Subject:   UN Military Officer Asks: Was Srebrenica a Hoax? 

Emperor's Clothes Newsletter * 16 June 2005

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Have you seen the Emperor's Clothes movie 'Judgment!' ? It proves the
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UN Military Officer asks, "Was Srebrenica a Hoax?"
Article by Carlos Martins Branco

With minor text editing and comments by
Jared Israel and Petar Makara

[16 June 2005]


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Below we have posted an analysis of what happened in Srebrenica,
written by Carlos Martins Branco, a Portuguese military officer who
served in Bosnia as a UNMO (UN Military Observers) Deputy Chief
Operations Officer in the UNPF (UN Peace Forces) at theatre level.
Meaning he knew a whole lot about what was happening on the ground.

Branco argues that the extremist Bosnian Muslim leadership made it
easy for Serbian forces to re-take Srebrenica in 1995, setting the
stage to sell the world a false massacre story, with the purpose of
isolating the Bosnian Serbs, internationally.  He argues that it was a
big mistake for the Serbs to go in, but it was not an act of genocide.
 That, he says, is a fabrication, and he adds that he debriefed UN
Military Observers who were involved, and has read UN reports that
were never shown to the public.

A few points.

First regarding credibility, this being the internet, how do we know
Carlos Martins Branco is who he says he is?  Well, for one thing,
here's a 2003 link to a Portuguese Defense Ministry website with the 
summary of an article he wrote for the official Defense Ministry
magazine, "Nation and Defense?"
It's in Portuguese, but it is easy to see that the article deals with
UN peacekeeping operations.

Second, some websites have mistakenly described Mr. Branco as Italian.
He's not. He taught at the European University Institute in [San]
Domenico di Fiesole, Italy, but he's Portuguese.

Branco's article, "Was Srebrenica a Hoax?" was apparently written in
1997.  A year later he published it on a discussion group called
T-Watch, the scene of arguments about Yugoslavia. The arguments got
pretty hot, hence his ironic comment that some people might not like
what he has to say.

Mr. Branco translated the article into English, which isn't his first
language, and there's some confusing syntax and a few other errors.
We've corrected these. (For a link to the uncorrected version, see
footnote [1].) We've also added some comments and clarifications in

Carlos Martins Branco, like most everyone else, refers to the people
fighting the Bosnian Serbs as 'Muslims.'  In fact, the Bosnian Muslims
were sharply divided. One faction, led by Fikret Abdic, was allied
with the Serbs. The key force opposing the Serbs was Alija
Izetbegovic's SDA, an extremist party, despite the Western media's
unfortunate practice of describing it and Izetbegovic as moderate.
Anyway, Branco uses 'Muslim,' and because it's awkward to keep writing
'Muslim extremist' or 'Muslim fundamentalist,' we sometimes do too,
but please keep in mind that Alija Izetbegovic was not supported by
all Bosnian Muslims.

Jared Israel and Petar Makara
Emperors Clothes


Was Srebrenica a Hoax?
By Carlos Martins Branco
4 March 1998

- Note from Carlos Martins Branco to T-Watch discussion list

- Mr. Branco's article on Srebrenica


Hi everybody,

I would like to express my views on the events of Srebrenica. I am
sending one article I wrote some time ago, which reflects a very
different approach from the one conveyed by the Western media and CNN
in particular. I was UNMO Deputy Chief Operations Officers of UNPF (at
theatre level) and my information is based upon debriefings of UNMOs
[UN Military Observers -EC] who where posted to Srebrenica during
those days and some UN reports not disclosed to public opinion. My
sources are not Ruder & Finn Global Public Affairs, which has not my
name included in its database. [Ruder Finn is a Public Relations
agency that did high level work for the Croatian and Bosnian Muslim
secessionists. - EC]

I don't want to discuss numbers and similar matters. Those subjects do
not interest me at all. There is not reliable information, and figures
have been used and manipulated for propaganda purposes which are not
oriented to a serious understanding of the Yugoslavian conflict.

The article I am sending is based upon true information and includes
my analysis of the events. To tell the full story would take longer
than this article; however, I tried to concentrate my account of what
happened into as small a text as possible. I hope it contributes to a
further clarification of what really happened in Srebrenica and what
was behind it, especially as concerns the Bosnian Muslim attitude.

I do believe that Srebrenica shows a pattern of behaviour of the
warring factions in the conflict: on the one hand, the Bosnian Muslims
provoking the Serbs and trying hard to convince the international
community to intervene by force against the Serbs in order to solve
the military question; on the other hand, the Serb leadership's lack
of intelligence giving Muslims the justifications and arguments they
were looking for. I know that some of you won't enjoy the contents of
the article. For those, sorry.

Carlos Martins Branco


Was Srebrenica a Hoax?
by Carlos Martins Branco


It is now two years since the Muslim enclave, Srebrenica, fell into
the hands of the Serbian army in Bosnia. Much has been written about
the matter. Nonetheless the majority of reports have been limited to a
broad media exposure of the event, with very little analytic rigour.
Discussion of Srebrenica cannot be limited to genocide and mass
graves, which has been almost a banal occurrence throughout
ex-Yugoslavia. A rigorous analysis of the events must take into
consideration the background circumstances, in order to understand the
real motives which led to the fall of the enclave.

The zone of Srebrenica, like almost all of Eastern Bosnia, is
characterized by very rugged terrain. Steep valleys with dense forests
and deep ravines make it impossible for combat vehicles to pass, and
offers a clear advantage to defensive forces. Given the resources
available to both parties, and the characteristics of the terrain, it
would seem that the Bosnian army (ABiH) had the necessary force to
defend itself, if it had used full advantage of the terrain. This,
however, did not occur.

Given the military advantage of the [Muslim] defensive forces it is
very difficult to explain the absence of military resistance. The
Muslim forces did not establish an effective defensive system and did
not even try to take advantage of their heavy artillery, under control
of the United Nations (UN) forces, at a time in which they had every
reason to do so.

The lack of [Muslim] military response stands in clear contrast to the
offensive attitude which characterized the actions of the [Muslim]
defensive forces in previous siege situations, which typically
launched violent raids against the Serbian villages surrounding the
enclave, thus producing heavy casualties amongst the Serbian civilian

But in this instance, with the attention of the media focused upon the
area, military defence of the enclave would have revealed the true
situation in security zones, and demonstrated that these had never
been genuinely demilitarized zones as was claimed, but harboured
highly-armed [Muslim] military units. Military resistance would
jeopardize the image of [Muslims as] victims, which had been so
carefully constructed, and which the Muslims considered it was vital
to maintain.

Throughout the entire operation it was clear that there were profound
disagreements among the leaders of the enclave. From a military
viewpoint, there was total confusion. [Nasir] ORIC, the charismatic
commander of Srebrenica, was absent. [2]

The Sarajevo government did not authorize his return in order to lead
the resistance. Military power fell into the hands of his lieutenants,
who had a long history of incompatibility. The absence of Oric's clear
leadership led to a situation of total ineptitude. The contradictory
orders of his successors completely paralysed the forces under siege.

The behaviour of the political leaders is also interesting. The local
SDP president, Zlatko Dukic, in an interview with European Union
observers, explained that Srebrenica formed part of a business
transaction which involved a logistical support route to Sarajevo, via
[the Sarajevo suburb of] VOGOSCA. He also claimed that the fall of the
enclave formed part of an orchestrated campaign to discredit the West
and win the support of Islamic countries. This was the reason for
[Nasir] Oric to maintain distance from his troops. This thesis was
also defended by the local supporters of the SDA [the Party of
Democratic Action party of Alija Izetbegovic [3].] There were also
many rumours of a trade within the local population of the enclave.

Another curious aspect was the absence of a military reaction from the
2nd Corps of the Muslim army [outside of the enclave], which did
nothing to relieve the military pressure on the enclave. It was common
knowledge that the [Bosnian] Serb unit in the region, the Drina Corps,
was exhausted and that the attack on Srebrenica was only possible with
the aid of units from other regions. Despite this fact, Sarajevo did
not lift a finger in order to launch an attack which would have
divided the Serbian forces and exposed the vulnerabilities created by
the concentration of [Bosnian Serb] resources around Srebrenica. Such
an attack would have reduced the military pressure on the enclave.

It is also important to register the pathetic appeal of the president
of Opstina [which means 'county,' in Serbo-Croatian], Osman Suljic, on
July 9, [1995] which implored military observers to say to the world
that the Serbians were using chemical weapons. The same gentleman
later accused the media of transmitting false news items on the
resistance of troops in the enclave, requiring a denial from the UN.
According to Suljic, the Muslim troops did not respond, and would
never respond with heavy artillery fire. Simultaneously, he complained
of the lack of food supplies and of the humanitarian situation.
Curiously, [the U.N.] observers were never allowed to inspect the
[Srebrenica Muslim] food reserve deposits. The emphasis given by
political leaders on the lack of military response and the absence of
food provisions loosely suggests an official policy which began to be

[Note from TENC:  What Branco writes above chemical weapons is not
entirely clear. In a discussion of this text on the T-Watch list,
Branco was clearer, stating that one of the crucial questions about
Srebrenica was, "Why did they [the Muslim leadership inside
Srebrenica] pressure us to pass the lie of Serbs attacking with
chemical gas?" For his full list of crucial questions about
Srebrenica, see footnote [4].]

** This text is continued in part 2, to be sent to the Newsletter list
shortly. **
To continue reading now, go to

[Footnotes & Further Reading follows the appeal]


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* Footnotes and Further Reading *


[1] To read the uncorrected text as it appeared on T-Watch, please go to

[2] A Toronto Star reporter recounted an evening spent with the
charismatic Mr. Oric, during which the latter boasted of killing
Serbian peasants living in villages near Srebrenica. Go to

[3] To understand the political character of Alija Izetbegovic and
therefore of his SDA, see "Who was Izetbegovic? Moderate Democrat or
Radical Islamist?" at

[4] Carlos Martins Branco got in an argument on the T-Watch discussion
list with a fellow named Daniel Kofman, in which he raised eight
questions which cast doubt on the official Srebrenica massacre story:

    [Branco's questions begin here]

    Those questions are as follows

    A - Why Naser Oric was not in Srebrenica to defend the enclave?

    B -Why local leadership tried to sell us (UNMOs) the idea that the
enclave was not organising the defence?

    C - Why did they pressure us to pass the lie of Serbs attacking
with chemical gas?

    D - Why the ABiH [Muslim extremist army] did not take one single
weapon from the weapon collection sites?

    E - Why they did not defend themselves opposing to previous
offensive attitudes against Serbian villages around Srebrenica?

    F - Why the BSA did attack in only one direction, from the north
to the south, leaving the hypothesis to escape to the north and west?

    G - Why ABiH 2 Corps did not lift a single finger to defend their
Muslim brothers in Srebrenica?

    H - A final question. The accurate CNN satellite photos. Let's
supposed they were taken in the region. Why it was not disclosed so
far their exactly position? the grids, for instance. Before [the
signing of the] Dayton [Accords] there was the excuse of restriction
of movement (ROM), but ROM finished on 19 December 95. Where are the
corps[es] of the CNN mass graves? The type and quantity of mass graves
discovered so far reinforces my "theory" and I quote again my article:
There are obviously mass graves in the outskirts of Srebrenica ...
where combat has occurred" but nothing that we can consider genocide.
Normal, for the circumstances... Despite the microscopic precision in
localization of these graves, it is certain that none has been
discovered to date. We inevitably speculate on why they have still not
been shown to the world. It is reasonable and serious to defend the
thesis of 8000 corpses missing when after 2 years of investigations
only around 400 hundreds were id!
entified? Did the remaining evaporate?

    [Branco's questions end here]

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