Terima kasih
Sekalipun hanya seorang diri (mamanya Dafi) yang mau nanggapi tapi saya bersyukur karna
masih ada yang peduli.

mamanya Dafi wrote:

> Halo pak, kebetulan ada artikel yang membahas itu di
> babycenter, mudah-mudahan berguna. Sebenarnya kalau
> virus nggak perlu diobati, tetapi dokter sering
> mengambil langkah antisipasi, karena dari cacar air
> yang ringan bisa jadi radang otak dan pneumonia berat,
> jadi dikasi antibiotik, tanyakan keamanan jenis obat
> tersebut ke dokter kandungan.
> Mamanya Dafi
> I'm pregnant and was recently around a child who has
> chicken pox. Should I worry?
> If you had chicken pox as a child, you probably have
> no reason to worry. Your body has developed antibodies
> to the virus, making you immune to further infection.
> But if you've never been exposed to the virus, consult
> with your doctor or midwife as soon as possible. One
> to 2 percent of babies whose mothers contract chicken
> pox while pregnant - especially between weeks eight
> and 20 of pregnancy - are born with one or more birth
> defects such as scars, eye problems, poor growth, and
> delayed development.
> Catching the chicken pox virus five days or less
> before giving birth, or one to two days after
> delivery, is even more worrisome because it can be
> fatal to the baby. If this condition, called
> congenital varicella, is left untreated, the baby has
> a 30 percent chance of dying. Giving the newborn baby
> an injection known as VZIG (varicella zoster immune
> globulin) reduces the risk. Infection six to 21 days
> before birth means a baby usually gets a mild case of
> the illness.
> If I get chicken pox during pregnancy, can I take a
> test that will tell me whether my baby has developed
> any birth defects?
> A detailed ultrasound done between weeks 18 and 20 of
> pregnancy that checks your baby's vital organs may be
> your best bet. The doctor or radiologist may be able
> to see whether the limbs and the brain are developing
> as they should. But ultrasounds can't detect all types
> of birth defects. For more information, talk to your
> doctor or midwife.
> If I haven't had chicken pox, should I get the
> vaccine?
> Not if you're already pregnant. But if you're not
> pregnant, it may be a good idea, though according to
> the manufacturer of the chicken pox vaccine, you
> should wait until three months after being immunized
> before trying to conceive. The American Academy of
> Pediatrics advocates waiting only a month.
> I'm pregnant and was exposed to someone with chicken
> pox yesterday, but I don't know whether I'm immune to
> it. What should I do?
> Your healthcare provider can do a blood test to check
> for the presence of chicken pox antibodies in your
> system. If you don't have any, you're not immune to
> the disease and stand a big chance of being infected
> because of your recent exposure to chicken pox. For
> your and your baby's protection, ask your doctor or
> midwife about getting a dose of zoster immune globulin
> (ZIG), a blood product that contains chicken pox
> antibodies. ZIG will lessen the severity of any
> possible infection. But you must get ZIG within four
> days of exposure for it to be effective.
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Mohon bantuan rekan rekan
> > BAgaimana mengobati cacar air pada saat istri saya
> > lagi hamil 2 bulan
> > Apapula bahayanya terhadap janin
> > Terima kasih
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