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I'm Pregnant and Still Nursing My Toddler--Must I Wean Now?

Finding out you are pregnant does not mean you must stop nursing your
toddler. Many mothers choose to continue
breastfeeding throughout pregnancy, while others decide to wean. The
following information may help you decide what is best
for you and your family. 

Relatives and friends may tell you breastfeeding while pregnant is
dangerous. It may reassure them and you to know that,
according to THE BREASTFEEDING ANSWER BOOK, "There is no documented
danger to mother or fetus when mothers
breastfeed through a healthy pregnancy" (Mohrbacher and Stock, 1991, p.
365). In a normal pregnancy, there is no evidence
that continuing to breastfeed will increase your risk of miscarriage or
deprive your unborn child of necessary nutrients.
However, if you have a history of premature delivery or other risk
factors, your physician may advise weaning as well as
suggest restrictions on other activities. 

Feeling tired is normal in pregnancy, but breastfeeding itself does not
make you more tired. In fact, you may be able to get extra
rest if you can convince your toddler to lie down to nurse. Many
pregnant women report feeling restless or "antsy" while nursing
an older child. You may find your nipples are sore. Careful attention to
your child's position can help. Some mothers find
breathing techniques from childbirth classes can help them cope with
soreness. If your child is old enough, you can ask him or
her to nurse more gently or for shorter periods of time. 

Women who breastfeed while pregnant often find their milk supply
decreases around the fourth or fifth month. It's also not
uncommon for the flavor of your milk to change. These changes encourage
many children to wean themselves. After the new
baby is born, it's not unusual for the older child to want to taste the
milk or ask to nurse again. 

If you decide you want to wean your toddler, it's easiest to proceed
gradually. The approach of "don't offer, don't refuse" is
one that has worked for many mothers. See if you can anticipate when
your child is likely to ask to nurse and offer a distraction
or a healthful snack instead. Don't sit down in your favorite nursing
chair. Be sure you give lots of extra hugs and attention. If
your child has a strong need to suck, a bottle or pacifier may be
appropriate. Remember that weaning a toddler can be hard
work: continuing to nurse is sometimes easier for the mother. 

If you continue nursing through the pregnancy, you may find yourself
breastfeeding both an infant and an older sibling. Many
mothers have found this arrangement, called "tandem nursing," is a good
way of meeting the needs of both children. Your local
LLL Leader can give you more information on breastfeeding while pregnant
and/or tandem nursing. You can also find
information in the LLLI publications below: 

Mothering Your Nursing Toddler by Norma Jane Bumgarner. Franklin Park,
Illinois: La Leche League International, 1982. 

Nursing Two: Is It For You? Franklin Park, Illinois: La Leche League
International, 1989. Publication No. 53. 

>         Aku sekarang juga lagi hamil 2 bulan, makanya Putri aku mau
> sapi,
> untuk
>         kebaikan semua juga kan. Dalam kasus aku ini menurut rekan-2
> gimana
> ya...
>         aku khawatir kalau Putri masih nenen, akan pengaruh besar sama
> janin
> yang
>         aku kandung sekarang. Mohon sharing dari rekan-2.
>         Terima kasih sebelumnya.

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