Ibunya Harits,
Berikut artikel tentang down syndrome (mongoloid),
kalau ibu tahu istilah kedokterannya untuk jantung
bocor mungkin bisa saya carikan artikelnya, karena
kelainan jantung adalah salah satu ciri dari down

                   What is Down syndrome? 
                   DS is a chromosomal anomaly that
occurs in 1.3 per 1,000 births. It is,
                   however, more common among children
born to women who are over age 35.
                   For some unexplained reason, an
error in cell development results in 47
                   chromosomes, rather than the usual
46, and the extra gene material slightly
                   changes the orderly development of
the body and brain. About 5,000 babies
                   with Down syndrome are born in the
United States every year; the national
                   population of individuals with DS
is estimated to be 250,000.

                   Babies with the disorder are more
like typically developing infants than they
                   are different. And as they grow up,
you'll find there is great diversity within the
                   population in terms of personality,
learning styles, intelligence, appearance,
                   compliance, humor, compassion,
congeniality, and attitude. 

                   What are the characteristics of
Down syndrome? 
                   Children with DS look more like
their families than they do one another. They
                   have a full complement of emotions
and attitudes, are creative and imaginative
                   in play and pranks, and grow up to
live independent lives with varying degrees
                   of support and accommodations

                   Down syndrome will not be the most
interesting thing about your son or
                   daughter. Remember that raising any
child fills your life with unimaginable
                   delight and difficulties. We can no
longer predict how far our children will go.

                   Children with DS benefit from the
same care, attention, and inclusion in
                   community life that help every
child grow. As with all children, quality
                   education in neighborhood schools
and preschools or at home is important to
                   provide your child the
opportunities that are needed to develop strong
                   academic skills.

                   On standard IQ tests, children with
Down syndrome most often score in the
                   mild to moderate range of mental
retardation. But these tests don't measure
                   many important areas of
intelligence, and you'll be surprised by your child's
                   memory, insight, creativity, and
cleverness. And unfortunately, the high rate of
                   learning disabilities in students
with Down syndrome may mask a range of
                   abilities and talents.

                   Although children with DS are early
customers for extensive health evaluations
                   and other professional
intervention, it's important to keep in mind that
                   child deserves to be surrounded by
people who love, respect, and admire all

                   Individuals with DS may be
identified by numerous physical attributes, which
                   may or may not present themselves
in any one individual. Some
                   characteristics include:

                   • Beautiful almond shaped eyes,
with striking Brushfield's spots (small, white,
                   and crescent-shaped) on the irises

                   • A single palmar crease on one or
both hands

                   • Small features

                   • Exceptional social intelligence

                   • A high rate of congenital heart
defects (35 to 50 percent) — your child
                   should have an echocardiogram
within the first two months of life.

                   National organizations provide
medical checklists for individuals with Down
                   syndrome that you may wish to pass
on to your child's physician. 

                   Are there different varieties of
the disorder? 
                                   There are three
major types of Down syndrome. Your
                                   baby is most likely
to have Trisomy 21 — the presence
                                   of extra genetic
material on the 21st pair of
resulting from an anomaly in cell division
                                   during development
of the egg or sperm or during
About 95 percent of people with DS have
                                   Trisomy 21.

                                   About 4 percent
have Translocation, in which the extra
                   chromosome 21 broke off and became
attached to another one. About 1
                   percent have Mosaicism, where only
some cells have Trisomy 21. 

                   What will life be like for a child
growing up with Down
                   Your child will have more
opportunities than a child born with DS even five
                   years ago. Young people with DS
have shown they can excel in areas never
                   thought possible. But in order to
do this, they need the understanding and
                   support of their communities. And
as they integrate into mainstream programs,
                   doors continue to open. We've
already seen a TV series, "Life Goes On" —
                   which starred a talented actor and
actress with Down syndrome — enlighten
                   the general public about the
potential of all our children.

                   Two young men with DS have written
a book, Count Us In: Growing Up with
                   Down Syndrome, and impressed
audiences across the country at book
                   signings and on talk shows. A
fast-paced mystery, Honor Thy Son, by Lou
                   Shaw, features two characters with
Down syndrome who are faithfully
                   portrayed as multi-dimensional
young adults. And a young man with the
                   disorder was the winner of the 1996
Best Actor honor at Cannes.

                   Thousands of young people with DS
across the country are quietly going on
                   with their lives without fame or
fanfare and are transforming their communities
                   just by being there. They have
dreams and the determination to reach their
                   goals. They learn in regular
classrooms in their neighborhood schools with the
                   children who will one day be their
co-workers, neighbors, and adult friends.
                   Young adults hold diverse and
meaningful jobs, maintain their own households,
                   and make significant contributions
to their communities every day. 

                   Should I do anything different to
prepare for my baby's
                   Try to get some rest. You're
allowed to feel however you feel, and so are others
                   who love you and your baby.
Childbirth is hard work; many of your emotions
                   stem from a new life coming into
your family. You deserve congratulations and
                   wonderful gifts. Have the good
cooks among your family and friends bring over
                   their best meals. Take time to
welcome and enjoy your baby — they grow up
--- putri lestari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Keponakan saya 1 bulan, didiagnosa mengidap kelainan
> jantung (bocor), dan diduga mongoloid. Mohon rekan
> yang mempunyai pengalaman atau artikeltentang
> mongoloid dan jantung bocor bisa berbagi...
> Terimakasih.
> Ibunya Harits

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