenital varicella, is left untreated, the baby
                   has a 30 percent chance of dying.
Giving the newborn baby an injection known
                   as VZIG (varicella zoster immune
globulin) reduces the risk. Infection six to 21
                   days before birth means a baby
usually gets a mild case of the illness. 

If I get chicken pox during pregnancy, can I take a
test that will tell me whether my baby has developed
any birth defects? 
                   A detailed ultrasound done between
weeks 18 and 20 of pregnancy that
                   checks your baby's vital organs may
be your best bet. The doctor or radiologist
                   may be able to see whether the
limbs and the brain are developing as they
                   should. But ultrasounds can't
detect all types of birth defects. For more
                   information, talk to your doctor or

If I haven't had chicken pox, should I get the
                                   Not if you're
already pregnant. But if you're not pregnant,
                                   it may be a good
idea, though according to the
                                   manufacturer of the
chicken pox vaccine, you should
                                   wait until three
months after being immunized before
                                   trying to conceive.
The American Academy of Pediatrics
                                   advocates waiting
only a month. 

I'm pregnant and was exposed to someone with chicken
pox yesterday, but I don't know whether I'm immune
to it. What should I do? 
                   Your healthcare provider can do a
blood test to check for the presence of
                   chicken pox antibodies in your
system. If you don't have any, you're not
                   immune to the disease and stand a
big chance of being infected because of
                   your recent exposure to chicken
pox. For your and your baby's protection, ask
                   your doctor or midwife about
getting a dose of zoster immune globulin (ZIG), a
                   blood product that contains chicken
pox antibodies. ZIG will lessen the
                   severity of any possible infection.
But you must get ZIG within four days of
                   exposure for it to be effective.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Kalau boleh ikutan tanya, mungkin rekan netter
> pernah punya pengalaman. Teman
> saya sedang hamil 3 bulan dan saat ini suaminya
> sedang sakit cacar air. Adakah
> cara supaya tidak tertular? Dan kalau tertular
> bagaimana penyembuhannya dan
> apakah berbahaya bagi janin?
> Mungkin Mama Dafi atau rekan netter lainnya bisa
> kasih info atau pengalaman?
> Terimakasih sebelumnya
> Salam
> Mamanya Hana

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