Mbak Yani, Saya dapat artikel ini dari baby centre. Seperti yang dikemukakan disini bahwa disiplin adalah proses belajar dan bukan berisi hukuman. Untuk itu sebagai orang tua mengajarkan disiplin (kalau saya lebih senang istilah scheduling atau penjadwalan dan limitation atau pembatasan) dari awal kehidupannya. Anak yang disiplin bukan berarti anak yang 'manis' lho karena pemaksaan tingkah laku tertentu pada anak akan menyebabkan mereka tumbuh menjadi tidak kreatif (saya ingat artikel dari mbak Endra tentang degenuising our children, hal ini jangan sampai terjadi). Disiplin tumbuh dari rutinitas dan orang tua lah yang paling bertanggung jawab dalam membuat rutinitas yang baik. Disiplin juga tumbuh dari contoh, sehingga kita jangan berharap anak tidak suka bohong kalau orang tuanya suka berbohong, termasuk berbohong pada anak. Wah mbak, bisa panjang lebar nih, silakan baca aja ya artikel ini. Maamnya Dafi Question: What's the best way to discipline a toddler? Judith A. Hudson, Ph.D.: At any age, discipline should focus on teaching children how you want them to behave, not punishment. Because children learn differently at different ages, discipline and teaching techniques should take into account the child's developmental level and ability to learn. During the toddler years, the best techniques for teaching children how you want them to behave and avoiding frustration are repetition, distraction, and supervision. Repetition is important because children between the ages of one and three need a lot of practice to learn new concepts. The concepts involved in following directions, taking turns, and delaying gratification are new and challenging for toddlers and are learned only through constant practice. It's no use getting upset because you've told your son over and over not to climb on the table — he may need to hear that a hundred or more times before he finally remembers what you said and can use that information to modify his own behavior. Distraction is especially important for helping toddlers avoid trouble. Once you've told your toddler not to climb on the coffee table, it may sink in better if you leave the living room and find something else to do. If you leave him alone in the tempting situation, he'll still realize the consequences — you said no, and you don't want him to do it. If you stay, you'll have to keep stopping him, and sooner or later someone is going to get frustrated. The important thing is that your child learns that no means no, not that the two of you get into a battle of wills. Your child will eventually learn that climbing is not allowed, but he can find other fun things to do. You want him to learn how to find alternatives to behaviors you don't allow. Supervision involves being alert to your toddler's moods and avoiding difficult situations. Avoid confrontations by "toddler-proofing" your child's environment so that most temptations are out of sight and true safety concerns are kept to a minimum. It's much easier for a child to learn what "no" means if it applies to only a few situations — no hitting, no climbing, no running in the street, etc. — instead of a long list of no-no's (no touching the VCR, no touching the cat's food, no opening the cupboard doors, no going down the stairs, and so on). If things he's not to touch are out of reach and you put up gates to prevent your toddler from going where he's not allowed, you greatly reduce the number of rules and prohibitions he needs to understand along with his risk of making mistakes or even injuring himself. -----end------ --- Yani-Prime Indonesia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Rekan Netters , > > ada yang punya artikel "cara menerapkan disiplin > pada anak (-4 tahunan) "... > > Please advise. > > Wassalam, > Mbunya Farhan + Raihan > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger. >> Kirim bunga ke-20 kota di Indonesia? Klik, >> Info balita, Etika berinternet, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]