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The following information is being provided to help address concerns
recently expressed in press reports about a possible association between
developmental disorders such as autism and vaccines.
1. What is autism?
Autism is a chronic developmental disorder. The main characteristics of
autism are problems in social interaction, communication, and restrictive
and repetitive interests and activities.
Autism may be initially noted in infancy as impaired attachment, but it is
most often first identified in toddlers, mostly boys, from 18 to 30 months
of age. Boys are 3 to 4 times more likely to be afflicted with autism than
girls. Girls as a group, however, may be more severely affected. Correct
diagnosis of autism depends on an accurate developmental history focused on
types of behaviors typical of autism and on evaluation of current functional
skills. Approximately 75 percent of persons with autism are mentally
retarded. Less than 5 percent of children with autistic traits have fragile
X or some other, known chromosomal abnormality.
Although there is no cure, autism is treatable. Symptoms associated with
autism often improve, as children start to acquire language and learn how to
communicate their needs.
2. What are the known causes of autism?
The causes of autism are unknown in most cases. In a few cases, biologic
causes have been identified, although none are unique to autism. Some
prenatal factors include intrauterine rubella; tuberous sclerosis;
chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down's syndrome; as well as brain
abnormalities, such as hydrocephalus. Frequently cited postnatal conditions
associated with autism are untreated phenylketonuria, infantile spasms, and
herpes simplex encephalitis. In the majority of cases, however, no
underlying cause can be identified.
The current theory favored by many experts is that autism is a
genetically-based disorder that occurs before birth (Piven 1997). Studies of
persons with autism are finding abnormalities in brain structures that
develop in the first few weeks of gestation (that is, while the fetus is in
the womb) (Rodier 1998). Evidence that genetics is an important, but not
exclusive, cause of autism includes a three to 8 percent risk of recurrence
in families with one affected child. A working group convened by the
National Institutes of Health in 1995 reached a consensus that autism is a
genetic condition. An issue unresolved by the group was the role of immune
factors in autism spectrum disorders; it was suggested that studies to
clarify the situation are needed.
3. Is there any scientific evidence that provides a link between autism and
To date there is no convincing evidence that any vaccine can cause autism or
any kind of behavioral disorder. A suspected link between measles, mumps,
rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism has been suggested by some parents of
children with autism. Typically, symptoms of autism are first noted by
parents as their child begins to have difficulty with delays in speaking
after age one. MMR vaccine is first given to children at 12 to 15 months of
age. Therefore autism cases with an apparent onset within a few weeks after
MMR vaccination may simply be an expected but unrelated chance occurrence.
The only evidence that has been presented to suggest that MMR vaccine may be
associated with autism has been published by the Lancet (Wakefield et al
1998 ). An editorial published in the same issue, however, discussed
concerns about the validity of the study (Chen and DeStefano 1998). Based on
data from 12 patients, Wakefield and colleagues speculated that MMR vaccine
may have been the possible cause of bowel problems which led to a decreased
absorption of essential vitamins and nutrients which resulted in
developmental disorders like autism. No scientific analyses were reported,
however, to substantiate the theory. Whether this series of 12 cases
represent an unusual or unique clinical syndrome is difficult to judge
without knowing the size of the patient population and time period over
which the cases were identified. If there happened to be selective referral
of patients with autism to the researchers' practice, the reported case
series may simply reflect such referral bias. Moreover, the theory that
autism may be caused by poor-absorption of nutrients due to bowel
inflammation is not supported by the clinical data. In at least 4 of the 12
reported cases, behavioral problems appeared before the onset of symptoms of
inflammatory bowel disease (that is, the effect preceded the cause).
Furthermore, since publication of their original report in February of 1998,
Wakefield and colleagues have published another study in which highly
specific laboratory assays in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, the
posited mechanism for autism after MMR vaccination, were negative for
measles virus (Chadwick 1998, Duclos 1998).
Other recent investigations also do not support a causal association between
MMR (or other measles-containing vaccines) and autism or inflammatory bowel
disease. In one investigation, a Working Party on MMR Vaccine of the United
Kingdom's Committee on Safety of Medicines (1999) was charged with the
evaluation of several hundred reports, collected by a firm of lawyers, of
autism, Crohn's disease, or similar disorders developing after receipt of
MMR or MR vaccines. The Working Party conducted a systematic, standardized
review of parental and physician information. Although acknowledging that it
is impossible to prove or refute the suggested associations (because of
variable data quality, biased selection of cases, and lack of a control
group), the Working Party concluded that the information available "... did
not support the suggested causal associations or give cause for concern
about the safety of MMR or MR vaccines."
A study by Taylor and colleagues provides population-based evidence that
overcomes many of the limitations faced by the Working Party and by
Wakefield and colleagues (Taylor 1999; DeStefano and Chen 1999). The authors
identified all 498 known cases of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in certain
districts of London born in 1979 or later and linked them to an independent
regional vaccination registry. ASD includes classical autism, atypical
autism, and Asperger's syndrome, but the results were similar when cases of
classical autism were analyzed separately. The authors first showed that the
known number of ASD cases has been increasing since 1979 and there was no
jump after the introduction of MMR vaccine in 1988. Second, they found that
cases vaccinated before 18 months of age had similar ages at diagnosis as
did cases who had been vaccinated after 18 months or not vaccinated,
indicating that vaccination does not result in earlier expression of
autistic characteristics. Third, they showed that at age two years the MMR
vaccination coverage among the ASD cases was nearly identical to coverage in
children in the same birth cohorts in the whole region, providing evidence
of an overall lack of association with vaccination. Finally, Taylor and
colleagues showed that the first diagnosis of autism or initial signs of
behavioral regression were not more likely to occur within time periods
following vaccination than during other time periods. A weak statistical
association was found between MMR vaccination and initial parental concern,
but this appears to have been due to parents' difficulty in recalling
precise age at onset and a preference for approximating the age as 18
A study of the population of children in two communities in Sweden also
found no evidence of an association between MMR vaccination and autism
(Gillberg and Heijbel 1998). That study found no difference in the
prevalence of autism in children born after the introduction of MMR
vaccination in Sweden compared with children born before.
4. Is there a theoretical possibility that there is a connection between
autism and MMR vaccine or any other vaccine?
If measles vaccine, or any other vaccine, causes autism then it would have
to be a very rare occurrence since millions have children have received
vaccines without ill health effects.
In January 1990, an Institute of Medicine committee examining possible
health effects associated with DPT vaccine concluded that there was no
evidence to indicate a causal relation between DPT vaccine or the pertussis
component of DPT vaccine and autism. Also, data obtained from CDC's
Monitoring System for Adverse Events Following Immunization (MASAEFI)
system, showed no reports of autism occurring within 28 days of DPT
immunization from 1978-1990, a period in which approximately 80.1 million
doses of DPT vaccine were administered in the United States.
>From January 1990 through February 1998, only 15 cases of autism behavior
disorder after immunization were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events
Reporting System (VAERS). Because of the small number of reports over an 8
year period, the cases reported are likely to represent unrelated chance
occurrences that happened around the time of vaccination. The most frequent
vaccines cited in the reports were diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DPT),
oral polio vaccine (OPV), and MMR. Other vaccines reported as having a
possible association with autism were Haemophilus influenzae type B and
Hepatitis B.
Recently, the National Childhood Encephalopathy Study (NCES) was examined to
see if there was any link between measles vaccine and neurological events.
Researchers in England found no indication that measles vaccine contributes
to the development of long term neurological damage, including educational
and behavioral deficits (Miller et al 1997).
5. What are the known side effects associated with MMR vaccination?
Most persons have no reactions after receiving a MMR vaccination. About
5%-15% of vaccinees may develop a fever 5-12 days after MMR vaccination and
5% may develop a rash. Central nervous system conditions, including
encephalitis and encephalopathy, have been reported with a frequency of less
than one per million doses administered.
As with the administration of any agent that can produce fever, some
children may have a febrile seizure. Most convulsions following measles
vaccination are simple febrile seizures, and they affect children without
known risk factors. An increased risk of febrile convulsions may occur among
children with a prior history of convulsions.
6. What is the federal government doing to protect the health of persons who
receive MMR vaccine?
There are no proven data to suggest that measles vaccine will increase the
risk of developing autism or any other behavioral disorder. The CDC
continues to recommend two doses of MMR vaccine for all children who do not
have a known medical contraindication; the first dose is recommended at
12-15 months of age and the second dose is recommended at either 4-6 years
of age or at 11-12 years of age. For more information about
contraindications to MMR vaccine see the Advisory Committee's
Recommendations for Immunization Practices on MMR vaccine. (MMWR 1998).
To assure the safety of vaccines, The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National
Institutes of Health (NIH), and other Federal agencies routinely monitor and
conduct research to examine any new evidence that would suggest possible
problems with the safety of vaccines. Currently, CDC is conducting a study
in the metropolitan Atlanta area to further evaluate any possible
association between MMR vaccination and autism. Results of this study are
expected sometime in 2000.
Health Care providers that administer vaccines are required to report to the
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) certain adverse health events
that occur in persons who have received vaccines. Some of these reports are
related to vaccines and other reports are not related but occur from other
causes and happen around the time vaccines are given. Anyone can fill out a
report, you do not have to be a health care provider. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) collect and analyze these reports. If you wish to report a health
problem that followed vaccination you can do so by calling the Vaccine
Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) at 1-800-822-7967.
The National Immunization Program has established a National Immunization
Information Hotline to help answer questions people may have about vaccines.
The phone number for the National Immunization Information Hotline is
1-800-232-2522 (English) and 1-800-232-0233 (Spanish).
Afzal MA, Minor PD, Begley J, et al. Absence of measles-virus genome in
inflammatory bowel disease. Lancet 1998;351:646.
Bristol MM, Cohen DJ, Costello EJ, et al. State of the science in autism:
Report to the National Institutes of Health. J Autism Developmental
Disorders 1996;26:121-54.
Chadwick N, Bruce IJ, Schepelmann S, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Measles virus
DNA is not detected in inflammatory bowel disease using hybrid capture and
reverse transcriptase followed by polymerase chain reaction. J Med Virol
Chen RT, DeStefano F. Vaccine adverse events: causal or coincidental? Lancet
1998; 351:611 -612.
DeStefano F, Chen RT. Negative association between MMR and autism. Lancet
Duclos P, Ward BJ. Measles vaccines: a review of adverse events. Drug Safety
Ekbom A, Wakefield AJ, Zack M, Adami HO. Perinatal measles infection and
subsequent Crohn's disease. Lancet 1994;344:508-10.
Gillberg C, Coleman M. Autism and medical disorders: A review of the
literature. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 1996;38:191-202.
Gillberg C, Heijbel H. MMR and autism. Autism 1998;2:423-4.
IOM, Adverse Effects of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines, Institute of
Medicine, 1991.
IOM, Adverse Events Associated with Childhood Vaccines, Evidence Bearing on
Causality, 1994.
Medicines Commission Agency/Committee on Safety of Medicines. The safety of
MMR vaccine. Curr Probl Curr Pharmacovigilance 1999;25:9-10.
Metcalf J. Is measles infection associated with Crohn's disease? Brit Med J
Miller D, Wadsworth J, Diamond J, Ross E. Measles vaccination and
neurological events. Lancet 1997;349:730-31
MMWR, Measles prevention: recommendations of the immunization practices
advisory committee, MMWR 1989;Vol.38 / No.S-9.
MMWR, Measles, mumps, and rubella-vaccine use and strategies for elimination
of measles, rubella and congenital rubella syndrome and control mumps:
recommendations of the advisory committee on immunization practices. MMWR.
1998. Vol 47. No. RR-8.
Piven J, The Biological Basis of Autism, Current Opinion in Neurobiology,
1997, 7: 708-12
Rodier PM, Hyman SL. Early environmental factors in autism. MRDD Research
Reviews 1998;4:121-128.
Taylor B, Miller E, Farrington CP, et al. Autism and measles, mumps, and
rubella vaccine: no epidemiological evidence for a causal association.
Lancet 1999;353:2026-9.
Wakefield AJ, Murch S, Anthony A, et al. Ileal lymphoid nodular hyperplasia,
non-specific colitis, and regresssive developmental disorder in children.
Lancet 1998;351:637-41.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC Fact Sheet: Vaccines and
Autism: No Known Relati 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 9:54 AM
> Subject:      [balita-anda] FW: [MLDI] AUTISM and MMR vaccination!
> ufff...penjelasannya sangat clear....
> Thanks Dr. Jo.
> Hana
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Sent:       Monday, January 29, 2001 10:06 AM
> > Subject:    [MLDI] AUTISM and MMR vaccination!
> > 
> > ** From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sofar, there has not been any concern regarding MMR vaccination in
> Canada
> > and
> > US.  The observed incidence of autism in children, who have received
> > vaccine
> > against MMR, may only be coincidental.  Dr. Wakefield 's study(?) has
> been
> > blown up by press.  This may do more harm than good to the
> > society/children!
> > You may look at:
> > http://my.webmd.com/content/article/1680.51490
> > 
> > 
> > Progess in Gene Tranfer through the Internet, as follows:
> > http://www.abcgreetings.com/netcam.shtml?13622
> > 
> > Regards,
> > BH Jo
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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