Laktose itu gula yang terdapat dalam susu, untuk
lengkapnya silakan baca artikel berikut ini :

Mamanya Dafi

Could my baby be lactose intolerant?
It's highly unlikely. If your baby is truly lactose
intolerant, it means that he was born without the
ability to produce lactase, the enzyme necessary to
digest lactose, the primary sugar in cows' milk and
breast milk, but this condition is extremely rare in
babies. (Between 5 and 15 percent of Caucasians and
more than 80 percent of people of African and Asian
descent eventually become lactose intolerant, but
symptoms don't usually start until later in childhood
or early adulthood.) A baby born lactose intolerant
would be very sick right from birth. He would fail to
thrive or gain weight because he would not be able to
digest breast milk or formula and would need to be put
on a special diet right away to survive.
That said, if your otherwise healthy newborn has very
watery stools and is passing a lot of gas, he may have
what is known as functional lactase deficiency, which
means that he's not yet able to completely digest
lactose. This is a temporary condition that's common
in the first few weeks of life and may even persist
for several months. As long as your baby is gaining
weight, he'll be fine and the problem will eventually
go away on its own. If you're breastfeeding, your
doctor may recommend that you try to get your baby to
empty one breast before offering the other to make
sure that he gets as much of the more high-fat hind
milk as possible. This may reduce his diarrhea.
(Lactaid drops don't seem to be of any use for this

If your baby is more than a few months old and
starting to have a reaction, such as a rash,
fussiness, or even diarrhea or vomiting, he may be
allergic to dairy proteins.

Finally, some babies become temporarily lactose
intolerant after a gastrointestinal illness or taking
a course of antibiotics, which can damage the lining
of a normal digestive tract and render it unable to
produce as much lactase as usual for a few days or
even a few weeks. (Irritation from a food allergy can
cause this same reaction.) If this is the case with
your baby, he may have gas or diarrhea after a
feeding. If your baby seems to be in severe distress,
you can ask your doctor if you should alternate
breastfeeding with a lactose-free formula for a while,
or even temporarily wean your baby onto this kind of
formula while he heals. 
----from babycenter----

--- Nila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear neterrs.....
> Berkaitan dengan judul diatas aku juga mo nanya
> seputar lactose.
> Yang dimaksud dengan lactose itu apa ya.....????
> (ketinggalan banget
> ya...hiks). Apakah lactose itu berarti sama dengan
> kadar lemak ???.
> Aku tunggu informasinya ya.... terima kasih. 
> Salam,
> Nila

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