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Mamanya Dafi

Kawasaki's disease is a poorly understood condition
that affects young children. It causes severe
inflammation in different areas of the body, including
the heart and coronary arteries. 

What is going on in the body?

Scientists are not sure what causes inflammation of
body organs seen in Kawasaki's disease. Many experts
believe that a virus attacks the body, involving
various organs and other tissues. Children with this
disease have a severe flulike illness that usually
goes away within a week or two. Twenty percent of the
children with Kawasaki's disease have inflammation of
the heart and coronary arteries. 

What are the signs and symptoms of the disease?

Kawasaki's disease may cause the following symptoms: ·
arthritis, or joint pain and swelling ·
conjunctivitis, or inflammation of the front part of
the eye · fever, often greater than 104 degrees F, for
at least 5 days · irritability · peeling of the skin
of the hands and feet and sometimes the genital area ·
rash, usually on the trunk · redness of the mouth,
tongue, lips, and throat · swelling of the hands,
feet, fingertips, and toes · swollen lymph nodes,
primarily in the neck 

If the heart and coronary arteries are involved, the
child may have the following symptoms: · chest pain ·
a rapid heartbeat · shortness of breath 

What are the causes and risks of the disease?

While the exact cause of Kawasaki's disease is
unknown, many experts believe it is related to a viral
infection. Eighty percent of the children with
Kawasaki's disease are under 5 years old. It is rarely
seen in adults or children after age 8. It is more
common in boys than in girls. While it can occur in
every race, it is more common in children of Asian

What can be done to prevent the disease?

There is no known way to prevent Kawasaki's disease. 

How is the disease diagnosed?

Diagnosis of Kawasaki's disease begins with a medical
history and physical exam. This disease is hard to
diagnose. It is fairly rare and resembles common
childhood infections. When a child fails to get better
with antibiotics, a healthcare provider often begins
to suspect this disease. 

Because it resembles other infections, various blood
tests may be done to help rule out other conditions.
These tests include: · a complete blood count, or CBC
· the level of C-reactive protein, which is an
abnormal protein seen only during the acute stage of
certain illnesses · a sedimentation rate, which
detects inflammation or infection in the body 

Additional tests may be done, such as: · chest X-ray ·
echocardiogram, or ultrasound of the heart · EKG, to
look for damage to the heart · liver function tests ·

What are the long-term effects of the disease?

In at least half of the cases, children get better
within a few weeks without any long-term effects.
Kawasaki's disease recurs in only 2% of the children
who recover from the initial episode. 

The 20% of children who have heart involvement face
many problems, some of which are life-threatening.
Heart involvement can cause death, though this is
rare. The child may develop congestive heart failure,
a condition in which the weakened heart fails to pump
enough blood to body organs. Most of the heart
problems go away after a short time. 

However, aneurysms, which are permanent areas of
abnormal widening in the heart arteries, may occur.
This increases the risk of heart attack long after the
disease goes away.

What are the risks to others?

Although many experts believe Kawasaki's disease may
be linked to a viral infection, it is not considered
contagious from person to person.

What are the treatments for the disease?

Treatment usually takes place in the hospital. High
doses of aspirin are usually given to relieve symptoms
and prevent blood clots. Intravenous gamma globulin
may be given early in the disease to limit damage to
the coronary arteries. 

Treatment for other complications is given as needed.
For example, congestive heart failure is treated with
diuretics, or water pills. Treatment usually lasts 5
to 10 days for uncomplicated cases. 

What are the side effects of the treatments?

Aspirin can cause: · allergic reactions · kidney
damage · stomach upset 

Aspirin should never be given to children unless it is
prescribed by a healthcare provider. Aspirin use by
children has been linked to a rare, sometimes deadly
condition called Reye's syndrome. Gamma globulin can
also cause allergic reactions. 

What happens after treatment for the disease?

Most children get better within a few weeks and have
no further problems. Monitoring of the heart and heart
arteries is needed after this disease, however, to
detect any potential problems. Those who do develop
heart problems will need further monitoring and

How is the disease monitored?

An echocardiogram is done routinely during the course
of the disease and afterward. It is done to look for
aneurysms, which do not always cause symptoms. A child
who has an aneurysm may be given aspirin for long
periods of time to help reduce the risk of a heart
attack in the future. Any new or worsening symptoms
should be reported to the healthcare provider.
--from Discoveryhealth----

--- Bryan Samuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear bapaks dan ibus....
> Baru-baru ini saya mendengar ttg penyakit kawasaki,
> katanya penyakit itu menyerang anak2 dan kondisi si
> anak badannya hangat serta kelenjar di leher
> membesar.
> Apa ibu2 atau bapak2 ada yang lebih tahu??  Kalau
> ada,
> mohon pencerahannya donk
> Thanks,
> mamanya Bryan

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