Tune In to Find Out if Your Child Is Developing Normally

Use Recognition of TV Images to Assess Development

By Andrea M. Braslavsky, MS
WebMD Medical News

March 28, 2000 (Atlanta) -- Television may turn out to be a useful tool for assessing 
development in young children, according to an observational study published in the 
March 25 issue of the British Medical Journal. Some British researchers say it may 
help pediatricians determine if a child who is not yet talking at 18 to 24 months has 
a learning problem. But other pediatricians are not convinced of its value. 

"One thing [we] are concerned about is learning difficulties because they are not 
going to go away," lead author Ben Lloyd, MD, tells WebMD. "That is an important 
diagnosis. But trying to assess the abilities of a child who is not talking is quite 
difficult, so you need some good questions [to ask the parents]." Lloyd is a 
consultant pediatrician at the Royal Free Hospital in London. 

One of the questions Lloyd and his colleagues have started using is, "Does your child 
recognize the picture of a cat, dog, or baby on the television screen?" 

"In order to [recognize a cat, dog, or baby on TV], I think you have got to be of 
reasonable intelligence and you have got to want to communicate," he says, adding that 
they chose cats, dogs, and babies because those appear to be the first things young 
children recognize.

To determine at what age most developmentally normal children recognize those images, 
Lloyd questioned the parents of almost 800 children between the ages of 8 and 23 
months old, as well as the parents of 26 18-month-old children with Down's syndrome. 

If a parent responded that their child did indeed recognize the television image of a 
cat, dog, or baby, they were asked, "How do you know?" The researchers concluded that 
a child recognized the image if he or she named, imitated, or pointed at the image. 
Becoming excited or patting the screen was not considered sufficient evidence.

"We identified that by 18 months, 96% of the children are reported to recognize a cat, 
dog, or baby on the television screen," says Lloyd. By contrast, only 19% of children 
with Down's syndrome were reported to identify those images at 18 months. 

Lloyd asks parents if their child recognizes these TV images as one of several 
questions asked to evaluate a child's development when there is a developmental 
concern. "I ask other questions, like, 'Does she help around the house? Does she 
follow simple instructions?'" he says. 

One advantage of the TV image recognition question is that parents understand it and 
"they can answer it clearly." Whereas, Lloyd finds that other developmental questions 
asked of parents, like "Does he follow instructions?" are not always easy for them to 

"As a technique, [recognition of TV images] is not a particularly sophisticated one," 
Renee Wachtel, MD, tells WebMD in an interview about the study. "They asked parents at 
what age they thought their child could recognize these different things on 
television, which is really quite different than actually testing the children to see 
what they could, in fact, recognize. So it is very second hand in that regard." 
Wachtel is a professor of pediatrics and director of developmental and behavior 
pediatrics at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

"Then obviously, you get into the other set of issues: whether children who are very 
young should be watching television at all," she says. "While the [American] Academy 
of Pediatrics and many pediatricians do not feel that young children should be 
watching TV, I think there are much better ways to be determining how well your child 
is doing developmentally. We are much bigger proponents of reading books to your 
children and having your children identify pictures rather than things on TV as a 
better way of teaching your child and knowing whether your child is learning what you 
are teaching."

Lloyd says he is aware that promoting the use of television as a diagnostic tool is 
controversial, especially in light of the American Academy of Pediatrics' recent 
recommendation that children under the age of 2 watch no television at all. 

"Other pediatricians have said to me, 'You are sending the wrong message with this 
test,'" says Lloyd. "On a bad day you could imagine that some mother will hear about 
this, spot that her 16-month-old child isn't doing it, and then sit the child in front 
of the television for four hours as therapy. This is my nightmare scenario."

"Of course whether the child has normal development or not, they are better off not 
plopped in front of the television," says Lloyd. "In fact, as a result of this, I talk 
about the dangers of excessive television more."

Vital Information:

  a.. New research shows that by 18 months of age, 96% of children can recognize a 
cat, dog, or baby on a television screen, but only 19% of Down's syndrome children can 
do this. 
  b.. Researchers say this diagnostic tool can help determine whether a young child 
has a learning problem, but other experts question the validity of this measurement. 
  c.. One problem with this tool is that children under the age of 2 should not even 
be watching television, according to guidelines from the American Academy of 

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