Accuracy in Media
It Didn't Start or End With Watergate
By Cliff Kincaid  |  June 16, 2005
"...the story is incomplete and inaccurate."
But there's more to compare and contrast.

Nixon inherited the war in Vietnam and was trying to resolve it. Clinton started wars in Bosnia and Kosovo without Congressional authorization.

In a recent article on,  Evan Sayet wrote about how liberals have treated the Clinton wars in the Balkans, in contrast to how they have treated President Bush and the war in Iraq.

If liberals and Democrats truly believed it was "wrong" to remove the leader of a sovereign nation, he wrote, "they would have been marching in the streets screaming 'No Blood For Sex' when the previous president launched wars against Bosnia and Kosovo to remove from power the sovereign leader, Slobodan Milosevic." That's a reference to Clinton's involvement in the Balkans being a diversion from Clinton's sex scandal.


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