
Check out this website, they pay people for receiving SMS's
on their mobiles and pay the people who referred them a
commission as well.

The network (called DynamicSMS) charges advertisers for
sending advertisements to their members. The examples on the
website are that if you introduce 10 people who each
introduce 10 people who each introduce 10 people, you can
make $826.70 per month - not bad for introducing 10 people.
If you introduce 30 people who introduce 20 people who
introduce 10 people, you could be earning $4,893.70 per
month or $58,724.70 per year !!!!

They also let you setup a lifestyle profile so that you
receive ads best targetted to what you are interested in. 

To find out more or to join, click on the link below which
will take you directly to their website (and put me as the
referring person). In case you only check it out later,
please remember to include my account number so that I can
be included in your referral line. Their internet address is


Payments are made electronically by direct deposit into any
account you choose.

Best regards

asx electro 96

>> Kirim bunga ke kota2 di Indonesia dan mancanegara? Klik, http://www.indokado.com/
>> Info balita, http://www.balita-anda.indoglobal.com
Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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