Jangan khawatir, ini hanya HOAX saja.

-----Original Message-----
From: Patricia Soetjipto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 1:04 PM
Subject: [balita-anda] Fw: [iluni-world] Fw: [fisip] Fw: Fw: virus alert
urgent!! (fwd)

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 10:35:41 -0500
> From: Ake H. Pangestuti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;@mail.cs.ui.ac.id>
> Subject: [iluni-world] Fw: [fisip] Fw: Fw: virus alert urgent!!
> fyi.
> Best regards,
> Ake Harini Pangestuti
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: kaliente reksodiputro
>   Hi Everybody:
>   We just received a message today from someone in our Address Book.
Their Address Book had been infected by a virus that came from someone
else's address book.  The virus (called jdbgmgr.exe) is not detected by
Norton or McAfee anti-virus systems or by our Grisoft system. So it probably
isn't detected by any of the others either.  The virus sits quietly for 14
days before damaging the system. It's sent automatically by the messenger
and by the Address Book, whether or not you sent emails to your contacts. We
have checked, found it, and deleted it. I didn't even know we had it until I
did the following steps to check and there it was.
>   - Lente -
>   Here's how to check for the virus and how to get rid of it:
>   DO THIS;
>   1. Go to Start,Find, or Search option.
>   2. In the files/folder option, write the name jdbgmgr.exe
>   3. Be sure you search your C;drive
>   4. Click "find now"
>   5. The virus has a teddy bear icon with the name jdbgmgr.exe
>   6. Right click and delete it. It will then go to the Recycle Bin
>   7. Go to the recycle bin and delete it there as well.
>   ** IMPORTANT **
>   If you find the virus, (as we did just now) you must contact all the
people in your address book so they can eradicate it in their own address
books. Sorry about this, we're sure everyone in our address book will have
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