On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 12:40 AM, nikunj badjatya
<nikunjbadja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all BangPyPers,
> I couldnt attend the January's user group meeting becoz of unforseen
> circumstances.
> I have one important question to ask to all of you,
> I am a fresher, recently completed my graduation, had started working on
> python 2 months back..!! and I just fell in love with the language. I want
> to learn more about it.
> The only concern is there arent enough companies which work on Python. (
> correct if I am wrong?? )[..]

Technologies which companies work on will change continuously. If the
only criterion you have for selecting a language to learn is
employability, then COBOL or Java would be the best candidates.

Not that there's anything wrong with programming purely as a job but I
suspect that many people on this list learn and do Python just because
they love the language and the technologies associated with it.

The key to being employable is adaptability. You can become a
specialist in a domain perhaps but becoming a specialist *only* in a
single language is flirting with career suicide.

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