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      Various factors affect how much of the calcium you ingest really
gets into your
      blood. Here are facts you should know to make the most of the
calcium in your
      diet or any calcium supplements you take: 

      1. Stress from tension and worry can decrease calcium absorption.
The calcium in
      the diet is excreted rather than used. 

      2. Labels on calcium supplements can be misleading. The figure
that is important
      is the amount of elemental calcium provided by the supplement.
This is the
      actual amount of useable calcium. The rest of the calcium in the
tablet is
      coupled with a salt that makes it unavailable to the body. For
example, calcium
      glutamate is only 9 percent elemental calcium. A 500 milligram
tablet of calcium
      glutamate may contain only 45 milligrams of elemental calcium,
even though you
      may have been led to believe that you are taking 500 milligrams of
      Calcium carbonate, on the other hand, is 40 percent elemental
calcium; 500
      milligrams of calcium carbonate would provide 200 milligrams of
useable calcium.
      Labels on some supplements make this distinction, listing both the
type of
      calcium compound in the supplement and the amount of elemental
      provided. Other products are not as carefully labeled. Read labels
carefully and
      compare several brands when you shop. 

      3. Calcium is best absorbed when taken in smaller amounts more
frequently and
      with meals. For example, your body absorbs more calcium if you
take one 250
      milligram tablet twice a day rather than one 500 milligram tablet
once a day. If a
      higher dose calcium tablet is a better buy, break it in half. 

      4. Dairy products are a rich source of calcium, and lactose, the
sugar contained in
      milk, facilitates calcium absorption. However, chocolate milk is
not a good source
      of calcium. Because chocolate contains calcium-binding oxalates,
it can interfere
      with calcium absorption. 

      5. Soft drinks that contain citric and phosphoric acid can
decrease the absorption
      of calcium. A 12-ounce cola may rob the body of 100 milligrams of

      6. Vitamin C improves the absorption of calcium, which is why
      orange juice makes sense. 

      7. High-fiber diets can interfere with calcium absorption, so best
not to mix a
      high fiber meal with a high calcium one. If you do mix them, boost
your calcium
      as you increase your fiber. 

      8. The calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of a food or supplement
determines how
      much of the calcium is absorbed. The ideal calcium-phosphorus
ratio is 2 to 1,
      close to the proportion found in human milk, which has an almost
      calcium-to- phosphorus ratio of 2.3 to 1. The ratio in cow's milk
is 1.3 to 1. The
      higher the phosphorus content of the food, the more calcium is
excreted in the
      urine, leading to a loss of calcium. Foods high in phosphorus
(such as meat,
      poultry, corn, potatoes, beer, buckwheat) can interfere with
calcium absorption. 

      9. The presence of estrogen facilitates calcium absorption, so
women after
      menopause are at increased risk of calcium deficiency and
therefore need to
      increase their daily intake of calcium. 

      10. You may read that vegans run the risk of calcium deficiency
because the
      calcium in vegetables, like iron, is bound by the fibers and
      (mineral-building chemicals in plants) in the vegetables and may
interfere with
      calcium absorption. The theoretical worry may be balanced out by
the lower
      phosphate content of vegetables, which improves calcium
absorption, and by the
      fact that most people have the enzyme phytase, which breaks down
the phytic
      acid in vegetables. 

      11. Couch-potatoism, or lack of exercise, may contribute as much,
or more, to
      osteoporosis than lack of calcium. Weight-bearing exercise (just
about any
      exercise except swimming or cycling) not only builds muscle, it
builds bone. 

      12. Ignore what you read about losing bone mass while
breastfeeding . After
      weaning, breastfeeding mothers regain the bone mass they may have
lost. Some
      even get a perk by regaining more. 

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