> > Forward this mail to alert others !!
> >
> > Missworld / I-worm.MsWorld
> > Source : http://www.kaspersky.com/news.asp?tnews=0&nview=1&id=195&page=0
> > Hati-hati jika memerima email dengan
> > Subject : Miss World
> > Attachment: MissWorld.exe, MWRLD.EXE
> > Ukuran : 131,072 bytes
> >
> > Catatan : Attachmentnya mungkin berubah nama, namun virus ini akan tetap
> > aktif.
> >
> > Jika anda menjalankan attachment, anda akan disuguhi gambar-gambar
> > berbikini yang dibuat menggunakan Macromedia sekaligus virus ini akan
> > menginfeksi komputer anda dimana ia akan mengirimkan dirinya ke address
> book
> > pada program email anda (MS Outlook ... lagi). Kemudian file
> > anda akan di rubah, sehingga pada saat berikut anda menstart komputer
> anda,
> > akan timbul pesan :
> > This Everything for my Girl Friend........., (CatEyes, KRSSL, SS Hostel)
> > Lalu harddisk anda akan di FORMAT.
> >
> >
> > In English :
> > Miss World`s Photos Hide a Dangerous Internet-Worm
> > Cambridge, United Kingdom, June 6, 2001 - Kaspersky Labs, an
> > data-security software-development company, warns about the discovery of
> > new extremely dangerous Internet-worm "I-Worm.MsWorld".
> > Up to date Kaspersky Lab has received just several reports of the worm
> from
> > the wild. However, users are advised to carefully read the worm's
> > description that will assist them to avoid its further spreading.
> > "MsWorld" is a Windows-application about 130Kb size written in Visual
> Basic
> > programming language with embedded Macromedia Flash modules. The worm
> > spreads in attached files via e-mail by using the widely-used MS Outlook
> > e-mail program.
> > It is important to note that the infected file's name can be different.
> > Initially the worm's filename is MWORLD.EXE. However, "MsWorld" allows
> > malicious persons to change the name and it will not affect the worm's
> > operability: it will still be able to spread, but with another filename.
> > After the infected file is executed the worm sequentially displays the
> > following images:
> > (Look at the image in www.vaksin.com )
> >
> > Then "MsWorld" initiates the mass mailing routine. It gets access to the
> MS
> > Outlook address book, reads the first 50 e-mail addresses from here and
> > unbeknownst to the user sends out its copies there.
> > Then the worm modifies the AUTOEXEC.BAT file by adding a set of
> > During the next PC boot up they will display the message:
> > This Everything for my Girl Friend........., (CatEyes, KRSSL, SS Hostel)
> > And then format all system disks.
> > "MsWorld" also tries to delete the Windows system registry files:
> > SYSTEM.DAT, SYSTEM.DA0, USER.DAT, USER.DA0. Thanks to the built-in
> > protection for the .DAT files it is only successful to delete their
> copies,
> > i.e. .DA0 files.
> > Protection against the "MsWorld" worm already has been added to the
> upcoming
> > daily update of KasperskyT Anti-Virus.
> > Kaspersky Anti-Virus can be purchased in the Kaspersky Labs online store
> or
> > from a worldwide network of Kaspersky Anti-Virus distributors and
> resellers.
> >
> > -----------V-------------
> > From the desk of : Vaksin.com
> > Certified Virus Free
> >
> > Go To : http://www.vaksin.com
> > For Antivirus, Firewall & Data Recovery
> >
> > Persistence Virus ??
> > Sent sample to :[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >

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