Buat rekan-rekan yang mau mem-potty training si Kecil


Toilet Training Made Easy

Created by the BabyCenter editorial board and reviewed by the BabyCenter
Medical Advisory Board.

What parent doesn't long to say good-bye to diapers? But getting to that
happy day -- the actual process of toilet training -- can often be
confusing and frustrating, especially where timing is concerned. Ask any
up-to-date pediatrician when a child should be toilet trained, and chances
are she'll say, "Whenever the child is ready." When it comes to toilet
training, pushing a youngster before she is willing simply sets you and
your child up for failure.

So how do you know when to start? Here are the signs to look for, what to
do when they appear, and tips for motivating even the most reluctant
Potty Time Yet? A Readiness Checklist

Every youngster is different. Most kids develop the necessary physical and
cognitive abilities to begin using a potty between 18 and 24 months -- but
many are not emotionally ready and willing until they're 3 or even 4 years

You'll know your child is ready when he or she... 
 1. Expresses interest in coming into the bathroom with you to find out
what goes on there and perhaps even sits on the toilet herself.
 2. Understands what the toilet is for and what it means to have a wet or
dirty diaper. If she also shows a preference for being clean and dry --
fussing when she's wet, pulling off a dirty diaper, or asking to be
changed -- all the better!
 3. Knows the words for urinating and having a bowel movement (such as
"going potty" or whatever words your family chooses).
 4. Can stay dry for at least two hours at a time.
 5. Has regular bowel movements with soft, formed stools.
 6. Can and will follow simple directions, such as those for washing
 7. Can help pull pants up and down.
 8. Seems to recognize at least a few seconds ahead of time that she's
about to go, and can tell you before it happens. (Many youngsters will
squat, leave the room, or get "the look" before having a bowel movement.)
 9. Is in a willing, receptive mood and isn't going through any major
transitions (like adjusting to a new sibling or school).
 10. Demonstrates a desire for independence (for example, wants to be a
"big girl" and do things for herself) -- or, better yet, shows a specific
desire to use the toilet like mommy and daddy do!
If your child meets most of these criteria, she's ready to try. If not,
wait a month or two and reevaluate.

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