I wonder if all this can be traced back to India's education system:

"Modern education in India is often criticized for being based on rote
learning rather than problem solving. BusinessWeek denigrates the
Indian curriculum saying it revolves around rote learning.[67] and
ExpressIndia suggests that students are focused on cramming.[68]"


But Ghose raises an important point about it also being a cultural
issue. Heh, wish there was a well-researched Wikipedia article on this


On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 4:24 PM, Baishampayan Ghose <b.gh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Why do indian programmers ask for code in  Usenet (particularly Google
>> groups) ?
> Most Indian programmers were never supposed to be programmers. They
> simply lack the cognitive skills required to be in the business. Yet
> they are the ones who work for large/medium/small software service
> companies. So when they face a problem, they have absolutely no clue
> as to where to look for solutions. They also have no idea about the
> various programming communities and their modus operandi. They just
> join some random group and ask for solutions (it's akin to asking for
> some software in some shareware group).
> The problem is also inside the organisations; people who ask their
> seniors questions are deemed to be fools, etc.
> I think there is no solution to this specific problem. It's more of a
> culture issue. Unless and until parents let their children do whatever
> they want and the society treats people from all professions equally,
> people will keep flocking into the most fashionable profession of that
> decade. Computer programming is on its way out... management is much
> more fashionable now; the only difference is that a programmer's work
> revolves around the Internet and the Internet never forgets :)
> Regards,
> BG
> --
> Baishampayan Ghose
> b.ghose at gmail.com
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