Sorry about the repeated email. The last one got mangled somehow.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Noufal Ibrahim <>
Date: Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 10:46 PM
Subject: [Inpycon] T-shirt/Logo designs
To: Mailing list for the PyCon India conference <>

Hello everyone,
       We need a T-shirt.

       This is going to be the one thing (apart from word of mouth)
that will give us publicity *after* the conference. Therefore, it has to
reappy kick butt. Also, the designer will get to see her designs
wandering around the country for a whole year which is definitely good

       A logo and a snappy T-shirt design are two things we need to come
up with. Needless to say, it would be highly preferred if someone from
the community itself came up with a design. If not, we'll have to pay a
professional artist to do it. That's a last resort and I'd rather not
blow cash on it. We had some nice submissions for the Badges and need
some nice ones for the T-shirt.

       A lot of people mailed me with cool badge ideas *after* we
decided on the badges. I'm announcing this now so that people have time
to work on something cool and exhibit it.

       The page to upload your contributions is (I've made sections
for the T-shirt and logo).

       So, get the creative juices flowing and let's see what we can
come up with! If you have artist friends looking for free advertising,
let them know as well


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