wah ibu nama anaknya rafif yah ???
sama dong dengan anak saya namanya juga Rafif Izzudin Irdasyah
lakii-laki udah umur 2 thn sekarang kalo ibu berapa thn ?


pandoe imro

-----Original Message-----
From: nikmah umar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Wonderful World of English

Ibu Rani, itu buku Wonderful World English harganya berapa ?


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 1:54 PM
Subject: [balita-anda] Wonderful World of English

Dear Neters,

Saya mau menawarkan buku belajar bahasa Inggris untuk children/Balita yaitu
Wonderful World English. Buku ini saya peroleh dari Tiga Raksa sewaktu beli
produk yang lain sehingga ada discount, namun sampai saat ini belum sempat
dipakai sama sekali (masih dalam Dus) karena untuk English kelihatannya
putri saya lebih suka pakai SAY IT ENGLISH (produk dari PT Tira juga).
Kalo ada yang minat dan concern dengan perkembangan bahasa english untuk
anaknya menurut saya buku ini (wonderful world english) sangat membantu
juga. Bisa hubungi saya via japri atau telpon (021)9135197.
dibawah ini saya lampirkan ilustrasi buku tsb. Terima kasih


(mamanya Salsa)

Early Childhood

Wonderful World of English

#6164 | ISBN: 0-7166-5300-1
Number of volumes:

This fascinating reading program from World Book is based on the way
children naturally learn language skills: by listening and absorbing at
their own pace.

Here's a reading program pitched exactly at your child's level of interest.
Charming stories and poems, interesting factual accounts, absorbing puzzles,
and fun activities are used to capture your child's imagination, and more
important, get them to read!

The readings are supplemented with audiocassettes, which demonstrate
pronunciation of words and rhythms of speech. Just listen and watch as your
child's reading becomes more fluent and his or her vocabulary grows!

Kid-favorite topics include Marvelous Monsters, Wonders of the Sea, Way up
High, and other popular selections. Exotic creatures, the Bermuda Triangle,
sea serpents and dragons--that's the stuff that keeps kids reading and
listening and asking for more.

Included with the Wonderful World of English is a guide for parents that is
filled with helpful hints about how to encourage your child to read and get
the maximum benefits from this wonderful program.

Leave it to the experts at World Book to come up with a new, first-rate
reading program to give kids the upper hand in the Wonderful World of

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