Mbak Ambar,
Sebaiknya sih dihindari menempati kamar yang baru di
cat, bagaimanapun cat tersebut kan dibuat dari bahan
kimia yang belum tentu aman bagi kita. Kadang memang
ada yang 'ngidam' membaui sesuatu tapi ya kalau dalam
kondisi normal sebaiknya dihindari.
Kalau terpaksa sekali pastikan bahwa cat yang
digunakan tidak mengandung 'lead' (di kalengnya ada
tulisan 'bebas lead')sebagai campuran catnya, karena
bisa menyebabkan keracunan yang disebut Lead
Poisoning. Di AS sudah lama dilarang, tetapi saya
tidak tahu bagaimana di Indonesia, jadi mencegah lebih
baik daripada mengobati. Saya kirimkan artikelnya.
Semoga berguna

Mamanya dafi

Lead Poisoning
How can I tell whether my baby is at risk for lead
Basically, the older your house is and the closer you
live to a freeway orlead-heavy industry, the greater
your child's risk of lead poisoning. But it's rare
for babies to have this problem because they have so
little access to most sources of lead before they're
mobile. The age when children most commonly get lead
poisoning is between 1 and 2 years, when they are
moving around more and likely to put things in their
mouth. If you're concerned about lead,talk to your
pediatrician about whether you should have your baby's
blood tested. Your baby may be tested at 6 months if
you live in a high-risk area or have other risk
factors mentioned below.
The age of your house is an important factor because
older homes are more likely to have been painted with
lead-based paint. Although paint manufacturers began
phasing lead out of paint in 1950, the government
didn't ban it completely until 1978. In general, the
older your house is, the more likely it is to have
lead-based paint and the greater the amount of lead in
the paint. (Keep in mind that your child may also be
at risk if he frequently visits a friend who lives in
an older home or attends daycare in an older
Your proximity to a freeway or lead-heavy industry is
important because the lead these sources have put into
the air over time is likely to have ended up to
contaminating the soil nearby. Though the government
has now banned lead from gasoline, land near a freeway
or major thoroughfare may still contain
significant amounts of lead deposited there from car
exhaust years ago. 
How could my baby get lead poisoning? 
Even if your child isn't chewing on paint chips, he
can still get lead into his system if you've got
lead-based paint in or around your house, especially
if the
paint is peeling. He may be gnawing on the windowsill
or porch railing, for example, or breathing in the
dust created when painted surfaces, such as windows or
doors, rub against their frames.
Other common sources of lead include: 
• Plumbing pipes made with lead, or copper pipes
joined with lead solder
• Older or imported brass faucets, which may contain
• Brass keys (Don't let your baby play with your
• Lead crystal glasses
• Pottery with lead glaze (This is especially common
in ceramics made in the Third World.) 
• Imported food in cans made with lead solder 
• Old furniture, playground equipment, and toys
painted with lead-based paint(Have them repainted if
you suspect the paint is old.)
• Lead fishing weights
Occasionally lead pops up in unexpected places. In
1996 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
discovered that some imported vinyl mini-blinds
contained lead that had been added to stabilize the
plastic. Government tests showed that some of these
blinds produced lead dust in dangerous amounts, and
the blinds were withdrawn from the market. If your
home contains non-glossy vinyl mini-blinds from 1996
or earlier, you should think about replacing them. To
stay abreast of new lead poisoning hazards, check the
list of alerts maintained online by the National
Safety Council. One physician we spoke to reported an
incident in which infants developed lead poisoning
because the family stored the water they used for
formula in a
samovar, a metal vessel their grandmother had brought
from Iran. Lead in the samovar had leached into the
water. And recently a researcher at the University of
Michigan discovered that some candles with metal-cored
wicks put unsafe amounts of lead into the air when you
burn them, so stick to candles with paper or cotton
People with certain jobs and hobbies can inadvertently
bring lead residue back home on their hands and
clothing. If you work with stained glass or pottery,
refinish furniture, or visit indoor shooting ranges,
be sure to change your clothes and wash your hands
before returning home.
Fortunately, acute lead poisoning is rare. If you're
aware of the lead sources mentioned here and take
appropriate precautions, the chances of your child
developing a serious case of lead poisoning are quite
low.The most likely exceptions would be instances
where you're unknowingly giving your child doses of
lead. Certain folk remedies from Latin America
intended to treat intestinal or stomach ailments
contain more than 50 percent lead. Two of the most
common are greta and azarcon, which are typically sold
in powder form and may contain enough lead to be
deadly. Some Asian herbal
remedies, so-called patent medicines, have also been
found to contain unacceptable levels of lead. Never
give your baby any remedies without first checking
with your pediatrician. 
What are the possible health consequences of lead
If your child has been exposed to low levels of lead —
say from the paint in your house — it can take a while
for symptoms to become apparent. They may include
headaches, appetite loss, impaired hearing,
hyperactivity, and learning disabilities. If the
problem is not identified and the source of lead
removed, it can eventually lead to slowed growth and
damage to the brain and nervous system. There is some
evidence that if your child has significantly elevated
levels of lead in his blood for a long period of time,
it can lower his IQ by a few points. But no one has
yet proved that a short period of elevated blood lead
levels leads to any permanent health effects.
Acute lead poisoning is rare, but can cause vomiting,
abdominal pain, diarrhea, weakness in the limbs,
seizures, coma, and death. There is no designated
number at which blood lead levels are considered
acute, but unless your child manages to ingest a lot
of lead all at once, you should be able to notice
other       symptoms before he reaches the acute
If my baby does have too much lead in his blood, what
kind of treatment will he need? 
In most cases of chronic lead poisoning, doctors don't
recommend any specific medical treatment. The key is
to identify and remove the source of the lead. Once
your baby's exposure to lead is ended, his body will
slowly rid itself of lead.
If the level of lead in your child's blood is very
high, your doctor may recommend a treatment called
chelation therapy, in which he gives your child       
a chemical that binds to the lead and helps the body
pass it in the urine more rapidly. This therapy used
to require a hospital stay of five days while the     
   chemical was administered intravenously, but now
doctors can give it orally instead. This treatment is
used only in the most severe cases of lead poisoning
and is rarely necessary in children. 
How can I protect my baby from lead? 
The most important thing you can do to protect your
baby from lead is to make sure he's tested for it at
his well-baby visits if your doctor thinks he's at
risk for exposure. Perhaps the next most important
action is to make sure he has a healthy diet. When
your child has plenty of calcium and iron in his diet,
his body will be less likely to absorb lead, even if
he is exposed to it.You'll also want to find out
whether you have sources of lead in or around your
house. If you can answer yes to any of the following
three questions, you
should consider having an expert test your home or
yard for lead. 
• Do you live near a freeway or a lead-heavy industry
such as battery recycling or lead smelting? 
• Was your house built before 1978? 
• Do you have plumbing that includes lead pipes, or
copper pipes that have been joined with lead solder?
If you decide to test your house, yard, or water for
lead, have a professional do the job. Although you can
buy do-it-yourself home lead testing kits, studies
have shown that these kits are not always accurate.
Your state or local health department may perform lead
testing, and may do it for free. At the very least,
they'll be able to refer you to a qualified
What can I do to protect my baby from lead in the dirt
around my house? 
If you want to put your baby down outside, put him
down on a heavy blanket, even if you have a good,
grassy lawn. Also, remember to wipe dirt off your
shoes or to remove them before entering your house. 
What can I do if I have lead in my pipes? 
Even if you have lead pipes, you don't necessarily
have to replace your plumbing. Just be sure to use
only cold water for cooking, drinking, or making baby
formula. Hot water leaches lead from plumbing more
effectively, so it will have a higher lead content
than cold water. Most experts recommend letting the
cold water run for a couple of minutes when you get up
in the morning, and
any other time when no one's run the water for a few
hours. This flushes out the water that has been
sitting in the pipes accumulating lead. You might also
consider purchasing a filter certified for lead
removal. Avoid filters that ionize water, as they make
water even better at leaching lead. 
What should I do if I have lead in my house paint? 
You can have it removed, but remember that this
process will put a lot of lead dust into the air in
your home, which could be more of a hazard than
leaving it alone. Some experts recommend delaying the
removal of lead-based paint until your children are
older and less susceptible to its effects. If you do
decide to        remove lead paint, have the work done
by a professional certified by the Environmental
Protection Agency. To be safe, pregnant women and
young children should stay elsewhere until the work is
done. If this isn't possible,then the workers should
do one section of the house at a time and seal off
their work areas from the rest of the house and yard.
If the paint is in pretty
good condition and you decide to leave it alone,
remember to periodically wipe any dust off painted
surfaces with a damp disposable cloth. 

> At 08:18 AM 12/4/00 +0700, you wrote:
> >Hai neters sekalian, 
> >
> >Saya punya  temen yang tengah mengandung kurang
> lebih  6  bulan. Beberapa
> hari yang lalu kamar nya di cat ulang , otomatis
> ruangan jadi berbau cat.
> >Yang ingin saya tanyakan, apakah eda efek negatif
> dari ruangan yang berbau
> cat baik untuk ibunya atau bayi yang ada dalam
> kandungannya.
> >Tolong informasinya dong , kalo' ada yang pernah
> punya pengalaman.
> >Makasih sebelumnya ya.
> >
> >wasalam
> >Ambar

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