Iseng2 ngebrowsing abis jam kantor saya nemu artikel hasil penelitian ttg berapa lama 
sebaiknya melahirkan lagi stlh operasi cesar (krn saya juga lagi menunggu kelahiran 
anak kedua stlh yg pertama lewat cesar). Semoga berguna.


Washington, DC -- -- Women who space their pregnancies close together increase their 
risk of uterine rupture if they attempt a trial of labor following a prior cesarean 
delivery, says a study in the February issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology 
The most serious complication of a trial of labor following a prior cesarean delivery 
is the risk (approximately one percent) of uterine rupture. Researchers analyzed data 
on 2,409 women admitted between 1984 and 1996 to Brigham and Women's Hospital in 
Boston for a trial of labor after a prior cesarean. They found that if a woman had an 
interval of only 18 months or less between her two deliveries (9 months or less 
between pregnancies), she had a threefold increased risk of uterine rupture compared 
to women with longer intervals between deliveries. 
One possible explanation is that uterine rupture may occur during labor due to 
incomplete healing of the prior surgical site. Other studies have found that at least 
6 and possibly 9 months are required for complete restoration of the uterus following 
a cesarean incision. The authors note that further study is required to understand how 
the uterus heals following a cesarean -- and thus how it may be at risk for rupture in 
future deliveries. 
Contact: Thomas D. Shipp, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, at 

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