Pak Achmad Agus,

ini saya kutipkan dari BMA Family Health Encyclopedia, ttg. spastic
child. Katanya sih dulu merupakan istilah utk. anak2 dgn. cerebral
Semoga berguna,



Cerebral palsy is a paralysis or abnormal movement of the muscles
(primarily those of the limbs) caused by a brain abnormality.
The affected part of the brain is unable to control certain muscles,
making them stiff and difficult to use. The degree of the child's
handicap varies. Either certain limbs are completely immobile
or the child's movements are weak and poorly controlled. Simple
movements such as reaching for a cup may be jerky and only accomplished
after several fruitless attempts.

Stiffness of muscles is called spasticity and children with cerebral
palsy were often, in the past, called spastics. The term, however,
became used in a derogatory fashion and should be dropped. (The
Spastics Society changed its name to Scope in 1994.)  In any
case, not all children with cerebral palsy have spasticity. Some,
with a different part of the brain affected, have repeated abnormal
movements of the limbs, called athetosis or athetoid cerebral
palsy. Many of these children have a degree of mental handicap,
although some are highly intelligent. Spastic children may also
have some degree of deafness, visual defects - most often a squint
(see Squint in children) - and convulsions (see Convulsions in
For most children, the exact cause of cerebral palsy cannot be
determined. The disorder may result from faulty development or
from brain damage occurring before, during or shortly after birth.
Most cases arise long before the onset of labour (see Asphyxia).
If there is clear evidence of birth asphyxia, the risk of subsequent
children having cerebral palsy is low. Without such evidence,
however, there may be a risk varying from 1 in 4 to about 1 in
10. Genetic counselling may be advisable. Later on, brain damage
can be caused by a brain injury, meningitis (see Meningitis in
babies and children) or, very rarely, severe convulsions.

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