Thanks banget atas infonya mbak.
Balasannya juga saya sudah terima.
Have a good day,

mamanya Dafi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 11/07/2000 09:06:42 AM

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cc:    (bcc: Tia Sutarno/ID/QUES/ICI)
Subject:  Re: [balita-anda] FW: To all my beloved Friends

Sebelumnya maaf ya mbak Tia, saya hanya ingin yakin
dengan informasi ini. Berikut saya dapatkan informasi
yang berbeda dari Discovery channel yang insya Allah
infromasinya akurat.
BTW, email mbak sudah saya balas, sampai kan?

Mamanya Dafi

Medical Myths in Cyberspace
Juju Chang: As a lot of us know, the Internet is a
fantastic tool for medical research,which is not to
say that everything you read on the Internet is true.
In fact, there are a lot of medical myths making their
way through cyberspace. Today, Dr. Lisa Callahan,
Assistant Professor of Medicine at Cornell University
Medical College, has joined us to help separate fact
from fiction. Thanks for joining us. There's one that
everyone seems to e-mail around, and that is that
breast cancer can be caused by antiperspirants
containing aluminum. Is there any truth in that?
Dr. Lisa Callahan: No, Juju, there's not. That has
been going around for 40 or 50 yearsnow. It pops up
every now and then, scares a lot of women, and there's
just no truth to it. I think what happened is that
people got this idea a few years ago that maybe the
aluminum clogged up the ducts, and somehow that caused
some back up of you know, ill humours if you will,
that cause cancer. But it's just not true.
Juju Chang: Well, that very popular myth has prompted
another question from one of our viewers, Dana of
Forest Hills, New York, wrote, 'Can waxing under your
arms cause breast cancer?'
Dr. Lisa Callahan: Absolutely not. All waxing does is
pull the hair out by the root. It does not get
absorbed into the body, and it cannot cause cancer.
Juju Chang: And certainly it's not the wax. Is there
anything that you put on your skin that can cause
Dr. Lisa Callahan: You know, there isn't. And that's
what a lot of these myths are. There is a possibility
that certain things you eat might be associated with
cancer. But you don't have to worry that putting
something on your skin is going to cause a problem.
Juju Chang: Well, let's debunk some of these other
myths. The wildest story that I've heard is the one
that there's a new contraceptive drug called
Progesterex, allegedly with a side affect of
sterility. Also, it's rumored that men are slipping
this so-called new drug into women's drinks. Is that
Dr. Lisa Callahan: No, Juju. And that is just a
horrible rumor that's out there to scare young women.
Progesterone is a hormone that occurs naturally in the
body. I've never heard of this drug Progesterex. It's
not listed in a pharmaceutical list of contraceptive
drugs. And there is no drug that you could take one
time to cause sterility. So women just don't need to
worry about that.
Juju Chang: There's another unbelievable rumor
floating around cyberspace that has to do with
shampoo, and those containing sodium laureth sulfate,
and whether or not that causes cancer.
Dr. Lisa Callahan: You know, maybe if you drink tons
of it, it could do something to you on the inside. But
it's certainly not going to do anything if you put it
on your hair. All it does is strip the chemicals off
your hair that you put on through shampoos and
connditioner and hair spray and that type of thing.
But it's not going to cause cancer.
Juju Chang: And the last story that we have is, 'To
survive a heart attack while alone you should cough
repeatedly and vigorously ... true or false?'
Dr. Lisa Callahan: Absolutely false, JuJu. If you're
alone, call for help. Call 911. But don't waste your
time and energy coughing.
Juju Chang: What explains why something like that
would come out on the Internet as some sort of medical
Dr. Lisa Callahan: Sometimes there are people out
there who just want to cause mischief, who want to
scare people, who want to frighten people. And there
are some people who are just misguided in their
belief, because they've read something or heard
something and they go out and scare a lot of people.
Juju Chang: I'm amazed at the amount of currency that
these myths can gather from friends of mine who are
reasonable, intelligent, well-educated adults, who are
e-mailing me really frightened.
Dr. Lisa Callahan: Well, a lot of us are frightened
about things that we can't control. And there are a
lot of things we don't understand about cancer. And so
cancer in itself is a big fear for a lot of people. So
every time a myth comes up, that oh, well, this causes
cancer,or that's associated with cancer, people often
forget their common sense, and they believe it.
Juju Chang: There's another myth that someone e-mailed
me that had to do with sunscreens, and how putting
sunscreen on your children can cause blindness?
Dr. Lisa Callahan: Not true! Again, it's something
you're putting on your skin. It's not going to cause a
problem like that.
Juju Chang: These kinds of hoaxes really sort of point
out the need to have a good relationship with your
Dr. Lisa Callahan: Absolutely! A good relationship
with your primary care doctor, so you can e-mail your
doctor, or send this information to your doctor, and
say, 'Is there any truth to this?' So your doctor can
reassure you that there's not.
Juju Chang: Is there a dead giveaway that something
like this is false? Briefly?
Dr. Lisa Callahan: Well, if it says "this happened to
my cousin's brother's uncle" you'd better watch out.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> FYI,
> Sorry kalau cerita ini ngga bener, saya hanya mau
> share information saja.
> Rgds,
> Tia
> > >
> > >
> > > Ladies, pls be more alert and take extra
> cautious when come
> > > to this issue ditawarkan minum oleh seorang
> pria.
> > >
> > > Telah beredar sebuah obat baru yang bernama
> Progesterex (you may check
> > the
> > > internet for the
> > > availability)
> > > Obat ini adalah pil kecil yang digunakan untuk
> mensterilisasi
> > > Obat ini sekarang dipakai oleh para pemerkosa
> > > pada perayaan pesta, Pub, Discotique untuk
> memperkosa dan
> mensterilisasi
> > > korbannya.
> > >
> > > saya telah mengecek status obat ini pada
> beberapa site di internet
> > seperti
> > > yang
> > > saya lampirkan di bawah ini (sengaja saya
> lampirkan biar kalian
> mengecek
> > > kebenarannya)
> > >
> <>
> > >
> <>
> > >
> > > Progesterex pada dasarnya dijual pada beberapa
> dokter hewan dan toko
> > > binatang,
> > > dan digunakan untuk mensterilkan hewan besar.
> > > Obat ini biasanya digunakan bersamaan dengan
> Rohypnol (Roofies) semacam
> > obat
> > > bius
> > > pembeliannya harus menggunakan surat dokter (you
> know Indonesia lah...,
> > you
> > > got money
> > > you can buy almost everything).
> > > Rohypnol ini semacam effervescent tablet yang
> cepat larut didalam air.
> > > si PEMERKOSA hanya tinggal memasukan Rohypnol
> dan Progesterex kedalam
> > > minuman
> > > mereka berdua, dan si KORBAN tidak akan pernah
> ingat apa yang telah
> > terjadi
> > > pada malam itu.
> > > dan Progesterex akan membuat si wanita tidak
> akan hamil sehingga si
> > > pemerkosa
> > > akan tetap bebas berkeliaran without worry about
> having a paternity
> test
> > > indentifying him beberapa bulan kemudian.
> > >
> > > tetapi yang perlu diperhatikan, EFFECT
> > > Progesterex dibuat untuk mensterilkan kuda,
> jerapah dan binatang besar
> > > lainnya.
> > > Setiap wanita yang telah meminumnya TIDAK AKAN
> > >
> > > Jadi BERHATI-HATILAH bila pergi ke PUB atau
> CAFFE dan jangan menerima
> > minum
> > > dari sembarang pria yang tidak anda kenal dengan
> baik. message ini
> hanya
> > > saya send ke rekan-rekan wanita, to avoid the
> missuse of this message.
> > >
> > > Believe it or not, there is even a site on the
> internet for the drug,
> > > telling people how to use it.
> > >
> > > Please! Forward Email ini kepada setiap wanita
> yang kalian kenal,
> > especially
> > > to young and naive girls.
> > >
> > >
> > > Ardi
> > >
> > >
> ****************************************************
> > > In Thee we trust
> > > Ignatius Ardi Wiryawan
> > > E-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Web    :
> <>
> > > Mobile: 0818-14 8015
> > >
> ****************************************************
> >
> >
> >
> >
> This email is confidential, may be legally
> privileged, and is for the
> intended recipient only.  Access, disclosure,
> copying, distribution, or
> reliance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited
> and may be a criminal
> offence.  Please delete if obtained in error and
> email confirmation to the
> sender.
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