Saya mau komentar nih :
        kalau seandainya benar apa yang diberitakan itu, tentunya Pemerintah
kita sudah mengambil tindakan. Bukankah pemerintah kita punya lembaga
pengawasan obat dan makanan dan YLKI. begitu juga dengan coca-cola yang ada
di luar negeri, pasti udah di ambil tindakan sama pemerintah setempat. kalau
menurut saya ini cuka trik persaingan yang tidak sehat diantara sesama
produsen minuman sejenis. Gimana pendapat yang lain ? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Sherly MM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 3:17 PM
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] FW: Always Coca cola........

hallo mbak miranda
Maaf, jika saya boleh tau hasil counter dari pihak
coca cola gimana? saya nggak ikutin yang dulu
Tolong yah... soalnya anak saya suka banget minum
soda. please

mamanya adiez
--- Miranda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> mbak, chain letter kayak gini sudah 2 kali nongol di
> milis kita dan sudah di
> counter oleh pihak coca cola. 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:       Patria, Diah [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent:       Wednesday, November 15, 2000 4:45 PM
> > Subject:    [balita-anda] FW:  Always Coca
> cola........
> > 
> > 
> > Saya dapat ini dari kawan, saya tidak tahu apakah
> ini benar atau tidak,
> > kalau benar ya kita harus lebih berhati-hati.dan
> maaf bagi yang
> > berkeberatan, ini cuma info
> > 
> > Salam
> > 
> > BUndanya Sulthan
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Hidayat, Taufik 
> > Sent: 15 November 2000 11:44
> > Subject: Always Coca cola........
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > Bagi yang suka minum coca cola, apalagi sampe
> tiap hari, semoga berita
> > ini
> > > dapat berguna bagi anda...............peace :)
> > 
> >
> > 
> > > Dahsyat Man !! gue penasaran waktu terima e-mail
> tetapi gue inget gue
> > punya
> > > pH meter digital [ range 0.0 sampai 14.0 ] dan
> gue coba
> > > ukur. Samplenya: FANTA merah botol kecil dan
> COCA COLA botol kecil dan
> > ADES
> > > botol setengah liter..
> > > hasilnya.....
> > > ADES pH = 7.8
> > > FANTA merah pH = 3.4
> > > COCA COLA pH = 2.3 wauuu mendekati H2SO4
> ha..ha..ha..
> > > Oh iya air accu [untuk menambah isi battery
> mobil ] pH = 6.9..
> > >
> > > Kalo mo coba, masukin daging mentah ke dalam
> coca-cola.
> > > Dijamin semalam/seharian, lihatlah hasilnya!!!
> Daging akan hancur.
> > > Bagaimana dengan tubuh kita?
> > >
> > > Ini harus diberitahu ke banyak orang...
> > >
> > > Hi Everybody,
> > > You might have seen the following, but just in
> case you haven't,
> > > please read it. I knew one young mother died due
> to failure of both
> > kidneys.
> > > She was hospitalized in Pertamina hospital for
> one month and was only
> > allowed
> > > 1(one) glass of water for one whole day. The
> doctor gave her medication
> > but it
> > > seems too late.
> > >
> > > According to her, she consumed those soft-drinks
> everyday at lunch.
> > > Although it's only one glass per day, it's
> enough to ruin that
> > > vital organ. She finally died in October last
> year and left one-year
> > > old son. Pitty!
> > >
> > > READ ON!!!
> > > Dangerous soft drinks!!!!
> > > This article is not about Politics but just
> CocaCola. Very interesting.
> > > Read on for those of u who love Coke/Pepsi...
> > > Just when you thought you knew everything....
> > >
> > > To clean a toilet:
> > > Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl.
> > > Let the "real thing"(cola) sit for one hour,
> then flush clean.
> > > The citric acid in Coke removes stains from
> vitreous china.
> > >
> > > To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers:
> > > Rub the bumper with a crumpled-up piece of
> > > Reynolds Wrap Aluminium foil dipped in
> Coca-Cola.
> > >
> > > To clean corrosion from car battery terminals;
> > > Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to
> bubble away
> > > the corrosion.
> > >
> > > To loosen a rusted bolt;
> > > Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the
> rusted bolt for several
> > > minutes.
> > >
> > > To bake a moist ham;
> > > Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan;
> > > wrap the ham in aluminium foil, and bake. Thirty
> minutes before the ham
> > is
> > > finished, remove the foil, allowing the rippings
> to mix with the Coke
> > for
> > a
> > > sumptuous brown gravy.
> > >
> > > To remove grease from clothes;
> > > Empty a can of Coke into a load of greasy
> clothes, add detergent, and
> > > run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will
> help loosen grease
> > stains.
> > > It will also clean road haze from your
> windshield.
> > >
> > > AND WE DRINK THIS STUFF! Coke & Pepsi
> > >
> > > For your info :
> > > The average pH of soft drinks, e.g. Coke, Pepsi
> is pH3.4.
> > > This acidity is strong enough to dissolve teeth
> and bones!
> > > Our human body stops building bones at around
> the age of 30.
> > > After that it'll be dissolving about 8-18% of
> the bones each year
> > through
> > > the urine depending on the acidity of the food
> intake (acidity does not
> > depend 
> > > on the taste of the food, but on the ratio of
> potassium / calcium /
> > > magnesium / etc. to phosphorus).
> > >
> > > All the dissolved calcium compounds accumulate
> in the arteries,
> > > veins, skin tissue, organs. This affects the
> functioning of the
> > > kidney (kidney stones).
> > > Soft drinks do not have any nutritional value
> (in terms of
> > > vitamins and minerals). They have higher sugar
> content, higher acidity,
> > and
> > > more additives such as preservatives and
> colourings.
> > >
> > > Some people like to take cold soft drinks after
> each meal, guess
> > > what's the impact? Our body has an optimum
> temperature of 37 degrees
> > > for the functioning of digestive enzymes. The
> temperature of cold
> > > soft drinks is much less than 37, sometimes
> quite close to 0. This will
> > lower
> > > the effectiveness of the enzymes and put stress
> on the digestive system,
> > > digesting less food. In fact the food gets
> fermented. The fermented food
> > > produces bad smelling gases, decays and forms
> toxins which are absorbed
> > in
> > > the intestines, get circulated in the blood and
> is delivered to the
> > whole
> > body.
> > > This spread of toxins can lead to the
> development of various diseases.
> > > Think before you drink Coke or Pepsi or any
> another soft drink.
> > > Have you ever thought what you drink when you
> drink an aerated drink?
> > > You gulp down carbon dioxide, something that
> nobody in the world
> > > would advise you to do.
> > >
> > > Two months ago, there was a competition in Delhi
> University "Who can
> > drink
> > > the most Coke?". The winner drank 8 bottles and
> died on the spot because
> > too
> > > much carbon dioxide in the blood and not enough
> oxygen. 
=== message truncated ===

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