On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 09:28, Noufal Ibrahim <nou...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > > I checked out the page. I can probably pitch in for stuff like writing
>> > > the proposal and talking to companies.

i would help with the above (and the local media) but wanted to
discuss some things on thelist instead of editing the wiki and
annoying folks.

> Good ideas. I have a page at
> http://wiki.python.org/moin/PyConIndiaProposalDraft which I'm working on.

0. Should'nt this page include the proposed dates (September 4,5,6
(Baiju M)) or is that still under discussion ?
1. The Aims listed on the Draft page are huge in terms of scope and
would take more than one conference to achieve.
2. Would this be held only in Bangalore or would it be possible for
local groups in different cities to hold their own 1/2/3 day events?

The "ProposalForPyConIndia" wiki page has a community discussion
section with varying opinions. Before editing I wanted to clarify the

0. Earlier discussions on this list gave an impression of the conf
being open to all (read newbies) but this is not clear on this wiki
page. Has that changed?
1. Please clarify/define "dedicated conference". (As in, is the pyconf
open to people like me who "dont code for a living" and yet grok
technical concepts?)

+1 for the low budget, sans swag concept but some clarity on what is
the scope of the event, since its being held here for the first time,
would be a lot nicer.  The conf planning page was a nice read :) so
how about a "volunteers" page ?

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